Aden Arabia

Avevo vent'anni....L’incipit del libro è uno dei più famosi e citati: “Avevo vent’anni. Non permetterò a nessuno di dire che questa...

Grand Slam: Baseball Genius

Jeter Publishing offers a range of picture books and novels that support the admirable and aspirational tenets of Jeter’s Turn 2 Foundation: goal setting, courage, and...

The Yogi Code: Seven Universal Laws Of Infinite Success

Thousands of years of wisdom are distilled into one accessible and simple code of ethics comprised of seven daily practices “imbued with heart, soul, and genuine love for...

Comeback Season: My Unlikely Story Of Friendship With The Greatest Living Negro League Baseball Players

The uplifting, unlikely, and inspirational true story of the friendships formed between Cam Perron—a white, baseball-obsessed teenager from Boston—and hundreds of...

Double Play: Baseball Genius

Jeter Publishing offers a range of picture books and novels that support the admirable and aspirational tenets of Jeter’s Turn 2 Foundation: goal setting, courage, and...

Baseball Genius

Jeter Publishing offers a range of picture books and novels that support the admirable and aspirational tenets of Jeter’s Turn 2 Foundation: goal setting, courage, and...


Aquest recull de contes té una temàtica comuna: la mort. Tracten amb profunditat el tema de la mort i no ho fan des de la perspectiva dels vius, de manera realista, sinó que...


Aquest recull de contes té una temàtica comuna: la mort. Tracten amb profunditat el tema de la mort i no ho fan des de la perspectiva dels vius, de manera realista, sinó que...

Adan Ordonez

Hoy quiero compartir contigo como tu también puedes acumular grandes sumas de dinero y cambiar el fu-turo de tu familia, sin importar donde te encuentres hoy.Los Bienes raíces...

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