
Quando, nel 1908, comincia a scrivere il suo nuovo, e ultimo, romanzo Leila, pubblicato poi nel 1910, Fogazzaro era ormai distante dalle posizioni dei modernisti ma con il...


Lelia è l'ultimo romanzo di Fogazzaro e conclude la tetralogia iniziata con Piccolo mondo antico. Qui viene proposto accompagnato da un percorso di approfondimento di...

Ias Sagayam

A Goverment officer who has been transfered more than 24 times for his honesty. Here we present few scenes and situations he has faced in his life.

Lifechurch Ia

LIFEchurch is an exciting and thriving church that believes in a life-giving, positive church culture where people from all walks of life worship God, connect with one another...

IAS Lab Podcast

Innovación, tecnología, software, tendencias, y estilos de vida.


Välkommen till Idrottens Affärer! En sajt med 90 000 nya läsare under 2014 och nu med ett snitt om nära 60 000 läsare i månaden. Nu kan du också lyssna till vad...

Ia Oddcast

A small group of artist located in the Shenandoah Valley in Virginia get together to discuss their latest developments, accomplishments, failures, challenges, music, life, and...

IA Podcast

an information architect writing patches for the known bugs of humanity :-)

Leila A Filha De Charles

A médium e incansável trabalhadora do espiritismo Yvonne do Amaral Pereira já teve algumas de suas experiências reencarnatórias relatadas pela literatura espírita.Agora nos...

Ias Current Affairs

Welcome to IAS Current Affairs Podcast station the information and content available here is especially developed keeping in mind the requirements of an IAS aspirant and CSE...

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