Christ Community Chapel - Hudson Campus



Christ Community Chapel is located in Hudson, Ohio. With campuses in Hudson, Aurora, and Highland Square, Ohio, we exist to see people come to know Jesus, grow in him, and serve him daily.


  • The 10 Commandments - Do Not Covet

    05/04/2020 Duración: 15min

    This week Pastor Joe took us through the final commandment: You shall not covet. So what's the harm in wanting something you don't have? Trying to keep up with the Joneses will never satisfy you. Plus, it's hard to really love your neighbor when you just want their stuff. Through this message, we learned that the secret to not coveting is to find contentment in God and his love for you. Fill up on his unending grace, and you'll realize you already have everything you could ever truly need.

  • The 10 Commandments - Do Not Lie

    29/03/2020 Duración: 30min

    This week Pastor Zach took us through the ninth commandment: You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. AKA: Don’t lie. It seems like a simple enough law to understand, but we learned how lying actually stems from our deep desires to be loved and to be cared for. So why does dishonesty matter so much to God? Because you thinking you need to lie to prove or protect yourself shows you ultimately don’t trust him with your life or your future. Next time you’re tempted to lie to earn someone’s affection or gain some sort of security, remind yourself of the gospel: that you’re already infinitely loved and cared for by what Jesus has done for you.

  • The 10 Commandments - Do Not Steal

    22/03/2020 Duración: 15min

    This week Pastor Joe took us through the eighth commandment—thou shall not steal. We learned that stealing includes both wrong taking and wrong keeping. Both cause damage to not only the victim but the criminal. We know that the opposite of stealing is generosity. And how do we become generous people? We look at how Jesus become poor for us. We laugh at how the discomfort we feel pails in comparison, and we give freely. Many of you may have noticed that the seventh commandment on adultery was skipped in our journey through The Commandments. With the nature of the topic and so many online viewers, including small children, we thought it best that the message is released in the near future separately from our traditional weekend services.

  • Our Time To Shine

    15/03/2020 Duración: 11min

    Well, this weekend definitely felt a little different! While we weren't able to be with you all in person, we are so grateful that we can still worship together online. Thanks for tuning in as Pastor Joe encouraged us to respond to current events with courage and compassion while others are filled with fear. It may feel like we are facing a mighty storm, but as followers of Jesus, we know we are safe in the boat with him. We believe that as the body of Christ, this is our time to shine. We encourage you to reach out to those around you. Think about your elderly neighbors or those who might not be able to provide for themselves. Give them some of your extra toilet paper! Live in a way that others know you're not controlled by fear.

  • The 10 Commandments - Do Not Murder

    08/03/2020 Duración: 18min

    This commandment means more than you think, and we’re guilty of it in more ways than we think. When the sixth commandment says you shall not murder, it also means you shall value life. Therefore anything that damages people or devalues their worth is an affront on God himself. The good news? There is grace. The message of our Savior is that life is so meaningful, it’s worth dying to save.

  • The 10 Commandments - Honor Your Father and Mother

    01/03/2020 Duración: 26min

    This weekend we continued in our series by learning about the fifth commandment– to honor your father and mother. We learned about the importance of honoring our parents, but most importantly how the gospel fits in this commandment. We talked about the deep secret: That we have a heavenly father who does not die, will never leave you, and can heal the wounds from your earthly parents.

  • The 10 Commandments - Work and Rest

    23/02/2020 Duración: 30min

    This weekend we continued our series in The 10 Commandments by learning about the fourth commandment– the commandment to rest. We can give our work to God as a gift of love, but we should then view rest as God’s gift to us. If we try to find our worth in what we do, we will never rest and always be a slave. But if we find out wroth in Jesus and what he has done - we will know true rest, understanding that we are already loved.

  • The 10 Commandments - Don’t Speak for Me

    16/02/2020 Duración: 30min

    This weekend we continued our series in The 10 Commandments by learning about the third commandment– do not take the Lord’s name in vain. Pastor Zach taught us why we should not speak for God, saying, “God told me this,” especially if it can’t be found in Scripture. Rather, we can know exactly what God says by looking to Jesus and reading his word in the Bible.

  • The 10 Commandments - Don’t Make Me Up

    09/02/2020 Duración: 28min

    This weekend we continued our series in The 10 Commandments by learning why we shouldn't create images of God. Often times this leads us to create false ideas of who God really is. Instead, we can look to Jesus, who came to earth and revealed to us who the true God is.

  • The 10 Commandments - The 10 Commandments

    02/02/2020 Duración: 29min

    This week we started our new sermon series in The 10 Commandments. We know that might seem weird since our new theme is Love Matters Most, but we also know that the entire Bible, cover to cover, rightly understood about love. We started by learning from Exodus 20:1-3, where the Israelites are commanded to have no other gods besides the Lord. Pastor Joe taught us that when God is at the center of our lives, we are then free to love others and God.

  • Love Matters Most - Love Beyond Measure

    26/01/2020 Duración: 30min

    When Jesus tells us to love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, mind, and love our neighbor as ourself… that is a whole lot of love! But let’s be real, it can’t come from ourselves. It is from God through Jesus that we are filled with love beyond measure, and that love means a few things. First, we can know that the bad things that happen to us will be used for good. Second, we know that we can never lose the gift of God’s love. And third, we know that we have hope for the future because the best things are yet to come!

  • Love Matters Most - When Love Doesn’t Add Up

    19/01/2020 Duración: 32min

    This week, Pastor Zach shared a powerful message about God’s love from Romans 5:6-9. We learned that God’s love for us is not mathematical. He does not love in the way we do, keeping track of who owes us something or who isn’t worth our time. Instead, God loves us at our worst by sending his best, Jesus Christ. Use the link below to learn more!

  • Love Matters Most - The Furious Love of God

    12/01/2020 Duración: 31min

    Joe Coffey | This weekend we continued our series by learning about John 3:16, the most famous verse in the Bible. Whether it's through a sign at a football game or Sunday school as a kid, we've probably all heard this verse. But this weekend Pastor Joe taught us that it's more than just a comforting verse about how much God adores us. In reality, it is a rescue operation. And in reality, God's love should fill you with awe, fear, and wonder.

  • Love Matters Most

    05/01/2020 Duración: 30min

    Joe Coffey | This weekend we kicked off Love Matters Most— our new theme that will carry us through September. From the beginning, people were created and called to love God and love others no matter the cost. But in a culture that often feels more divisive than unified, radical love is no easy task. In 2020, we want this church to be full of people that are marked by love—love for God and love for one another. Our year together will focus on loving others in a way that makes a difference wherever you are, and in a way that continues to make Jesus famous and transform lives. Will you join us?

  • The Most Famous Story - The Most Famous Gift

    24/12/2019 Duración: 15min

    Join us as we celebrate the birth of Christ our King on Christmas Eve. Christmas is an excellent time to spend time with family, think about the past, and give presents that make our loved ones feel known. But as Christians, we know the most important gift of Christmas is the free gift of Jesus, the one who gave up his heavenly dwelling to live among man and make God known to us. And the best part? It is truly a free gift. Jesus paid the price through his death on a cross, for we could never earn salvation by our own efforts. Jesus has come to make God known to us. And so we celebrate—glory to God in the highest! We are not alone in our weary world; in Jesus we have hope.

  • The Most Famous Story - Famous Through You

    22/12/2019 Duración: 31min

    This weekend we continued our series by learning how shepherds out in a field heard of the birth of Jesus from a multitude of angels. God chose to use shepherds to spread the word of his son’s birth as they went back to their towns and told everyone what they saw. They couldn’t help but tell others of God’s magnificent glory. If like the shepherds, you’ve been radically changed by God, have you told others of the joy you now have? Go out and proclaim his glory! Or maybe this Christmas you’re still looking for that joy. We invite you to be like the shepherds and look to God. Come and celebrate the birth of Jesus with us!

  • The Most Famous Story - Famous on Earth

    15/12/2019 Duración: 27min

    The grandness and power of God can make him feel distant in a way that we'll never really know what he's thinking. What if we had the chance to stop guessing what God is like? In Christ, we do have that chance. Christmas reminds us not only of how Christ came to live with us but also that God is fully revealed, and fully knowable through Christ if we only make the choice to consider him. 

  • The Most Famous Story - Famous in Heaven

    08/12/2019 Duración: 31min

    It's easy to miss the power of Christmas because it's such a familiar, sentimental story. But we want to make sure you don't miss the white-hot core of the holiday. This weekend, Pastor Joe encouraged us to remember that Christmas means the God of the universe came in human flesh as a baby to restore and renew all things that are decaying and being destroyed now. And that is our reason to celebrate!

  • The Most Famous Story - The Most Famous Rescue Story

    01/12/2019 Duración: 30min

    Christmas time can easily become cluttered with festive music, movies, and traditions-- but what if we also looked at it as a rescue mission? This week Pastor Joe taught us that if you've ever been lost, you've probably asked yourself three things: Does anyone know I'm lost? Does anyone care that I'm lost? And, will anyone come for me? When we think of Christmas, we can think of Jesus on a rescue mission, coming as God in flesh to rescue each one of us. As you go about your normal Christmas traditions, know that you're never too far gone for Jesus to save you. We follow a God who leaves the 99 to rescue one lost sheep.

  • Surprisingly Simple - Obedience

    24/11/2019 Duración: 32min

    Pastor Zach defined obedience is trust in action. We saw that our chief issue with God isn’t our performance — it is whether or not we trust God. Trust can be hard, but we know that Jesus already earned God’s trust for us by living, dying, rising from the dead. When we look to Jesus, we can cast our doubts aside and trust that his Word is true. We can then live out that reality in our own lives, live obediently to his Word and making Jesus famous by showing others how God shows up for us. 

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