Take Charge with Ann Vertel



Take charge of your life, your career, and everything in between so you can discover, design, create, build and thrive in work and life you love! Your host, Dr. Ann Vertel, is a business and success psychology expert, leadership development consultant, keynote speaker, corporate trainer, and 20-year naval officer who helps businesses, associations, institutions, non-profits, and government agencies deliver world-class leadership development programs. Learn more at https://AnnVertel.com


  • 045: Finding Your Passion - 3 Easy Steps

    02/11/2017 Duración: 17min

    If you've ever wondered, "what is my passion?" or "how do I find my passion?" or maybe you just feel stuck, this is the episode for you. I’ll challenge you, encourage you, and help you dig deep into patterns and behaviors that will help you open up to what you have been designed to do! You have a distinct set of gifts, talents, skills, experiences, training, expertise, and interests. And I'll give you three very specific exercises that will help you combine those with your passion. Learn more at https://www.AnnVertel.com

  • 044: Networking for Introverts

    26/10/2017 Duración: 10min

    Want to know how to network if you're an introvert? It's easier than you think when you pivot your definition of networking. It’s natural, as human beings, to want to belong.  When walking into a group of strangers, it’s easy to get wrapped up in our own fears, anxiety, thoughts, and imagination. Which is exactly the wrong way to network. This episode will show you the easy way to work a room and make networking for introverts both fun and productive. Learn more at https://www.AnnVertel.com

  • 043: How to Be More Resilient

    18/10/2017 Duración: 21min

    Becoming anti-fragile isn't just our capacity to stand there and take the slings and arrows of life, it's the power and agility in which we respond that helps up be more resilient. We don't have a limited amount of resilience and that's good news. Because when bad things happen, our resilience doesn’t have to tap out. My framework or formula for building resilience is like a revolving door of gratitude, growth mindset, locus of control, explanatory style, compartmentalization, and reframing. Learn more at https://www.AnnVertel.com

  • 042: How to Open with Empathy

    11/05/2017 Duración: 13min

    Counselors use a powerful skill in getting their clients to talk about issues that are painful, scary, or deeply personal. It is called a "reflection of feeling." When you reflect back to someone what they are feeling, you meet them right where they are emotionally. You've connected with them, they don't feel quite so alone with this feeling, and they know you have an understanding of what is going on with them. Using this technique with success is what this episode is all about! Episode info at http://AnnVertel.com/042. All episodes are at http://AnnVertel.com/podcastpage.

  • 041: How to Ask a Good Non-Question

    05/05/2017 Duración: 15min

    If you’ve ever tried to have a conversation with a teenager, you’ve experienced maximum frustration. Not being prone to volunteer information, they usually wait for adults to initiate discussions. Unfortunately, most adults just keep asking a series of questions. The more cryptic the answers, the more questions get asked. Frustrated, the adult begins to “quiz” the teenager using closed-ended questions (those that can be answered with “yes,” “no,” or “I don’t know.”) This often ends by spiraling downward until they both give up. Questions, particularly the wrong questions, can put people on the defensive. We ask questions because we want to know information, which means the other person is in a vulnerable spot. A more effective and “psychologically safe” way to have and hold a discussion with someone we truly want to engage is to make statements instead of asking questions. This gives the other person the option of responding or not without feeling interrogated. If you make a habit of using this skill, they wi

  • 040: Why Your Leadership Development Programs Are Not Working

    28/04/2017 Duración: 24min

    Most leadership development programs miss the most crucial step. Without this foundational piece, leaders can find themselves mired in drama, chaos, indecision, poor communication, and micro-managing. This episode discusses the concept of “ship, shipmate, self” and how to fix or develop a transformational leadership training program that supports those priorities and builds influential and authentic leadership skills. Episode info at http://AnnVertel.com/040

  • 039: Not the Journey OR the Destination

    11/04/2017 Duración: 19min

    What if I told you that true fulfillment isn't about the journey OR the destination? How often have you been told to "enjoy the journey?" That happiness and fulfillment are not about the destination? This episode opens a third possibility, one that will change the way you see all your goals, processes, accomplishments, and achievements. This episode is especially for "serial achievers" - those who accomplish a lot, enjoy the journey, but still feel that nagging, "something is missing," unfulfilled feeling. Episode information can be found at http://AnnVertel.com/039/. All episodes can be found at http://AnnVertel.com/podcastpage/  

  • 038: Leadership Training for Women - 3 Key Skills

    23/03/2017 Duración: 14min

    This one is for women in leadership (and men who work with women leaders!) No one really taught us how to lead like a woman, right? We learned lots of general skills about team building and managing change. But the skills necessary to walk that fine line between acting like a man or playing girlish games? Not so much. Sometimes we learn the greatest leadership lessons from people who aren’t very good leaders at all. I learned three important distinctions about how to lead like a woman while working for a woman who was exactly that. Episode resources at http://AnnVertel.com/038/ All episodes can be found at http://AnnVertel.com/podcastpage/

  • 037: How to Be Happy w/ Jennifer Dunham

    16/03/2017 Duración: 32min

    What is happiness? Is there really a secret for how to be happy? A key that can help us reduce the overwhelm and focus on what matters? Jennifer Dunham thinks so. In fact, she believes we can actually structure happiness, using it as a tool to create more freedom. All episodes can be found at http://AnnVertel.com/podcastpage/

  • 036: Two Keys for a Quantum Leap

    25/01/2017 Duración: 20min

    High achievers don't really make quantum leaps, they just appear to do so. And they do it using the 2 key behaviors I outline in this episode. Show info at http://AnnVertel.com/podcastpage/

  • 035: Why You Hit a Plateau

    30/09/2016 Duración: 26min

    When we are working to master a craft, most of us eventually get stuck or hit a plateau. But not all of us. Those people we'd consider experts or masters at something work on their craft a different way. Whether you're working on a business skill or a personal hobby, you'll want to understand this difference if you want to get better. Learn how experts practice differently so you too can achieve mastery.

  • 034: The Fountain of Youth

    20/09/2016 Duración: 28min

    It took me five and a half decades but I finally discovered the fountain of youth. I’ve known about it all along, but now I can see it! In this episode, I share my personal struggle with energy, aging, and feeling downright awful as well as the journey I’ve taken to find the answer to feeling better. It’s a more personal episode than most but an important one – maybe even the most important one for you, your health, your energy level, and your future.

  • 033: How to Handle Rejection

    01/09/2016 Duración: 23min

    Fearing rejection doesn’t prevent it. Fearing rejection prevents YOU from getting what you want. Discover 3 strategies for learning how to not only handle or manage rejection but for how to embrace it and make it work for you. Episode information at http://AnnVertel.com/033 All episodes can be found at http://AnnVertel.com/podcastpage/

  • 032: How to Take Charge of Negative Self-Talk

    19/08/2016 Duración: 24min

    Positive thinking and positive self-talk can literally make us more productive - a great reason to think positively! So how do we overcome negative thoughts and negative self-talk? In this episode, I share 4 strategies for changing the way you think so your positive thinking and positive self-talk can support you and your goals. You'll learn how to think positively, improve your perspective, focus forward, give up the drama, and deliberately choose new thoughts by forming a new thinking habit.

  • 031: When a Dream Dies

    11/08/2016 Duración: 44min

    What happens when something you've worked your whole life is taken away or is no longer a possibility? How do you let go of a life-long dream and move on? In this episode, I share a few stories that may inspire you, the reasons why letting go is so hard, and 5 steps to move forward with a renewed sense of purpose and hope. Episode info at http://AnnVertel.com/031 All episodes at http://AnnVertel.com/podcastpage/

  • 030: How to Focus By Clearing the Decks

    05/08/2016 Duración: 19min

    Ever struggle with clarity and focus? Yep, me too. In this episode, I tell you exactly what I do to create the mental space that lets me focus on the things I really want and need to accomplish. Some of these things may seem a little unusual, but they work for me, and maybe they'll work for you too. If you're an "idea junkie" and struggle to gain clarity, this is the episode for you! Learn the five strategies I use to "clear the decks" so you can move ahead with more confidence! Episode info at http://annvertel.com/030 All episodes at http://annvertel.com/podcastpage/

  • 029: How I Get the Big Things Done

    16/07/2016 Duración: 15min

    We all struggle with procrastination. In this episode, I tell you exactly what I do to make sure I get the big things done in a way that works for me. If you’re a “big thinker” too, always looking at things from a 30,000-foot level, and the details make you procrastinate, this is the episode for you! […]

  • 028: How to Be Confident When Your Life Is Falling Apart

    30/06/2016 Duración: 27min

    In this episode, we look at what happens to our confidence when one of the five main areas of our life takes a hit. Much like chair legs or pillars, when one or more of them get knocked out, you can feel out of balance, out of control, and certainly less than confident. You’ll also […]

  • 027: Five Sure Signs You Are a Confident Woman Leader

    20/06/2016 Duración: 32min

    Confident women leaders behave in a very specific way. In this episode, discover how you are one of them, and perhaps a few things you could do to make an improvement in how you lead. Click to Listen Episode Resources & Links FREE Series: 3 Simple Ways to Lead with Confidence FREE Series: How to Be […]

  • 026: How to Stop Procrastinating

    20/05/2016 Duración: 18min

    Resistance shows up in many forms and one of the hardest ones to deal with is procrastination. This episode gives you three specific steps you can take to learn how to stop procrastinating so you can be the confident woman you were meant to be and go after your dreams with gusto! Click to Listen […]

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