Polish with John is a weekly show with short podcasts in simple Polish that will help you learn this beautiful and challenging language. The topics vary from standard ones like family or home to less standard and more interesting like space exploration or Polish history. Everything is kept on A2 and B1 levels. New episodes are published on Mondays.
060 Urodziny
22/12/2019 Duración: 04minHow is birthday celebrated in Poland? Let me share some of my experience. Let's go and learn some Polish!You can find a full transcript of this episode on my blog: you like my podcast, support me on Patreon! the podcast, I used "Sing Swing Bada Bing" Doug Maxwell/Media Right Productions; source: (attribution not required)
059 Jak napisać dobrą powieść
09/12/2019 Duración: 06minWould you like to write your own book? How to make it? That's a good question! Let's go and learn some Polish!You can find a full transcript of this episode on my blog: you like my podcast, support me on Patreon! the podcast, I used "Sing Swing Bada Bing" Doug Maxwell/Media Right Productions; source: (attribution not required)
058 Szał zakupów
05/12/2019 Duración: 05minBlack Friday, shopping and buying! Let's buy more! Or maybe not? Maybe let's go and learn some Polish!You can find a full transcript of this episode on my blog: you like my podcast, support me on Patreon! the podcast, I used "Sing Swing Bada Bing" Doug Maxwell/Media Right Productions; source: (attribution not required)
057 LEGO
28/11/2019 Duración: 05minPlaying LEGO is for children? No! It's an adult thing too! :) Let's go and learn some Polish!You can find a full transcript of this episode on my blog: you like my podcast, support me on Patreon! the podcast, I used "Sing Swing Bada Bing" Doug Maxwell/Media Right Productions; source: (attribution not required)
056 Przygoda z Tolkienem
18/11/2019 Duración: 05minI've recently watched the Lord of the Rings film and it's been a long time since I watched it last time. And all the great adventures came back to me. I want to tell you a little bit about it. Let's go!You can find a full transcript of this episode and some exercises to review grammar and vocabulary on my blog: you like my podcast, support me on Patreon! the podcast, I used "Sing Swing Bada Bing" Doug Maxwell/Media Right Productions; source: (attribution not required)
055 Wszystkich świętych
04/11/2019 Duración: 04minThe first day of November in Poland is an important day. A day when we traditionally go to cemeteries to pray for our family and friends. I want to tell you a little bit about that tradition. Let's go!You can find a full transcript of this episode and some exercises to review grammar and vocabulary on my blog: you like my podcast, support me on Patreon! the podcast, I used "Sing Swing Bada Bing" Doug Maxwell/Media Right Productions; source: (attribution not required)
054 W muzeum
21/10/2019 Duración: 05minI love museum. If I could I would be the biggest book describing each object they exhibit and walk around reading all about everything. My favourite is the British Museum. So let's buy the tickets and go inside! Let's go!You can find a full transcript of this episode and some exercises to review grammar and vocabulary on my blog: you like my podcast, support me on Patreon! the podcast, I used "Sing Swing Bada Bing" Doug Maxwell/Media Right Productions; source: (attribution not required)
053 Język uzbecki
14/10/2019 Duración: 04minAre here any listeners from Uzbekistan? Today my podcast is about your language and country. Why? Because I'm learning Uzbek. Let's go!You can find a full transcript of this episode and some exercises to review grammar and vocabulary on my blog: you like my podcast, support me on Patreon! the podcast, I used "Sing Swing Bada Bing" Doug Maxwell/Media Right Productions; source: (attribution not required)
052 Chcesz się nauczyć języka? Czytaj!
07/10/2019 Duración: 05minDo you want to learn a language? Start reading! Let's go!You can find a full transcript of this episode and some exercises to review grammar and vocabulary on my blog: you like my podcast, support me on Patreon! the podcast, I used "Sing Swing Bada Bing" Doug Maxwell/Media Right Productions; source: (attribution not required)
049 Co myślę o innych krajach i językach
16/09/2019 Duración: 07minI'm not a person who travelled a lot. I have been here and there in my life, I met many great people. There are, however, people who have visited many more places than me. Well, sometimes I have to travel just looking at the map and using my imagination. In the episode, however, I share with you what I think and like about countries and people I know. Let's go!You can find a full transcript of this episode and some exercises to review grammar and vocabulary on my blog: you like my podcast, support me on Patreon! the podcast, I used "Sing Swing Bada Bing" Doug Maxwell/Media Right Productions; source: (attribution not required)
048 Polskie średniowiecze
08/09/2019 Duración: 08minMiddle-ages. A time so long, long ago that we may consider it not important for our lives. Many phrases, however, are still used. People in Poland refer from time to time to some historical events they learnt at school. Why not then learn them now as a language learner? Let's go!You can find a full transcript of this episode and some exercises to review grammar and vocabulary on my blog: you like my podcast, support me on Patreon! the podcast, I used "Sing Swing Bada Bing" Doug Maxwell/Media Right Productions; source: (attribution not required)
047 Bolesny wrzesien
02/09/2019 Duración: 07minThe beginning of September is the time when many of us remember about the tragic beginning of the second World War. It was one of the most important periods of Polish history and our country was the most devastated by the horrible war. In the episode I tell you some fact about the very beginning of the war.You can find a full transcript of this episode and some exercises to review grammar and vocabulary on my blog: you like my podcast, support me on Patreon! the podcast, I used "Sing Swing Bada Bing" Doug Maxwell/Media Right Productions; source: (attribution not required)
046 Moje książki i książeczki
19/08/2019 Duración: 05minYou may know that I have a lot of books. I love reading and there is not a thing like too many books for me. In this episode, I tell you about the book that I have. Enjoy! :)You can find a full transcript of this episode and some exercises to review grammar and vocabulary on my blog: you like my podcast, support me on Patreon! the podcast, I used "Sing Swing Bada Bing" Doug Maxwell/Media Right Productions; source: (attribution not required)
045 O podróżach
12/08/2019 Duración: 06minSummer is the time to travel. Many of us travel to different countries, sometimes very far away. Here you can find many useful words about travels. Enjoy! :)You can find a full transcript of this episode and some exercises to review grammar and vocabulary on my blog: you like my podcast, support me on Patreon! the podcast, I used "Sing Swing Bada Bing" Doug Maxwell/Media Right Productions; source: (attribution not required)
044 Ekstremalna pogoda
05/08/2019 Duración: 05minHi! Something different today for you. It's a simple story and five questions to check your listening comprehension. Enjoy! :)You can find a full transcript of this episode and some exercises to review grammar and vocabulary on my blog: you like my podcast, support me on Patreon! the podcast, I used "Sing Swing Bada Bing" Doug Maxwell/Media Right Productions; source: (attribution not required)
043 Pan Nowak bez pracy
29/07/2019 Duración: 07minHi! Something different today for you. It's a simple story and five questions to check your listening comprehension. Enjoy! :)You can find a full transcript of this episode and some exercises to review grammar and vocabulary on my blog: you like my podcast, support me on Patreon! the podcast, I used "Sing Swing Bada Bing" Doug Maxwell/Media Right Productions; source: (attribution not required)
042 Straszne rzeczy
22/07/2019 Duración: 05minTV series are very popular right now. Unfortunately, the Polish ones are not very good and therefore not so popular. So, I will talk about an American one that I like. Enjoy! :)You can find a full transcript of this episode and some exercises to review grammar and vocabulary on my blog: you like my podcast, support me on Patreon! the podcast, I used "Sing Swing Bada Bing" Doug Maxwell/Media Right Productions; source: (attribution not required)
041 Spacerem przez miasto
15/07/2019 Duración: 05minLet's have a little walk round the town and see how you can turn it into a language exercise. Enjoy! :)You can find a full transcript of this episode and some exercises to review grammar and vocabulary on my blog: you like my podcast, support me on Patreon! the podcast, I used "Sing Swing Bada Bing" Doug Maxwell/Media Right Productions; source: (attribution not required)