Jordan, from, speaks in his native California tongue to help you learn English. The best way to learn to understand native English is to listen to native...
Los intérpretes de idiomas son voz propia y eco para la comunicación de nuestros clientes.Este podcast inició después de que Verónica Gutiérrez aprendió a editar audio...
Spanish Para Todos Podcast is designed especially for people who have taken one or two courses in Spanish, perhaps in high school or college, but want to improve their listening...
Omnibus proponam audiendos sonos quibus lingua Latina Graecaque auditur.
The Spanishland School Podcast is a Spanish Learning Podcast designed to teach you Spanish in 10 minutes or less. This Spanish Podcast is targeted towards Intermediate and...
Ben and Marina bring you podcasts in high level Spanish covering culture, news, conversation, and all the cool words they never teach you in class...
Folens Modern Foreign Language (MFL) for Junior Certificate (Irish State Exam) Students. ¡Aprendemos! Book 1 - Spanish Language Audio to accompany the textbook
Podcast para niveles entre B1 y C1. Hablamos de temas como el pretérito indefinido, el imperfecto, los pronombres, el presente de subjuntivo Publicamos 1 nuevo episodio cada...
Español Podcast está diseñado para personas que necesiten repasar sus conocimientos de español, para quienes quieran ampliar su vocabulario, ganar fluidez y agilidad, aprender...