Kyo Conversations

We unpack the stories and mental fitness practices of people living at the top of their game personally and professionally. Take what you need TODAY from these conversations and...

Kyo Yaki / Kiyomizuyaki(kyo-ware / Kiyomizu-ware)

Although there were potters in Kyoto during the Nara(710-794) and Heian(794-1192) periods, the ceramic industry began thriving here during the Azuchi Momoyama Period(1573-1603)....

Kyo Shikki (lacquerware)

Lacquerware techniques were established in Kyoto during the 9th century, on the basis of Chinese techniques introduced from the Tang Dynasty. During the 16th and 17th centuries,...

Kyo Butsudan (household Buddhist Altars)/kyo Butsugu (buddhist Fittings)

Kyo Butsudan (Household Buddhist Altar:Kyoto is the birthplace of household Buddhist altars, which were first produced approximately 1,100 years ago. Since then Kyoto has produced...

Zen Talks: Kyo-on Dokuro

Kyo-On Dokuro Roland Jaeckel is the teacher at Charles River Zen, a Rinzai Zen community practicing in the greater Boston area. Dokuro received inka shomei, Dharma Transmission,...

Kyo Yuzen (yuzen Dyed Fabrics)

During the latter half of the 17th century, Yuzensai Miyazaki developed new hand-painting and dyeing techniques, assimilating various dyeing techniques inherited in Kyoto. Hence...

Sina 5 Para La Ciencia

La siguiente serie de programas tiene por objetivo dar a conocer aspectos relacionados con la salud mental al público.

Podcast El Programa De Sita Abellán

Programa que se emite de forma semanal aleatoria desde los Estudios Romanones. Entrevistas, ebriedad, música, dialéctica poética, nieve en el alfeizar un día de colegio, las...


“Sina – A saga de Serafim e seus filhos – Exórdio” trata das origens de Serafim e de seus filhos, contando como a vida e suas intempéries os moldaram. O foco principal...

Birds Art Life: A Year Of Observation

A writer’s search for inspiration, beauty, and solace leads her to birds in this intimate and exuberant meditation on creativity and life—a field guide to things small...

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