Touchstone, The by WHARTON, Edith

Stephen Glennards career is falling apart and he desperately needs money so that he may marry his beautiful fiancee. He happens upon an advertisement in a London magazine...

Madame de Treymes by WHARTON, Edith

Edith Whartons 1907 novella explores the milieu of Americans living abroad in Paris. New Yorker John Durham travels to Paris to woo an old flame, Fanny Frisbee, now the Marquis de...

O Amor Em Uma Nova Veneza: A História De Oswaldo E Edith

Vizinhos de tempo e espaço.Talvez, por estarmos distraídos, não percebemos o quanto a vida é cheia de nuances que beiram a magia. Um desses detalhes que normalmente nos passam...

Summer (version 2) by WHARTON, Edith

Whartons 1917 novella Summer, like her more famous work Ethan Frome, is set in a very small rural New England town. Charity Royall longs to escape the claustrophobic confines of...

Edith Stein: A Construção Do Ser Pessoa Humana

Edith Theresa Hedwing Stein (1891-1942) foi uma filósofa e teóloga alemã. De origem judia, converteu-se posteriormente ao catolicismo, tornando-se carmelita descalça. Morreu...

Sanctuary (version 2) by WHARTON, Edith

Edith Whartons early novella focuses on Kate Orme, who begins the story happily in love with her fiance, only to discover that he hides a terrible secret. - Summary by Elizabeth...

Maoriland Fairy Tales by HOWES, Edith

Most of the tales have some basis in history. It is an oral language so all histories have to be remembered and retold. To help with this memory retelling the carvings all have...

Sun's Babies, The by HOWES, Edith

Charming stories and poems for young children about nature and the changes that occur with the seasons, weaving in life lessons throughout the stories. (Summary by Laura Victoria)

Formação Humana E Violência À Luz Da Fenomenologia De Edith Stein

O que é violência? Como enfrentá-la? Será que ela determina o modo de vida e a existência das pessoas? E a singularidade? E a liberdade? Como a Psicologia pode contribuir?...

The Age Of Innocence By Edith Wharton

If you've watched and loved Winona Ryder playing the innocent May Welland in the 1993 film adaptation of Edith Wharton's sweeping novel about class-consciousness in nineteenth...

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