Jr Plays

My thoughts about the board games I play each week, from the perspective of a husband, gaming community organizer, and game designer.

Black Star Passes, The by CAMPBELL. JR., John Wood

A sky pirate armed with superior weapons of his own invention... First contact with an alien race dangerous enough to threaten the safety of two planets... The arrival of an...

Invaders from the Infinite by CAMPBELL. JR., John Wood

The famous scientific trio of Arcot, Wade and Morey, challenged by the most ruthless aliens in all the universes, blasted off on an intergalactic search for defenses against the...

Dime Poesía @ Foggia Jr

FOGGIA JR (http://foggiajr.com) te trae a Dime Poesía, tu programa de radio favorito, Dime Posía nace por iniciativa de un grupo de estudiantes de la Licenciatura en Ciencias de...

John Big John

Welcome to John Big John poetry.

John On John

Two guys named John who both live in Hamtramck Michigan talk about movies.

Kenneth Nwadike Jr

The Free Hugs Project is an initiative that promotes peace, inspires change and raises awareness of social issues. Free Hugs Project videos have reached hundreds of millions of...

Jr And Friends

We're a fun talk show but at my house

Podcast Do Neilton Jr.

Esse podcast é um audiolog da minha vida.

Jr Awesome Tv

Hey It's JR Awesome TV From YouTube My podcast will have a lot of story times, about me, q and a's, and more

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