Gatekeepers Weekly Podcast



The Gatekeepers is an international church in Dubai. We believe that every person has a unique calling and purpose in life. As a church we are committed to seeing people connect well in community, grow in the knowledge of God, live with purpose and see God do great things in and through their lives.


  • Anything is Possible

    23/03/2019 Duración: 35min

    Can we limit God, who is limitless in what he can do? Yes, we can and we probably do… When you come across unexpected bumps in life, what is your instinctive reaction? Often we try to find solutions ourselves, without turning to God first, trusting our own logic over his wisdom. This week Pastor Ben reminds us that “anything is possible” with God if we allow him to do what only he can. As you listen to this word, may you be challenged to take the limits off of your faith.

  • Freedom in Christ

    16/03/2019 Duración: 56min

    When we go through hard times, we need to be reminded that in the middle of our pain, God is working on a glorious future for us. In this message, Pastor Ash, gives us five keys to help overcome hard seasons and live in freedom.

  • Don’t Look Down

    09/03/2019 Duración: 33min

    Storms come in the mundane things of life. They come when you least expect it, but they will be the greatest lessons in your life. If you’ve allowed worry, anxiety and fear to rule your life, our hope is that through this message, your faith will be strengthened and peace will reign in your heart as you learn to put your trust in God.

  • Why is this Happening?

    02/03/2019 Duración: 48min

    Does it ever feel like the bridge between God’s promise and the fulfillment of it is simply never ending? Let’s be real, waiting can be real hard work but it does serve a purpose. In this message, Pastor Ben encourages us to hold on and allow God to work within us as we wait in anticipation for his promises in our lives.

  • First Things First (Part 2)

    23/02/2019 Duración: 44min

    God wants to provide for our every need if we learn to trust him. The bible says “faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.” If we say we trust God with our lives, we need to demonstrate that through our actions by trusting him with our resources too. This week Pastor Ben demonstrates through scripture the difference between valuing money and loving it, and why we often struggle with tithing.

  • First Things First (Part 1)

    16/02/2019 Duración: 49min

    What we love the most is what we focus on the most. And so if we say we love God, we’ve got to show it through our actions too. In this message, Pastor Ben shares Jesus’ example as displayed in the parable in Luke 9. We hope this message encourages you to take a step of faith by trusting God with what you have in the present. Remember that God takes care of your life when you put him first.

  • Money & the Heart

    09/02/2019 Duración: 44min

    We are called to live for the benefit of others, and what better example for us to follow than the one Jesus christ set for us? God doesn’t expect us to do anything he hasn’t already done for us. Listen in as Pastor Ben shares about the generosity of God and the call on our lives to emulate it.

  • Money & the Mind

    02/02/2019 Duración: 45min

    The present culture we live in, very often teaches us to attach our self-worth to our net worth, but that’s not what God has in mind for us. As christians, we’re called to be good stewards and in this week’s message, Pastor Ben shares what it means to be faithful stewards who focus on storing up treasure in heaven rather than on earth.

  • My Part Matters

    26/01/2019 Duración: 41min

    “We give most generously to what we love most dearly.” As part of God’s family, we are called to be faithful channels of blessing to those around us. This is not always easy or convenient but it is a significant piece to God’s plan and your part matters! We hope this message challenges you to live a generous life towards others whether it is by giving of your time, resources or energy.

  • Squad Goals

    19/01/2019 Duración: 47min

    In this age of social media, deep connections have become rare and we’ve all gotten accustomed to a more shallow sense of doing relationships. But those are not the kind of relationships God aspires for us to have. This week Pastor Ben shares a few “squad goals” you need to keep an eye out for.

  • Shine Like the Moon

    12/01/2019 Duración: 39min

    We’ve all asked the question, “is this all there is to life?” We get so caught up with the “rat race” that we often forget that life has more to offer than the mundane. In this message, Pastor Ben, sheds some light on some of the mindsets that hold us back from living a full and glorious life.

  • My Secret Identity

    05/01/2019 Duración: 48min

    A new year brings with it the hope of renewed dreams, and action plans – a chance to start afresh. But true transformation takes place on the inside. This week Pastor Ben encourages us to connect more deeply with God in the quest to discovering our true identity.

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