Vainas Raras Patacoins

Reseñas de videojuegos, películas, series, y cultura popular.

Raja Shahid

Welcome to the Raja Shahid podcast, where amazing things happen.


O Raja está direcionado ao controle da mente. É também chamado de o Yoga da Vontade e tem como objetivo desenvolver completamente o potencial humano, possibilitando a...

Raja Yoga

Each branch of Yoga is but a path leading towards unfoldment, development, and growth. What is known as Raja Yoga deals with the Mind, its control, its development. He who wants...

Bhalta Raja

Bhalta Raja - Musical presentation on the lines of Altaf Raja. RJ Ravi imitates Altaf like nobody else and uses the sarcasm to highlight important matters of the society.

Spider Central

Your one-stop spider podcast for all your spider needs.

Jumping Spiders

These spiders don't wait in a web to trap food; they hunt for prey and pounce on it--sometimes leaping twenty times their own body length.

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