Gente Do Verão Parte 3: Frederik – Conto Erótico

O autor Frederik Mørk foi abandonado por seu namorado James e seu amante da área de casas de veraneio Grå Klit. Ele queria escrever durante o Natal e esqueceu tudo sobre as...

Lagerkoller 1: In Stein Gemeißelt - Erotische Novelle

Prickelndes Lesevergnügen!Der Urlaub im Ferienhaus an der Nordsee entwickelt sich ganz anders als geplant: Ulf offenbart seiner Frau Solbjørg, dass er künftig im Zölibat leben...

Cabin Fever 4: Painting A Picture

Christmas has come and gone, and Ingrid has entered the New Year with a hope for a better life. For years, she has been living in the shadow of her mother, and even though she has...

Cabin Fever 5: Complicated Caution

For over 20 years, Nook has been a calming presence in Christian‘s life. She has made his bed, prepared his food and been a steady person for Christian to count on. But now,...

Cabin Fever 2: Forbidden Fruit

The events of the summer have left Otis alone. His marriage to Sally was never right, and he is grateful to have time alone to write the book he has been trying to finish for...

Gente Do Verão Parte 4: Ingrid – Conto Erótico

A professora associada Ingrid Bromley decidiu alugar metade de sua casa no Mar do Norte para a artista Xenia. A jovem artista com longos cabelos ruivos cria inquietação na vida...

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