Zenger Folkman Leadership Podcast

Get answers to today's toughest leadership and development problems from thought leaders Jack Zenger and Joe Folkman!

Sabia Zeilor (ediția Română): Volumul I Al Epopeei Sabia Zeilor

În zorii timpurilor, doi adversari antici se luptau pentru controlul Pământului. Un singur bărbat s-a înălțat, pe atunci, de-a dreapta oamenilor. Un soldat...

Orações Para Bobby: Para Além De Um Happy End

Orações para Bobby (2009), dirigido por Russell Mulcahy e produzido pelo canal de TV norte-americano Lifetime, cumpre um dos seus propósitos que é o de transmitir a mensagem...

Uma Breve História Sobre Uma Menina Chamada Zene

Zene faz uma descoberta magnificamente singela: a felicidade. Muito embora esse sentimento assuma diferentes significados para cada ser, ele possui uma única fonte – o amor –...

Off Topic With Steve Spanop And Randy Zellea

Follow Steve and Randy every Thursday night from 6-8pm est from the studios of WRPR 90.3 in Mahwah NJ. The boys discuss hot button issues in the world of sports and...

Zemer Of The Week

Teaching zemirot, spreading the middot, one song, one week at a time. "Zemer of the Week" is a podcast hosted by David Rosenwein and Jon Hornstein, teaching zemirot -- traditional...

Fridays With Zell

This is where Zell shares things he learned about code and about living.

Radio Bremen: Zeiglers Wunderbare Welt Des Fußballs

Arnd Zeigler, Bremen-Vier-Moderator und Werder-Stadionsprecher, fasst für euch die wirklich wichtigen Ereignisse des Fußballs auf seine spezielle Art zusammen.

Her Delta Force Protector

Everyone thinks Harper Jansen is dead.She is not, and she wants her life back.When Harper—very much alive but terrified—calls Kade Church, he does what is programmed...

Arctic Witness

A killer on the hunt...and a woman and a child to protect. When his ex-wife goes missing in the wilderness, Alaska State Trooper Sean West and his K-9 partner rescue her from a...

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