Nonsense Verses by Edward Lear by LEAR, Edward

This is a collection of some of the delightful nonsense verses and stories by Edward Lear. A lot of them are also my favorites. The Jumblies, The Owl and the Pussy-cat; the Broom,...

Dare To Learn

En Dare to Learn Podcast, por Diego Lainez, encontrarás entrevistas con pura gente brillante que te ayudará a convertirte en un Learning Explorer y agregar valor a tu trabajo y...

Laughable Lyrics by LEAR, Edward

Hillarious, fantastic poems that I enjoyed reading to my two sons when they were little. Now Id like to read them for anyones children to enjoy listening to. (Summary by Roeg11)

Edward Lear E Edward Gorey: O Livro Infantil Ilustrado Nonsense

A obra tem por objetivo explorar as relações entre a palavra e a imagem, na configuração do livro infantil ilustrado de Edward Lear e de Edward Gorey, delimitando seu terreno...

Book of Nonsense, A by LEAR, Edward

In 1846 Lear published A Book of Nonsense, a volume of limericks that went through three editions and helped popularize the form. This book contains 112 of these funny,...

The Utter Nonsense Of Edward Lear

A fine selection of hand-picked classics from the master of nonsense, enthusiastically narrated by Colin Jones. This collection contains some of Mr Lear’s finest works:How...

A Estética De Ruptura: O Nonsense Em Edward Lear E Renato Pompeu

Esta pesquisa tem por objetivo resgatar o conceito do gênero nonsense com a finalidade de testar a hipótese de um possível diálogo entre textos de duas obras de...

Owl and the Pussycat, The by LEAR, Edward

Librivoxs weekly poetry project for the week of January 22, 2006: The Owl and the Pussycat is a famous nonsense poem by Edward Lear, first published in 1871. Its most notable...


A saga da vida de um ator e suas confusões em meio aos personagens dos espetáculos, a luta por uma melhor qualidade de vida e a busca incessante por métodos não convencionais...

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