Hope Landale aguarda seu pai retornar de uma missão com os Cavaleiros da Ordem da Luz. Os guardiões do clero desejam algo que só Joseph Landale, o grande Magus Nigris, pode...
We are a podcast that plays Dungeons & Dragons 5e! Grab a glass of tequila because it's probably going to be a wild ride.
Vox Arcana is a Dungeons & Dragons podcast about game design, philosophy, storytelling, and role playing, from the perspective of three different Dungeon Masters.
Cam Collins and Sarah Faulk bring you tales of the strange and unusual from around the Appalachian region. From hair-raising accounts of true crime to haints and hauntings, ghost...
Come listen to poker pro & Critter @MoxReuby as he gets into the minds of Vox Machina with the Arcana Philosophical, the Critical Role Insight-check podcast where we ask: How Do...
A first time DM and group of players delve into a FAMILY FRIENDLY real play DnD story with snacks and swords! Come be a part of the story!
Existe um lugar mítico onde muitos segredos e tesouros da cultura pop estão guardados. No podcast Torre Arcana os aventureiros discutem sobre board games, RPGs, video games e...
Hace siete años Román se alejó de España huyendo de un error que le hizo perder todo. Ya está de vuelta intentando escapar de la muerte y de un pasado turbio que le ha dejado...
Die Journalistin Valerie steht kurz vor einem Burnout, als sie auf eine Recherchereise zum Thema "Pilgern vor der eigenen Haustür" geschickt wird. Widerwillig macht sie sich auf...