Fabiola or The Church of the Catacombs by WISEMAN, Cardinal Nicholas Patrick

This historical novel is set in Rome in the early 4th century AD, during the time of the cruel persecution of Christians under the Emperor Diocletian.The heroine of the book is...

Ebb-Tide, The by STEVENSON, Robert Louis and OSBOURNE, Lloyd

Three men down on their luck in Tahiti agree to ship out on a vessel whose officers have died of smallpox. Their desperate venture inspires them to a further idea: they will steal...

Expert Empire | Conversations With Entrepreneurs, Innovators & Personal Development Experts With Host Marshall Stevenson

Welcome to the Empire. I truly believe that everyone is an expert, and now I'm looking to talk with you and share your expertise with the world. Each episode of Expert Empire is a...

Último Aliento

A los trece años, la niñez de Charlie Quinn llegó a un brusco y desolador final. Dos hombres, con asuntos pendientes con su padre, que era abogado,...

Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (version 3), The by STEVENSON, Robert Louis

The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde is the original title of a novel written by the Scottish author Robert Louis Stevenson that was first published in 1886. It is about a...


«Fábulas» es la recopilación póstuma de cuatro relatos de Robert Louis Stevenson. Autores como Jorge Luis Borges la han considerado una de las obras más originales y de...

Lo Strano Caso Del Dr. Jekyll E Mr. Hyde. Edizione Illustrata. Con Una Prefazione Di Fanny Van De Grift Stevenson

Il “Dr. Jekyll e Mr. Hyde” è un doppio trionfo. Vi sono in esso l’interesse esteriore del Conan Doyle e l’interesse interiore di Henry...


Tomás de Iriarte fue el gran renovador del género de las fábulas en España, un género que los neoclásicos convirtieron en una parte esencial de su poesía. Algunas de las...


Las fábulas son relatos tradicionales en los que los animales tienen rasgos humanos y que transmiten experiencias sobre la vida cotidiana y lecciones morales. Son breves y...

Famosas Fábulas De Fábio

"Para quem acredita em destino, conhecer o Fábio é um daquelesmomentos em que estamos em uma encruzilhada, semsaber o que nos reserva, somente tendo fé de que tudo ficarábem....

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