
L'Escanyapobres és la novel·la més coneguda de Narcís Oller. L'autor mostra l'avarícia i les seves conseqüències amb tres personatges centrals: l'Oleguer, la Donya Tuies i...

La Papallona

La papallona és una de les primeres novel·les en català de Narcís Oller. L'autor mostra els anys previs a la revolució de 1868 i s'endinsa en una Barcelona industrial,...


Um antigo épicoque se faz modernoem seu tempo.Lucas Augusto Dâmaso Oller do Nascimento nasceu no dia 12 de outubro de 1998. É graduando do curso de Letras pela Universidade de...

Harder: A Bdsm Romance Story

Chloe’s husband was a handsome man though and she thought she had it all when she found him, a rich man who could give her everything she wanted with a few children further down...

The Offer: A Bdsm Romance Story

David and Alice were happy in their marriage, or at least that’s what Alice kept telling herself. She knew that her husband loved her more than anything in the world and would...

Bedroom Domination: A Bdsm Romance Story

Becoming King at the age of just 28 was a huge shock to Edward and the last six months had been somewhat of a blur, transforming himself from a man who didn’t have to worry too...

Denise Aethyry

Amazing things happen here apparently

Denise Wakeman

Adventures in Visibility is a monthly live video show originally aired as a Hangout on Google+ and currently hosted on Blab. Designed for online entrepreneurs who want to build a...

Game Older

A podcast where old(er) people talk about playing (frequently older) games.

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