
Hi let's hear the old and beautiful tamil songs here

Siddhartha's Brain

A groundbreaking exploration of the “science of enlightenment,” told through the lens of the journey of Siddhartha (better known as Buddha), by Guardian science editor...

Le Dhammapada: Livre Audio Meditation Bouddhiste

Le Dhammapada constitue le recueil des paroles de Siddhartha Gautama, dit le Bouddha. Ces paroles furent dites il y a prés de 2500 ans et furent durant sa vie canonisé en verset...

Evidence-based Dentistry Champion, Dr. Partha Mukherji, Describes How He Has Incorporated Ebd Into His Practice: Http://ebd.a

The ADA Science Podcast is hosted by Dr. Bob Weyant and features guests who will address various elements of science in dentistry, including evidence-based dentistry, critical...

Budismo E Meditação Mindfulness

Transitando livremente entre a ciência e os textos sagrados, James Kingsland, jornalista especializado em ciência e medicina, mapeia a jornada espiritual de Siddhartha e explica...

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