Larissa Robins With Vladimir Karpinskiy

This podcast is a sincere sharing of a Russian Master of Yoga (Yoga Acharya) who quitted his scientific carrier and spent 40 years of his life answering a few simple questions:...

Two Tactics Of Social-democracy In The Democratic Revolution By Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

In the heat of the failed 1905 revolution in Russia, Lenin here contrasts the precision of the Bolshevik political program and tactics with various inconsistent and servile...

Two Tactics of Social-Democracy in the Democratic Revolution by LENIN, Vladimir Ilyich

In the heat of the failed 1905 revolution in Russia, Lenin here contrasts the precision of the Bolshevik political program and tactics with various inconsistent and servile...


This strange tale by Vladimir Odoyevsky takes the readers from Finnish backwater to St. Petersburg during the era of Peter the Great to Moscow in the years that followed Peter's...

The Wooden Guest (moonlit Tales Of The Macabre - Small Bites Book 5)

"The wooden guest" is an odd little tale by Prince Vladimir Odoyevsky. It starts off as a kind of fairy tale for grownups and develops into a brief lesson in philosophy, with...

Excerpts From Masha's Journal

Some might see the lessons in Odoyevsky's short and charming life manual for children old-fashioned and outdated. Some might even bristle at certain suggestions. However, we would...

Indian Tale About Four Deaf Men

A very old and insightful tale that holds up surprisingly well in the modern context.

Maiakovski: Poemas Escogidos

Vladimir Maiakovski, cuyo nombre completo es Vladimir Vladimirovich Maiakovski, fue un influyente poeta y dramaturgo ruso del siglo XX. Nació el 19 de julio de 1893 en Baghdati,...

Voices From St Vladimir's Seminary

Presenting engaging conversation with leaders and students on contemporary issues of importance in the Orthodox Church

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