Rainier Valley Church - Seattle

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 72:39:15
  • Mas informaciones



Because God loves us, Rainier Valley Church exists to glorify God, to love one another, and to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ as we serve our neighbors.Rainier Valley Church is in the heart of Rainier Valley in Seattle Washington. Worship with us on Sundays at 10am.


  • Growing Old Together (Song of Solomon 8:5-14)

    14/03/2023 Duración: 51min

    Growing Old Together - Song of Solomon 8:5-14 Love Songs: A Study in the Song of Solomon Sunday, March 12th   Transformative Love (8:5) The community was amazed by how much the woman has been transformed in her relationship to her beloved. Love is meant to be transformative. How have the relationships in your life transformed you? What ways have you grown and changed because of those who are closest to you? The challenges we face in our marriages and friendship aren’t flaws but features to transform, challenge, grow, and shape us. How can we maximize the transformative impact of the relationships in our life?    Covenantal Love (8:6-8) This beautiful section of scripture highlights the Personal, Permanent, Passionate, Perseverant, and Priceless nature of love. How is covenantal love different from contractual love?  What important aspect of love highlighted in this poetic section resonates with you and why?     Honoring Love (8:9-10) In this section of the scriptures, The brothers of the young woman are plann

  • Deepening Faithfulness - Song of Solomon 7:1-8:4

    06/03/2023 Duración: 54min

    Deepening Faithfulness (SOS 7:1-8:4) Everything changes over time, some things get better and some things get worse. What are some examples of things that can get better with time and what are some examples of things that get worse with time?  What are examples you have seen in your life of marriages or even friendships that have deepened over time and what makes them different than marriages and friendships that have fallen apart? What are some of the key relational elements that you’ve seen help marriages and friendships to deepen over the years?    Delight in One Another (7:1-10) In this section of scripture, the husband praises his wife’s body with new observations as well as classic lines that he used on their honeymoon. How can we cultivate the ability to bless, praise, and thank others for the  For Singles - How does growing to know someone over decades help us to appreciate them in a deeper and more profound way? What do you appreciate about your friends and how can you encourage them this week?  

  • Fighting Fair: Conflict and Growth - Song of Solomon 5:2-6:13

    27/02/2023 Duración: 54min

    Opening Discussion Questions Since tonight we are going to talk about conflict let’s start thinking about this topic with what is the dumbest thing you’ve ever fought over? Share a time when an unmet expectation made you a lot angrier than it should have. How does self-centeredness play into the things you fight about? Share examples and talk about how it could have been handled in a more others-focused way. How aware of your own self-centeredness do you think you are? How could you get a more objective view of it? What’s the difference between reacting and acting? Give some examples of times when this was handled well. Fighting Fair - Conflict and Growth Overview of Song of Solomon 5:2-6:13 Conflict: The Fight! (5:2-3) Don’t Retaliate (5:4-5) Seek Reconciliation (5:6-6:3) Recall What You Respect (6:4-13) For Singles • How much of a problem would your friends and family say anger is for you? How do you see anger affecting your relationships? • Which of your relationships has the most conflict? • Describe some

  • “The Wedding Night: Sex and Sexuality - Song of Solomon 3:6-5:1"

    20/02/2023 Duración: 51min

    Opening Discussion Questions Which of the following views of sex were you taught growing up and why? Hedonistic view: Everything is about sex. Sex is the ultimate and greatest pleasure Contemporary view: Just a biological function so what’s the big deal? Religious view: Dirty and/or weird and save it for the one you love! Avoidance view = Just don’t even talk about it. To be avoided at all cost. What is the biblical view of sex and why does it matter? What are some ways the world's scripts of sex conflict with God's design for sex? For Singles • What can you do now to build a foundation for great married sex during this season of your life? • Do you agree that God created sex to be enjoyed only by married couples? Why or why not? What challenges you about this biblical standard? • Tell about a relationship where you experienced absolute trust.  How can you build that, especially if trust has been broken?For Married Couples • What is the sexiest non-sexual thing your spouse does that’s attractive to you?

  • The Art of Pursuit - Song of Solomon 2:8-3:5

    13/02/2023 Duración: 43min

    Love Songs: A Study of the Song of Solomon “The Art of Pursuit” Song of Solomon 2:8-3:5 Sunday, February 12th Discussion Questions This section of Song of Solomon talks about Spring. Which season of the year is your favorite (like the actual weather)? This week's message in the Song of Solomon 2:8-3:5 was about the art of pursuit. What do you need to pursue or protect in our season of life? Did you have any examples of a good, godly marriage when you were growing up? How have those early impressions shaped your outlook on marriage? For Singles • What reflections have you had over the past week about last week’s qualities to develop and look for? (Godly character,  growing trust, higher standards, consistent encouragement) • What are your thoughts about marriage in general? What about for yourself specifically? • What truths and principles from the Song of Solomon are easy for you to embrace in your current season of life and which ones are more difficult for you in this season? • What standards have you set

  • The Art of Attraction - Song of Solomon 1:1-2:7

    06/02/2023 Duración: 57min

    Love Songs: A Study of the Song of Solomon “The Art of Attraction” Song of Solomon 1:1-2:7 Sunday, February 5th Discussion Questions• What are some funny and misleading descriptions you’ve heard of from online dating profiles or blind date set-ups? • What qualities does our culture say attraction is built upon? What issues might be caused by people using those worldly qualities as a basis for a relationship? • What one area will you work on developing in yourself to be someone who helps those you love feel special and secure? • Which quality is the most important for you in a relationship —including friends and family? Why is that so important to you? • Share a time when someone made you feel special and secure. What did they do to make you feel that way? For Singles • How are you working on developing the qualities you’d like to see in someone else in your own life? • Talk about whether you think it's more important to work on these qualities so you'll attract a spouse or so you'll attract others to Christ

  • "Mission - Serve Our City in 2023"

    23/01/2023 Duración: 49min

    Community - Live as family in 2023 We believe that Jesus makes us family. We are passionate about Christian community. As part of the family of God, we order our lives around deep and joyful fellowship with one another. We want to be a family that eats together, supports one another, serves and cares for each other. Making a community that is known and needed   Formation - Become like Jesus in 2023 We believe that Jesus changes people. We are passionate about transformational discipleship. As disciples of Jesus, we order our lives around the lifestyle of Jesus. We want to be with Jesus, become like Jesus and do what Jesus did. Making fully devoted followers of Jesus   Mission - Serve Our City in 2023 We believe that Jesus loves the world. As the people of Jesus in our city, we get to share the gospel and serve our neighbors. Through everyday life, we are building a new humanity defined by the way of Jesus. We want to be people of hope and joy in a city of sadness and despair. We want to do what Jesus would do

  • "Formation - Become Like Jesus in 2023"

    16/01/2023 Duración: 45min

    Rainier Valley Church’s Vision for 2023 (Community + Formation + Mission) Community - Live as family in 2023 We believe that Jesus makes us family. We are passionate about Christian community. As part of the family of God, we order our lives around deep and joyful fellowship with one another. We want to be a family that eats together, supports one another, serves and cares for each other. Making a community that is known and needed   Formation - Become like Jesus in 2023 We believe that Jesus changes people. We are passionate about transformational discipleship. As disciples of Jesus, we order our lives around the lifestyle of Jesus. We want to be with Jesus, become like Jesus and do what Jesus did. Making fully devoted followers of Jesus   Mission - Serve Our City in 2023 We believe that Jesus loves the world. As the people of Jesus in our city, we get to share the gospel and serve our neighbors. Through everyday life, we are building a new humanity defined by the way of Jesus. We want to be peopl

  • "Community - Live As Family in 2023"

    09/01/2023 Duración: 47min

    Onward: Launching into a New Year Week #1 "Community - Live As Family in 2023" Biblical Text: Acts 2:42-47, 4:32-34, John 17:20-23, Hebrews 10:24-25, Topics Covered: Community, Fellowship, Unity, Church Family, Goals, Big Idea of the Message: We want to live as the family of God in 2023 Application Point: Becoming a vital member of a community that is known and needed by one anotherDiscussion Questions for the New Year: What are 5 ways you could develop the relationships you need in your life this week? Who are your mission-minded, like-minded friends? Who are the people who make you love God more? Who can you safely share your soul with? Who are wise mentors you could pursue? https://youtu.be/5iUk2OSPwWE

  • Living Stones: Looking Back, Looking Forward

    02/01/2023 Duración: 51min

    Living Stones: Looking Back, Looking Forward Biblical Text: Joshua 4:1–7, Exodus 12:24-27a, Deuteronomy 6:20-25, 1 Corinthians 11:25-26 Topics Covered: New Year's, 2023, Remembering, Faithfulness, Trust, Future Big Idea of the Message: God’s faithfulness in the past reminds us that we can trust him for the challenges of the future. Application Point: Take time to remember what God has done for you this year as you consider your plans for and concerns about this new year. Discussion Questions for the New Year: What kinds of memorials do you need to make as you remember God's faithfulness in your life in 2022? How has God been faithful in 2022? How has God provided in 2022? How has God surprised you in 2022? How can you memorialize these events, celebrate what God has done and pass on these stories to others in 2023? How has God been with you in difficult circumstances in 2022? What difficult circumstances might we be tempted to pick up stones of anger, bitterness, and unbelief as we move from 2022 to 2023

  • Christmas Day!

    29/12/2022 Duración: 42min

    A special Christmas Day message by Pastor Ken at Rainier Valley Church

  • Good News, Great Joy, All People (Christmas Eve)

    29/12/2022 Duración: 20min

    Rainier Valley Church gathered together on Saturday, December 24th for a Christmas Eve Candlelight worship service to celebrate the birth of our savior. What's Christmas all about? It's Good News of Great Joy for All People!

  • The Cosmic Fulfillment of Christmas

    19/12/2022 Duración: 46min

    Have a Merry Christmas! 

  • Christmas in the Revelation "A Wartime Christmas" (Rev 12)

    12/12/2022 Duración: 55min

    Announcements from Sunday, December 11 2022 Christmas Eve Saturday - Please plan to invite friends and family to join us for a beautiful Christmas Eve Candlelight service on Saturday, December 24th at 4pm. This is a family-style service with a children's choir, advent candle lighting, Christmas message and classic candlelight songs. Christmas Day Service - Pastor @Ken Sabalza is planning a special Christmas Day worship service for Sunday, November 25th at 4pm. This will be a simple, stripped-down, family-style service with no amplification or projection - just a guitar, our voices and the Word of God. Feel free to have the kids come in their Christmas jammies. We'll have a wonderful time of worship together! Christmas in the Revelation #3 "A Wartime Christmas" (Revelation 12) Topic(s): Christmas, Spiritual Warfare, the Devil, Demonic Attack, Condemnation, Shame, Freedom, Gospel, Joy. Big Idea of the Message: Christmas is the about the victory of God in the midst of an ongoing spiritual war. Application Point:

  • Christmas in the Revelation "The Worship of Christmas Fulfilled in Revelation" (Rev 4-5)

    05/12/2022 Duración: 56min

    Announcements from Sunday, December 4th 2022 Bible Reading Plan - Join us on #bible_reading_plan channel on Slack to discuss our daily Bible reading. We will be finishing up 1 Samuel and starting 2 Samuel. If you haven't joined us yet, jump into the same page Bible reading challenge and read the scriptures with us each day. The PDF is attached on Slack and can be printed out and put in your Bible as a daily reminder. Feel free to leave any thoughts, questions or insights in the #bible_reading_plan channel here on Slack. Nursery Help Needed - Thank you to all those who have done such a great job helping to serve our church family, visiting families, and our kids by caring for babies in the nursery and teaching children in the kids ministry. By God's grace and your willingness to serve, we have teams for each week. There is one spot currently needing coverage and that's help in the nursery on the third week of the month. If you're able to help out, please contact @Steve Pratt. Thanks so much! Ladies Craft Night

  • Christmas in the Revelation "From the Cradle to the Throne" (Rev 1:1-2)

    30/11/2022 Duración: 54min

    Announcements from Sunday, November 28th 2022 Bible Reading Plan - Join us on #bible_reading_plan to discuss our daily Bible reading. as we read through Ruth, 1 Samuel and continue reading a Psalm each day. If you haven't joined us yet, jump into the same page Bible reading challenge and read the scriptures with us each day. The PDF is attached and can be printed out and put in your Bible as a daily reminder. Feel free to leave any thoughts, questions or insights in the #bible_reading_plan channel here on Slack. Joy’s Birthday Party - Join us at Rainier Valley Church after our worship service on Sunday, December 11 for a very special birthday party for @Joy Mipalar. The Birthday Party will have an English Tea Party Theme and ladies are encourage to bring a fancy hat if they would like. Joy will be provided some incredible food. Please plan to celebrate Joy's birthday with us on Sunday, December 11th. Christmas in the Book of Revelation - Join us this Advent season, beginning on Sunday, November 27th as we

  • When You Feel Like Giving Up (Hab 3:1-19)

    21/11/2022 Duración: 44min

    Announcements from Sunday, November 20th 2022 Bible Reading Plan - Join us on #bible_reading_plan to discuss our daily Bible reading. as we read through the challenging book of Judges together and continue enjoying a Psalm each day. If you haven't joined us yet, jump into the same page Bible reading challenge and read the scriptures with us each day. The PDF is attached and can be printed out and put in your Bible as a daily reminder. Feel free to leave any thoughts, questions or insights in the #bible_reading_plan channel here on Slack. Joy’s Birthday Party - Join us at Rainier Valley Church after our worship service on Sunday, December 11 for a very special birthday party for @Joy Mipalar. The Birthday Party will have an English Tea Party Theme and ladies are encourage to bring a fancy hat if they would like. Joy will be provided some incredible food. Please plan to celebrate Joy's birthday with us on Sunday, December 11th. Christmas in the Book of Revelation - Join us this Advent season, beginning on Sunda

  • Trusting God to Deal with Evil (Hab 2:6-20)

    15/11/2022 Duración: 45min

    When God Doesn't - The Book of Habakkuk Week #3 "Trusting God to Deal with Evil: In the World and In Ourselves" Questions for Discuss & Reflection on Habakkuk 2:6-20 Hey all. Here are some questions for discussion & reflection on this week’s text, the 5 woes of the Babylonians.  The theme for the sermon was “Trusting God to Deal with Evil: in the world & in ourselves.”  I hope God used it to encourage your faith, convict where necessary, and equip you this week.  I’ve included some questions below. - Peace & Grace, Pastor @Steve Pratt Questions: Have you ever stolen something from someone--money, time, an opportunity, praise, the limelight?  Is someone crying “How long?” in response to something you done in life?  What does repentance look like? When do you get angry?  If anger is a secondary emotion, what is the deeper motivation for your anger?  The big 4 motivators are power, approval, comfort, or control…all of which are idols.  Which one do you lean towards? What does it look like to be

  • Questioning God in the Midst of Suffering (Heb 1:12-2:4)

    08/11/2022 Duración: 39min

    Announcements from Sunday, November 6th 2022 International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church - Sunday, November 6th was the International Day of Prayer for Persecuted Christians, a day set aside for Christians to join in prayer for our persecuted brothers and sisters in Christ around the world.  Voice of the Martyrs produced this video of Rebecca in Nigeria for this year's international day of prayer for the persecuted church. https://youtu.be/nUrz3xe9E7E Christians Living on the world’s most dangerous frontier mission fields cherish God’s Word - Pray that every christian living in hostile areas and restricted nations will receive their own copy of the Bible to encourage, instruct and guide them in their Christian discipleship. Persecutors around the world are threatened by God’s Word and seek to destroy or remove Bibles in order to discourage the witness of Christians - Pray that Christians will be wise as serpents and innocent as doves (Matt 10:16) as they smuggle and distribute Bibles AND Pray

  • When Life Doesn't Make Sense (Hab 1:1-11)

    01/11/2022 Duración: 32min

    Announcements from Sunday, October 30th, 2022 Happy Reformation Day - STREAM THE LUTHER DOCUMENTARY FOR FREE October 31 marks 505 years since Martin Luther effectively—and unintentionally—sparked the Protestant Reformation with his Ninety-Five Theses. Discover Luther’s story by watching the award-winning documentary Luther: The Life and Legacy of the German Reformer. It’s available to stream for free on Ligonier Ministries’ YouTube channel. You can also download the accompanying study guide for free. Here is the great kids video on the life of Martin Luther we showed on Sunday. https://youtu.be/fVsdAIqHBWI Bible Reading Plan This Week - Join us on #bible_reading_plan to discuss our daily Bible reading. This week we are reading Deuteronomy 17-34 and Psalm 45-49. The PDF is attached and can be printed out and put in your Bible as a daily reminder. Feel free to leave any thoughts, questions or insights in the #bible_reading_plan channel here on Slack. RVC Women's Bible Study Kickoff - A Reminder to the ladie

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