Shari Says

A place where style, business and motivation lives.

Sharing With Shari

Join me, Shari Alyse, on a LOVEvolution by tuning into SHARIng with SHARI! This show will be a forum to talk OPENLY about Love, life and anything that falls in between. Start your...

Shari Shaw: Studio Talk

Acting coach Shari Shaw breaks down how to be courteously aggressive with some of her favorite clients.

Shari Hudspeth's Home Party Plan Training Tips

Shari brings you 24-years of experience both in the field and on the corporate-side of party plan sales. She will show you how you can achieve excellent results based on her $14M...

Weight Loss For Foodies Podcast | Ditch The Diet And Lose Weight With Shari Broder

Are ready to shed your excess weight AND your struggle with food and eating without diets and deprivation? This podcast is for foodies who have tried just about every diet there...

Shark Talk

Analizamos semana a semana lo que ocurre en SHARK TANK MÉXICO después de su transmisión de los viernes a las 10pm por el Canal Sony. Los conductores José Antonio Pontón,...

El Rey Pelé

Pelé y fútbol son sinónimos. Rey, Atleta del Siglo, máximo goleador de todos los tiempos. Llevó el nombre de Brasil al mundo y marcó el planeta con su fútbol de primer...

Shawi Biblia - Chayahuita Bible

The Shawi Audio Drama New Testament (TBL) is a unique presentation of the Audio Bible with approximately 180 different characters and a digitally recorded sound track with full...

Pelé - El Deportista del Siglo

Sepa más acerca de la vida personal y profesional de Pelé, el jugador de fútbol del siglo que se convirtió en ministro de deportes de su país. Fue condecorado como Caballero...

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