Dr. Judy Wtf

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 396:38:17
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Call in, Get On The Couch with Dr. Judy, and find the MAIN VEIN OF YOUR PAIN.


  • Narcissistic Families and the Golden Child!

    15/09/2023 Duración: 48min

    Narcissistic Families and the Golden Child!

  • Signs and Symptoms of Narcissistic Abuse in a Relationship!

    08/09/2023 Duración: 54min

    Signs and symptoms of narcissistic abuse. The most obvious sign is that you feel absolutely drained psychologically, emotionally, physically, even financially drained. The key to helping you to stop the drainage is to heal thyself. If you want to make sure that you don't pass the psycho virus to the next generation, heal thyself so that you can give your next generation a better blueprint. Narcissistic abuse abounds and people who are people pleasers and more likely than others to get embroiled in such relationships. If you get to the root cause of why you even selected to be in these relationships, you will be able to foolproof yourself against future narcissistic relationships and heal the wounds that created your hole in the soul that led you into these systems gone wrong.

  • Manipulative Tactics of NarcissistsExternal!!! With Christiana Davidson, Therapist

    25/08/2023 Duración: 55min

    Manipulative Tactics of NarcissistsExternal!!! With Christiana Davidson, Therapist

  • Divorcing A Narcissist? Prepare Yourself!!! With Christiana Davidson, Therapist

    18/08/2023 Duración: 01h04s

    Divorcing A Narcissist? Prepare Yourself!!! With Christiana Davidson, Therapist

  • Healing From Narcissistic Abuse: Toxic Versus Healthy Love

    11/08/2023 Duración: 57min

    Healing From Narcissistic Abuse: Toxic Versus Healthy Love

  • Trapped in a Narcissistic Relationship? Your Pathway to Freedom

    28/07/2023 Duración: 51min

    So if you're trapped in a narcissistic relationship, there is a way out. Before you get out, you have to go back in to your past and look at the blueprint of how you were set up to be in such a trapped situation. Childhood is a hostage situation. Our parents set up the blueprint for future relationships.If our parents locked up empathy, if they verbally, physically, emotionally abused and neglected us, if they over idealized us in order to manipulate and control our behavior, we were set up. We or those are signs that we were set up.Toxic bonds are hard to break. Similar to breaking an addiction, there is a withdrawal process because narcissists often give you intermittent reinforcement.They are always fanning the flame of hope, and it's easy for you to buy into the idea that things will be different going forward, but they never are. Please join us for our webinar September 3rd, ten and 17 2023, hosted by Christiana Davidson. Healing from Narcissistic Abuse a break free?

  • “Foolproofing” Yourself Against Narcissists!

    21/07/2023 Duración: 52min

    “Foolproofing” Yourself Against Narcissists!

  • Healing together — you’re not alone, and we have the plan.

    17/07/2023 Duración: 56min

    Webinar Group Support Narcissistic Abuse Blueprint. Gone will be the call force Gaslighting Human Disconnect. Mother Instant Disconnect Father Instant Disconnect. Global Disconnect. Let's see at the effect. Narcissistic wounds. Apathy. Lack of Empathy. Let me think what other words that I use or enlighten Witness. Enlighten me. Okay. Okay. So. Okay, so I'll just say please join us for our webinar led by Christiana Davidson, Therapist, September three, ten and 17, three Sundays in a row from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Pacific Standard Time.You are welcome to be a part of a group on healing from narcissistic abuse. Often times that helps to have group support because every individual in the group is an enlightened witness to the other. So what do we feel on a group basis? We're not only healing ourselves, we're being the cause of healing other people as well, which is part of healing ourselves.

  • What does it take to heal from narcissistic abuse? With Christiana Davidson

    07/07/2023 Duración: 57min

    What does it take to heal from narcissistic abuse? Number one, a plan. Number two, sometimes a breakdown. Number three, the willingness to be vulnerable. Number four, the will. The willingness to tell the truth. And an open mind to connect the dots. A recognition that sometimes it's easier to backtrack into the old rather than take a leap into the new. And having courage to do that. Yes. On September 3rd, 10th and 17th, Christiana Davidson, therapist, will be conducting a webinar for those who want to heal from narcissistic abuse. Please contact Dr. Judy at Psychological Healing Center dot com to pre enroll and take advantage of your discount.

  • Authenticity and Intuition: Your Pathway to Self Protection

    02/06/2023 Duración: 58min

    Authenticity and Intuition: Your Pathway to Self Protection With Amy Redford Director/Producer

  • Negative Core Beliefs, and How They Derail Communication

    26/05/2023 Duración: 49min

    Negative core beliefs or beliefs that you buy into because you've been programed that way by your family of origin and multi-generational. So the fact and in fact, your view of yourself in the world when these negative core beliefs shadow over your perception, it's easy to disconnect from the other person trying to connect to you because the communication is derailed by these lies and misperceptions. Once you start shining the truth light on these negative core beliefs that are based on lies, you can dismantle them and then connect with the person and have more of a heart to heart defenseless conversation, and then have the conversation regress.

  • Mother’s Day with Narcissist Mothers!

    12/05/2023 Duración: 53min

    So Mother's Day is not always happy when you have a narcissist for mother. Narcissistic mothers take more than they give, and it's never good enough for them. So be wary of pleasing them.An impossibility, at best.The definition of a mother is someone who puts her feelings as secondary to the feelings of her own child. A non narcissistic mother possesses empathy. A narcissistic mother is apathetic It is really the wounded apathy that kills the mind, body and soul, because it is the most harsh formof human disconnect.When we don't feel that our mothers truly care, we cannot develop a sense of self-love and a healthy human psyche. Please put yourself first this Mother's Day, and celebrate yourself as a mother with your children or a child And if you have a narcissistic mother make sure that she is not going to eat up your beautiful day. Happy Mother's Day.

  • Synergistic Childhood wounds and Their Effects on the Psyche

    21/04/2023 Duración: 55min

    when both parents are wounding in the same way It's double sin It's synergistically damaging to the psyche. Children who cannot turn to at least one parent are finding themselves to be in the double dungeon of darkness where they are lost, alone and scared.When you have no one to empathize with you and show you unconditional love. Your world becomes darker and you project on to others that you project on to others the same, How would I say that? The same philosophythat human beings are all going to be injurious. In other words, fear the fear that you had from your family of origin transfers To generalize this to other people. When you break free from your childhood wounds and use the wound activation prevents the system to deal with daily triggers. You will be the cause of better outcomes for part two of your life.

  • Ethics and Self Correction: A Pathway for Healing Narcissistic Behaviors

    17/04/2023 Duración: 48min

    Even if you have narcissistic traits, which most of us do, we want to play a better game of life. Period We are wired to connect And therefore, how we come across to other people will either be a connect or disconnect when we are wounded in childhood by parents who don't care and we pick up the traits of not caring. We can copycat them and become like them. When that happens, we become disconnected from ourselves and we exhibit disconnecting traits. We can all do better. Even if you are not gushing with empathy, you can still learn how to self-reflect, self-correct and show and Be more ethical. And let me see how I want to conclude it and have a more evolving conversation to create more evolving relationships in your life.

  • THE GREAT ESCAPE...From Narcissists With Christiana Davidson, Psychotherapist

    10/04/2023 Duración: 58min

    THE GREAT ESCAPE...From Narcissists With Christiana Davidson, Psychotherapist

  • Spring Cleaning! Purging Narcissists and Your Narcissistic Traits!

    25/03/2023 Duración: 57min

    It's important to the Social environment is just as important as your physical environment, if not more. Why? Because the man with the sex or mental health attacks are of physical health. Being that the mind and the body are interconnected. When looking at who to purge and how to purge, we've got to consider who they are in our lives. Certainly there are people in our lives that we depend on for a paycheck and for family structure. So we have to be careful with that and make sure the timing is all correct. If we decide that they no longer are welcome in our lives. We recognize narcissists, particularly by their lack of ability to empathize. People who are easy, easy to envy others, people who steal the show, people who take the center stage, or people who objectify others, gaslight others demean, devalue and destroy are people who have narcissistic traits.

  • Assumptions, and Why They Lead to Chaos

    17/03/2023 Duración: 51min

    Too many assumptions are based on lies that directly connect with childhood wounds that lead to a the lens of perception. Perceiving yourself as the world and the world is distorted. When we've had trauma around verbal, sexual, physical abuse, etc. we assume that when things go awry, it's because the pain is happening again. When we project our assumptions onto our significant others, we disconnect from them by assuming that they're that they are treating us with disdain. This assumption itself leads the other person to feel confused and hurt that they are being viewed in this light in order to clean up faulty assumptions, we have to go to the faulty blueprint that created them by dismantling the lies that wrap around assumptions, we can be the cause of seeing ourselves, our partners in the world more clearly, and we connect to them.

  • Is Guilt a Sign of Empathy? With Special Guest "John"

    03/03/2023 Duración: 52min

    Guilt is the first step in an internal process where the person knows that something is off. They did something wrong. When guilt is used as a pathway to put yourself into the other person's shoes that you've turned on in the right direction. Once, when guilt just remains a a bunch of crocodile tears, it becomes a form of gaslighting where others expect that they should feel bad for the person that did something wrong.And without any effort to make repairs with the wronged person, guilt without repair is not evolutionary. In order to repair, you have to consider not only the direct, but the direct damage. You have to take into consideration all the indirect damage that's been inflicted as well. To really dig deep into childhood wounds and have insight and transformation, that's where the real where the real repair comes.And without any effort to make repairs with the wronged person, guilt without repair is not evolutionary. In order to repair, you have to consider not only the direct, but the direct damage. Y

  • Guilt Shame Lies and Narcisssim

    24/02/2023 Duración: 53min

    People wonder why narcissists lie. The simple answer is that they lie to cover up the guilt, the underlying guilt and shame that was created by critical parents who may have overvalued and then devalue their their child because it was unsafe for them to tell the truth. They resort to lying, which then makes other people feel gaslit. Well, that's another word you can include gaslighting.It's a vicious cycle, because the more the the other person is confused and gaslit, the more they will try to confront the lie, which then builds a thicker wall and creates more lies and more defense is bottom line. We've got to get to the cause of the pain and work with that.

  • What is Narcissistic Abuse from a Mind Map Perspective?

    22/02/2023 Duración: 47min

    What is Narcissistic Abuse from a Mind Map Perspective?

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