Created For Good

We are not an accident. We were created for a purpose to reach and impact this world for Christ and to build His Kingdom by impacting the poor, broken, lost, lonely, and...

Self-created Podcast

Podcast by Self-Created Podcast

Created To Be

A Little Light is Canadian Community for creative Christian women who want to glorify God in all they do, online and offline.

Created, A Bluprint Podcast

"Created" follows a series of makers on the journey from hobbyist to successful creative pro. Get an up-close look at the struggles and joys of artists, designers, cooks, writers...

Created For Living

The teaching ministry of Pastors David and Monica Washington of Cornerstone Church Palm Bay. Our goal at Created For Living is to be a resource to help you in Living your Life in...

Future Co-created

Future Co-Created is a podcast where people from Futurice and guests go through hot discussions about tech, business, design, and the last trends.

Created To Flourish

Authors Peter Greer and Phil Smith draw on their personal experiences to discuss proven solutions for effectively alleviating poverty. Created to Flourish examines the pitfalls of...

Created For This

A podcast for Christian business owners, Created for This, that weaves together business and Christian living. Hosted by Danielle Roberts. Find out more about her at...

Podcast Created Listening

Creavit Audiendo: Technological Advances in Podcrastination

Engenharia De Materiais Para Todos

O livro tem como alvo alunos do ensino médio e estudantes do primeiro ano de qualquer modalidade de engenharia. O texto é simples e dirigido a esses tipos de leitores, com a...

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