Dracaena Wines Podcast

Winemakers Sharing Their Cab Franc Love



It’s Monday, Let’s raise a glass to the beginning of another week. It’s time to unscrew, uncork or saber a bottle and let’s begin Exploring the Wine Glass! I am so excited to share this episode with you! This past Cab Franc Day, I sat down with eight Cab Franc producers and discussed what is so special about this grape variety.  We sold over 70 tickets for this Zoom session, which goes to show how much Cab Franc love there is out there! If you are a Cab Franc lover, please be sure to sign up for the Cab Franc Day newsletter and follow the facebook page. You can also visit cabfrancday.com to find producers. Please take a moment to rate and review the podcast. Did you know you can do it right now, while you are listening? New ratings and reviews are how the algorithms decide which podcasts they recommend to others and if you love the podcast, other wine lovers will too!  And don’t forget to add your email address to our newsletter list on the website to keep up to date on all things Exploring the Wine Glass. Ca