Escondendo Edith

'Escondendo Edith' apresenta o drama de uma garota judia que precisa enfrentar os horrores da Segunda Guerra Mundial. Edith Schwalb tem apenas seis anos quando Hitler invade a...

Vamireh Chacon Brasileiro E Internacional

O livro é um ensaio biográfico de Vamireh Chacon. O biografado é professor aposentado da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco – UFPE, da Universidade de Brasília – UNB,...

Soundtracking With Edith Bowman

In a unique weekly podcast, Edith Bowman sits down with a variety of film directors, actors, producers and composers to talk about the music that inspired them and how they use...

Afterward by WHARTON, Edith

Mary and Ned Boyne have fled their dreary life in Wisconsin for a home in rustic Dorsetshire. But you can only run so far, and some things - some secret things - may follow you. A...

Summer by WHARTON, Edith

The story is one of only two novels by Wharton to be set in New England. The novel details the sexual awakening of its protagonist, Charity Royall, and shares many plot...

Sanctuary by WHARTON, Edith

Kate Orme, shocked by the discovery of her fiances complicity in a tragedy, and by societys willingness to overlook such transgressions, nevertheless marries him. Years later, her...

Afterward By Edith Wharton

A short story classified under the American Gothic genre, the piece depicts an eerie set of events following the distressing occurrences within the Boyne household, as their dream...

Railway Children By Edith Nesbit

A thrilling spy story, a children's adventure, a charming portrait of early twentieth century life in London and the countryside and a heart warming family tale are all combined...

Screen 6 With Edith Bowman

In our occasional Screen 6 Specials, Edith Bowman speaks to some of the most celebrated figures from the world of film about the music that inspires them. From BBC 6 Music

Music And History - Edith Piaf

Ela foi uma guerreira até na hora de nascer, sua mãe a teve na calçada de uma rua escura iluminada por uma lanterna de carbureto. Acredita-se que na verdade ela recebeu o nome...

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