Min Historie

Min Historie er en podcast, hvor helt almindelige mennesker fortæller om deres tro på Jesus i hverdagen.

Online Selling With Suzanne Wells

Suzanne Wells, successful eBay & Amazon seller, and eCommerce consultant, shares online selling strategies to help others learn how to make money online.

Mig Og Min Have

Tips og inspiration til den haveglade lytter

Sew Min Yelal

a 41 year old Ethiopian woman who also happens to love a woman.

Min Græske Dagbog

Forfatteren Christina Hagen har igennem hele sin karriere været angst for at tage af hovedstolen. Nu vil hun væk fra sin neurotiske privathed. På en græsk ø vil hun leve...

One Min Chinese

"One Min Chinese" targets on beginning-level learners who want to learn survival Chinese for traveling purposes. It is produced in forms of mini videos and podcast lessons, and it...

Min Lille Hassan

Hadet er kærligheden, der er mislykkedes. Sådan skrev filosoffen Søren Kierkegaard i bogen Kærlighedens Gerninger. I 3. sæson af mandemagasinet Min Lille Hassan, taler...


Amtrak, the National Park Services Trails and Rails Program, and the Department of Recreation, Park and Tourism Sciences at Texas A&M University have created podcasts to enhance...


Amtrak, the National Park Services Trails and Rails Program, and the Department of Recreation, Park and Tourism Sciences at Texas A&M University have created podcasts to enhance...

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