Christ Community Chapel - Hudson Campus



Christ Community Chapel is located in Hudson, Ohio. With campuses in Hudson, Aurora, and Highland Square, Ohio, we exist to see people come to know Jesus, grow in him, and serve him daily.


  • Dirty Dozen - Thomas

    30/06/2019 Duración: 30min

    Joe Coffey | The entirety of our Christian faith anchors on one thing: the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. So when we are asked to believe that the Son of God was killed, buried, and then walked out of the grave, is it any wonder that we struggle with doubt? Is believing that Jesus defeated death, resulting in our salvation, too good to be true? Jesus knew people would doubt. Scripture shows how he addresses doubt through the man we all might know as "Doubting Thomas." Listen to this weeks message in the Dirty Dozen series as Pastor Joe shows us how Jesus understands and addresses our doubts, yet includes us in his story anyway.

  • Dirty Dozen - Mary Magdalene

    23/06/2019 Duración: 28min

    Joe Coffey | We've all been there, in a situation where we don't know what to do or say. Maybe it's a person on the street asking for money, or a tragic situation in a friend's life. We often find ourselves in circumstances where we just can't find the right words to say. Or maybe you've been on the other end of that scenario. Maybe you have been the person experiencing deep grief or a painful trial, and you notice that people are pulling away from you. Phone calls go unanswered, and you don't know where to go for help. You feel like nobody sees you. In both situations, we can look to Jesus and his interactions with Mary Magdalene. Listen to this weeks message in our Dirty Dozen series to learn how Jesus sees us when it feels like nobody else can, seeks us out and engages us no matter what's going on in our life, and makes a place for us when we feel like we don't belong.

  • Dirty Dozen - Peter

    16/06/2019 Duración: 31min

    Joe Coffey | Have you ever felt like you’re not worthy of Jesus’ love because you have failed him in some way? If so, you’re in good company. Even Peter, called to be the rock upon which Jesus would build his church, failed Jesus pretty spectacularly. Peter denied he knew Jesus three times after Jesus was arrested, despite assuring Jesus, he would stay faithful to him. Peter should have been disqualified from being used by God from that point on, but he wasn’t... and he went on to bring thousands of people to Christ. The reason? Jesus’ grace and forgiveness. The same grace and forgiveness he has for all of us if we’re willing to accept it.

  • Dirty Dozen - The Demon Possessed Man

    09/06/2019 Duración: 33min

    Todd Iannetta | It's easy for us to look around, see people who have ended up at terrible points in their lives by making bad decisions, and think, "That could never be me." Should we be so sure, though? There is a road to evil, but most people don't choose to walk down it consciously. We don't set out to be "bad people," but we do we make little decisions to give in to sinful desires, taking small steps that we hardly notice or justify to ourselves. By the time we realize what we've done, it may feel like we've gone too far to turn back. The things we seek most in life end up controlling us, and if those things are sinful by nature, we can end up miserable and at a point where we hardly recognize ourselves anymore. Unless, as Todd explains today, we experience a collision of mercy that changes our course and ultimately saves us from ourselves.

  • Dirty Dozen - Levi

    02/06/2019 Duración: 30min

    Joe Coffey | Followers of Christ are often characterized as the "good people" living clean lives, but when we look at those who first followed Jesus, we realize that many definitely don't fit that description. Take Matthew for instance: He was a tax collector hated by his fellow Jews for his service to the Romans, but when Jesus called him as a follower, he immediately obeyed. Jesus knows we're all sinners; it's a willingness to change that matters most to him. Matthew heard the call, felt the touch, and embraced the change of Jesus. As Pastor Joe explains in today's sermon, we can, too.

  • Micah 6:8 Weekend - How RZIM Makes Jesus Famous

    26/05/2019 Duración: 39min

    Nine years ago, Sanj Kalra gave his life to Jesus, going through what he calls a "Saul to Paul" conversion. Through forgiveness and reconciliation with God, he not only turned away from a sinful life, but eventually became a globe-traveling speaker for Ravi Zaccharias International Ministries (RZIM), an organization of evangelists using apologetics to "influence the influencers" in society by asking and answering questions about faith. Listen today as he tells us about the work RZIM is doing around the world, from corporate boardrooms to academic halls to political centers, as we feature RZIM in addition to our ministry to refugees in Rome during this Micah 6:8 weekend.

  • Great Question - If God is real and loves us, why doesn’t he make himself more obvious?

    19/05/2019 Duración: 28min

    Joe Coffey | When we look for evidence of God, we might search for a loud voice to roll through the earth, or for writing to appear in the sky. Maybe we think that if God is real and loves us, he won't allow tragedies to happen in our lives. Scripture makes claims that God is all-powerful and all-knowing, so we look for obvious signs that prove those claims. So what's the problem with God being "obvious"? Join us for the last week of our Great Questions series as Pastor Joe preaches on the clearest sign of God's existence: lives radically transformed by Jesus Christ.

  • Great Question - What can God tell me that science can’t?

    12/05/2019 Duración: 26min

    Joe Coffey | What can God tell us that science can't? Sometimes it feels easy to explain away any problem we face, whether it's in our own life or another's. There is a simple answer as to why socioeconomic problems exist, research to prove why some people get cancer while others don't, and data to show why divorce is so common. But what happens when the pain we experience can't be explained away? What happens when we are searching for healing, connection, and a place to dwell, but the facts are helping? It is in those moments that God meets us with something that science can't: love. Tune in as Pastor Joe teaches us how the deep, unfailing, and faithful love of God can transform our soul.

  • Great Question - How can God be loving and send people to Hell?

    05/05/2019 Duración: 32min

    Zach Weihrauch | Conversations about hell can be personal and painful. Maybe you've been told you will go to hell, or maybe you're unsure about what happened to a loved one after their passing. It can be difficult to understand why a loving God would send people to hell. But for just 30 minutes, consider putting those past experiences aside and listen to Pastor Zach Weihrauch argue that hell proves God is loving, as it is a monument that God sees and cares for victims.

  • Great Question - If God is good, why is my life full of pain and difficulty?

    28/04/2019 Duración: 33min

    Joe Coffey | At some point in life, everyone will face trials of suffering, it's an inevitable part of the human experience. But how do we make sense of God's goodness along with the bad things that happen to us? One thing we know from Scripture is that God wants us to ask that question. Join Pastor Joe as he teaches why a simple answer will never suffice. Only Jesus can.

  • Only Jesus - Offers Forgiveness

    21/04/2019 Duración: 29min

    Joe Coffey | "It is finished." The last three words Jesus spoke before his final breath hold significant meaning. They signify the cost of forgiveness, the reality that the Son of God had to die in order for our relationship with God to be restored. Tune in to our Easter service as Pastor Joe preaches on forgiveness and it's unique ability to heal our souls.

  • Only Jesus - Offers a Home

    14/04/2019 Duración: 29min

    Joe Coffey | The idea of home means different things to different people. For some, it's a place or a person, maybe for others, it's a specific smell or sound that feels like home. We all long for a place where we fit, a place where we are comfortable, loved, and understood. But in reality, those feelings are just a faint glimmer of our true home, our heavenly home where God dwells. Join us as we continue our Only Jesus series as Pastor Joe teaches from John 14:1-6 about our search for home, the price of home, and the promise home.

  • Only Jesus - Offers Hope

    07/04/2019 Duración: 32min

    Zach Weihrauch | In the chaos of life, we can start to feel like God is far removed from the pain and frustration of our daily lives. Maybe we know that he is all-knowing and that we can go to him and prayer, but we forget that he is a God of empathy, who defeated death through his son, Jesus. How might fully embracing that truth change the way we live, pray, and respond to tough circumstances? Join us as Pastor Zach teaches us that only Jesus truly understands us, loves us, and can help us.

  • Only Jesus - The True Shepherd

    31/03/2019 Duración: 30min

    Joe Coffey | John 10:7-15 compares humans to sheep, making the claim that Jesus is our one true shepherd. The funny part about that? Sheep are extremely dumb, dependent, and in constant need of direction from their shepherd. Tune in as Pastor Joe explains (in human terms) why we, like sheep, truly need Jesus as our shepherd.

  • Only Jesus - Offers Sight

    24/03/2019 Duración: 29min

    Joe Coffey | Often times when things go wrong we are tempted to think one of two things: this is my fault, or there is someone else I can blame for this. We bounce between anger and guilt, continually asking why we are hurting and why bad things are happening. Yet in John 9:1-11, Jesus presents a third option of why we suffer. As Jesus gives sight to a blind man, he says the man suffered so that the works of God might be displayed in him. Tune in as Pastor Joe explains how Jesus' work can help us see our suffering differently.

  • Only Jesus - Offers Light

    17/03/2019 Duración: 31min

    Zach Weihrauch | Sometimes life feels like we are walking around in darkness. At times we are unsure which decision is the right one, wondering where we should go next, and asking God why hard things are happening to us. We've all been there. The truth about our nature is that we're born into a world where we don't know what we're doing, we're born into darkness. Join Pastor Zach as he preaches from John 8:12-20 on how the light of Jesus can offer us clarity, certainty, and confidence as we walk through life.

  • Only Jesus - Offers Life

    10/03/2019 Duración: 31min

    Todd Iannetta | It's easy to think if we just had a little bit more of one thing, we'd be content. "If I just had a little bit more money, if I lost a little bit more weight, if my wife just listened a little bit better, then I'd be happy." We all have something. But what happens if we get what we want and we're still not happy? Or what if we never get that one thing we really think we need? Jesus knew we'd always be hungry for something but shows us that he is the only thing that can truly satisfy. Tune in as Pastor Todd teaches how only Jesus gives us life.

  • Only Jesus - Offers Joy

    03/03/2019 Duración: 28min

    Joe Coffey | John 2:1-11 tells the often referenced story of Jesus surprising guests at a wedding by turning water into wine. This surprises many people, because it may seem odd that the first miracle Jesus ever performed publicly was turning one beverage into another. However, in this message Pastor Joe shares how this miracle can show us that Jesus is the Lord of the feast, and therefore the source of all joy.

  • Christianity: Famous of Infamous? - Good or Bad for the World

    24/02/2019 Duración: 37min

    Joe Coffey | With so many religions, political parties, and special interest groups in our culture, why should Christianity be the best thing for this world? This week Pastor Joe discusses why the "Shalom," a Hebrew word meaning peace, wholeness, and flourishing, that God offers is the best thing for our word.

  • Christianity: Famous of Infamous? - Justice or Injustice

    17/02/2019 Duración: 36min

    Mike Holwerda | Life is full of "that's not right" moments. But have you ever stopped to wonder... how did we get here? So often, we find that the church is implicit with the injustices of our time. We tend to be more involved in church-things than justice-things. It seems easier to focus on daily devotionals and church programming and lose focus on social concern or advocacy. How can the church become a place that values justice? Listen to this weeks message in the series, "Christianity: Famous or Infamous?" to learn how you can Make Jesus Famous in your life.

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