Ross, Al And Luke



Everyone has a dream inside them.But sometimes life feels harder than it should and we're left wondering why it's just not easier.Sometimes you feel on top of the world and other times you feel like the whole world is on top of you.We're Aussie blokes, we're dads, and we're entrepreneurs.Between us we have made a lot of mistakes and learnt a few things about Life, Love, Relationships, Communication, Leadership and Business, and we're here to share it with you.Whatever you take away from today, you can be guaranteed we enjoyed delivering it to you.#RossAlLuke #RossAlandLuke #Business


  • Ross Al and Luke Ep70 - No Negativity Allowed!

    30/09/2019 Duración: 29min

    Negativity starts with our language both internally and externally. And ends with our experience of life reflected in those words like a mirror. In other words what we say determines our life. Many people walk around being rude and unkind to others in both thought and in word (I know, I was one of them). Then wonder why our life replicates what we say.  "What we focus on is what we get." Explains exactly how being rude, mean or unkind, creates more of that in our own lives. Just as consistently and powerfully as being kind and generous in thought and word creates more of that in our lives. Choose how you speak to your self and others, it will be reflected straight back.

  • Ross Al and Luke Ep69 - Who is Ross Pepper?

    23/09/2019 Duración: 43min

    Over the last 2 episodes we got deep and personal with Al and Luke. Today it's Ross' turn. Why do you coach? What brought you hear?age, sit back, relax and listen... to the journey so far that's a snapshot of Ross Pepper's life. Why do you coach? What brought you hear? What's your biggest learning to-date?

  • Ross Al and Luke Ep68 - Who is Alister McDonald?

    16/09/2019 Duración: 31min

    Last episode was Luke, today Al generously allows us to dig deep and discover the man behind the voice. Again, I'm not going to spoilt it. Have a listen and discover the man. Thanks Al!

  • Ross Al and Luke Ep67 - Who is Luke Farrer?

    09/09/2019 Duración: 39min

    Luke allows us to dig deep and discover the man behind the voice. I'm not going to spoilt it, have a listen. Thanks Luke!

  • Ross Al and Luke Ep66 - Al asks... Is How We Do School, How We Do Life?

    02/09/2019 Duración: 42min

    What a great question and one we should explore because of the learnings and resulting possibilities. Is how you did school similar to how you do life now? Do you have many of the same 'hang-ups' or 'talents' you did then? Or did you completely transform your approach to life at some pint in your personal journey?

  • Ross Al and Luke Show Ep65 - A Listener Inspired Episode (Thanks David)

    27/08/2019 Duración: 34min

    In today's Episode we read a listeners generous correspondence and it triggers a full episode of discussion. Sub topics include: Drinking Living in OZ and UK Work ethic Sun, Fun and Vitamin D

  • Ross Al and Luke Show Ep64 - Gamification Hurts Luke's Head. Is there Free Choice? Where are we Headed?

    19/08/2019 Duración: 34min

    Today we explore the big life questions: Do we really have free choice?   Is everything we believe completely made up? Is the world broken? Is there a revolution coming? Will community and the love of fellow humans win out? Before we get there, we open with confusion about the Beetle's song "When I'm 64", before starting with one of Al's favourite topics 'Gamification'. This takes us to exploring the future of Technology and the massive implications of our extraordinary, accelerating advancements in science, genetics and technology. Check out Minimalist lifestyles.  Reach out to us if you want to know more about the 'One for All, All for One' movement. Al REALLY needs to stop leaning back from the mic. Please send him a message to remind him!! :)

  • Ross Al and Luke Show Ep63 - Importance of Having a Purpose. How does a Leader Impact their Team or Business?

    12/08/2019 Duración: 33min

    We start off exploring the critical importance of having a purpose in our lives, a reason to live that is greater than just getting by. Then Luke shares a challenging and confronting occurrence in his business.  It's a very personal experience for him and it allows us to explore some powerful topics for all team leaders, especially business owners.  A must listen episode if you are in charge of, or responsible for leading others (or ever want to be).

  • Ross Al and Luke Show Ep62 - Investing. Owning Your Own Home and Renting.

    05/08/2019 Duración: 36min

    Our Investments Episode was a bit random but we did discuss Renting, Owning your own home, Property prices and when to sell and buy. Plus shares and high risk vs. reliable investments.

  • Ross Al and Luke Show Ep61 - Long Distance Road Trips. Road Rage and Living Outside the City.

    29/07/2019 Duración: 30min

    We talk about road tripping across this great big country of ours, Australia. The magnificent freedom of the open roads and the adventure that awaits you. Of course Al shares his road rage tendencies again.  Then we discuss the benefits and possibilities of getting outside the city and living a life free from modern world constraints, pressures and stresses.

  • Ross Al and Luke Ep60 - The WTF! ...'Episode'... **EXPLICIT WARNING**

    22/07/2019 Duración: 19min

    **EXPLICIT WARNING** ...again... Today's ...'episode'... starts with Luke's predigests against people with hair (according to Al). So we talk hair and lack of. Be it hair cuts, eye brow tinting, plucking, dying, or nose hair... we leave no hair un-pulled. Then we briefly discuss the chemical, food and pharmaceutical industries. Finishing off the ...'episode'... Luke shares with us how arse tastes and his love for 'Shit-lips' their family dog. Al understandably begins dry reaching.

  • Ross Al and Luke Ep59 - Committed to being better every day

    15/07/2019 Duración: 37min

    Are you committed to being a better version of yourself?  What about others? How many chances or opportunities do you extend to others? What's the difference between right vs wrong, judgement and what's workable or not workable? We get what we put up with. It's what becomes the normal. We're all Leaders, even those who protest otherwise.

  • Ross Al and Luke Ep58 - Being on Time and the Power of Integrity

    09/07/2019 Duración: 29min

    Being on time is a hot topic in Australia, where the population are often a little more laid back about life. Sure, we're not as laid back as other countries like Mauritius, but we're also far from the more formal Europeans and a world apart from the Japanese. We discuss how being on time (or not) is not a moral issue but it does impact peoples trust. It's not wrong, but it also doesn't work. Being on time is a statement of your word as your bond. It shows strength of character and reliability. If you struggle to be on time we share a coupe of great ideas to fix it (if that's something you want to do).

  • Ross Al and Luke Ep57 - A Health Scare Opens Today's Topic

    01/07/2019 Duración: 22min

    Ross has a scary moment and goes to hospital with Stroke symptoms. Stumbling around and clumsy on his right hand side. Are you dealing with all your health symptoms naturally before they escalate? Healthy eating, sleeping, exercise and meditation. Listen to your body (not your head), when you are considering your health.  Consider who you see for medical assistance and advice, such as a Physio for movement related pains and a nutritionist for better health.

  • Ross, Al & Luke Show Ep56 - Loneliness of Running a Small or Micro Business Ep57:

    24/06/2019 Duración: 26min

    Human beings are social creatures, which means spending extended hours alone per day, can impact our mental and emotional health. If you don't wake up driven and filled with purpose, that should be a danger sign for you. If you're struggling to stay focused or effective, get connected with others. Step out of the weeds, look around, there are infinite options when you look for them. Luke shares his own business growth story and we deeply discuss and engage in mental health. I've setup a Micro business community on Facebook, come and be part of it - Make it a home when you feel alone and an opportunity to inspire your fellow solopreneurs. SHOW LINKS and FACEBOOK GROUP Micro Business Community

  • Ross, Al and Luke Show Ep55 - Evolution and Human Manipulation (The Human God)

    17/06/2019 Duración: 24min

    Episode 55 opens up with Studio 55, followed by 'special cuddles'...thanks boys, real classy... Luckily we move on to the considerably more future paced, exploratory subject of DNA manipulation and how our laws and social acceptances are lagging behind the acceleration of technology advancements. Luke recommends checking out Joe Rogan's podcast episode #1292. (Yes we noticed we're merely 1240 episodes behind...) SHOW LINKS Joe Rogan's podcast episode #1292

  • Ross, Al and Luke Ep54 - Leadership and Just Simply Being Human.

    13/06/2019 Duración: 26min

    In today's episode we discuss several interesting, passionate and thought provoking subjects.  We talk of unexpected outcomes and the unknown, unknowns. How believing something doesn't make it real, just our experience of reality. Crime and punishment.  Luke steps out of the shadows and in to the light, the man in the middle who makes a difference to others 'The Holistic Consultant'. EPISODE LINKS to the FACEBOOK GROUPS All for One and One for All Micro Business Community

  • Ross, Al and Luke Ep53 - Technology Enhances and Hinders Our Lives. Plus Intro to Leadership.

    03/06/2019 Duración: 29min

    Today's technology advances have resulted in regular unfiltered communication. Luke says "Options and comments hold no weight (until discussed in-person). They are just hearsay and gossip. Forget them and move on."  There is immense value in thinking for yourself and taking responsibility for your own future. In other words, leadership of self before others.

  • Ross, Al and Luke Ep52 - Living in the Present Moment and The Cup-Fart Bandit

    27/05/2019 Duración: 39min

    This episode is a wonderful exploration of Living in the Present Moment. During our discussion we explore thoughts such as... Is the planet round or flat? Believing doesn't make it real, just real for you. Al's football glory. A fire at Ross' wedding. Traffic chaos and more. We inquire about the moments that really matter in life and remind you that you're whole and complete. There is nothing wrong and nowhere you need to be, or do. Recommended learning: Sydney Banks, The three Principles of Mind, Consciousness and Thought Recommended book: The Power of NOW P.S. Look out for the Cup-Fart Bandit who makes an appearance near the end.

  • Ross, Al and Luke Ep51 - Capturing an 'off-air' conversation starts a great episode on being yourself.

    20/05/2019 Duración: 34min

    It's OK, I remembered what the preamble was about, 'Bullying'. We discuss not taking on other peoples negative attitude, words and actions. Basically, to sum up this episode it's one of finding your own voice and being that. We also spoke about JOY and how to help people show up as a better version of themselves. The 3 Universal Fears (I'm not good enough, I'm not lovable and I don't fit in). Unconditional love. It's easy and natural. Plus, stop taking on other people's stuff! Recommended movie: Groundhog Day

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