Respect The Grind With Stefan Aarnio

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 160:04:30
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Respect The Grind with Stefan Aarnio is a podcast for high achievers and real world grinders. Listen to award winning real estate investor, Stefan Aarnio, discuss success with people who have achieved mastery and freedom through discipline. Stefan interviews entrepreneurs, athletes, authors, artists, real estate investors, or anyone who has achieved mastery and examines exactly what it takes to get there. If you want to learn how peak performers operate and dominate, then tune in every Monday and Thursday at 9:00am CST to hear Respect The Grind!


  • Hard Times Create Strong Men: Chapter 24

    29/03/2021 Duración: 18min

    What’s the major difference between the genocides of the Native American from the now US and Canadian territories? The first were slaughtered and wiped out, the latter were left “alive” with their broken spirits, and doomed to subversion. Subverted communities have by far a worse time than nuked ones, and only one of them has a true chance of rebuilding their philosophies, values and beliefs. Subversion is happening every day all around the world, but it is an invisible force, not something you can see. Unfortunately, man has trouble fighting an invisible enemy. As an effective war tactic, subversion has in fact been taking place in America since the 1960s. Do not take it lightly, since it is even more destructive than an atom bomb. It is our chance to decide to fight it now or succumb to it and fall like all the greatest empires did before us.

  • Money People Deal: Chapter 20

    22/03/2021 Duración: 05min

    Pressure makes diamonds... but it can also crush people. Being under pressure is definitely uncomfortable and yet somehow it can bring out the best version of ourselves. Pressure shows us who we really are, and can bring out rather the hero or the wimp inside of us. In this chapter of Money, People, Deal, Stefan Aarnio shows us the importance of pressure, stress and discomfort for our personal growth. Pressure is necessary to push to the next level and become better. Following your instincts and taking advantage of your natural skill sets while adding a little pressure in the mix is a great strategy to success.  “Pressure is what turns coal into diamonds, and it also turns a raw, undeveloped, average person into a refined success.”

  • Self Made: Confession 21

    15/03/2021 Duración: 12min

    What if you were on the verge of bankruptcy with zero chances to recover and you only had 90 days to save your ass from financial hell? Would you become the businessman you were unable to be when everything seemed “alright”? “I’m in charge” were the words Stefan Aarnio took so long to pronounce, but marked the start of the conclusion of the painful project he had been dragging for months. In this chapter you’ll find Stefan’s 90 days journey from being unable to sleep at nights to getting a well deserved $100,000 check. Learn the value of owning up to your own mistakes and what leadership is really about. If you aren’t willing to get your hands dirty, then you should probably stay at home, but that won’t really get you anywhere.  “I had made far too many mistakes on this project and it was nose-diving straight into the ground. If I didn’t act fast, I was going to crash and burn alive in the flames.” Learn how Stefan Aarnio went from selling luxury hotel rooms over the telephone in the middle of the night, with

  • Hard Times Create Strong Men: Chapter 23

    08/03/2021 Duración: 41min

    How to ensure the fall of an empire? How can a first world nation transition into a third world one without it even realizing it? America is currently suffering a harmful transformation, the shocking part is: it has been transforming for decades, but we’re realizing it just now. By erasing God from the map and people’s hearts, Americans have nothing to believe in but their government and money. If a man stands for nothing, he’ll fall for anything. Money is an illusion, every existing currency is fake. An average Joe can’t even afford a decent home anywhere in the USA. Long gone are the times when a single man could buy a house, a car, support his wife and kids and still make it to dinner. Now, a man, his wife and their credit cards are necessary to just survive. Talk about a broken economical system. When the average man is so poor that he can no longer buy bread, a revolution happens.

  • Money People Deal: Chapter 19

    01/03/2021 Duración: 05min

    A million dollars cash for you is on the other side of a field of explosive landmines. What do you do? Would you stay put, make a run for it, go slow and steady or follow someone who knows the quickest and safest way? Choose wisely. In this chapter of Money, People, Deal, Stefan Aarnio will teach you the formula for wealth so you’ll understand there is no such thing as luck. Success is a choice, but you need to find the best conditions to go for it. For everything you want in life there is a minefield in the middle, how will you cross all of them? “In my career, I have earned my education at the “school of life” and have paid my tuition with blood, sweat, and tears. I have stepped on a few “landmines” on my journey and fortunately, have not been wiped out by doing so.”

  • Self Made: Confession 20

    22/02/2021 Duración: 13min

    Stefan Aarnio landed any real estate agent’s dream and had basically hit the jackpot. He was just months away from transforming the worst house on the block into the best house in the neighborhood. This project promised Stefan nothing but success and a monthly income, until it was time to ask for the building permit. Working with the city administration in any city can be frustrating, but for Stefan, it was excruciating.  In this episode, you’ll learn about the importance of leaving the pros’ work to the pros and how to know when you need a financial intervention before your mother calls you out. From a delayed project to bleeding credit cards, this episode will definitely show you where you don’t want to end up. Are you still avoiding looking at your bank account? “I had 2 mortgages, a car loan and only a few thousand dollars in my checking account. I had no job, and no income. In 90 days I would be bankrupt and financially dead if I didn’t get this deal finished.” Learn how Stefan Aarnio went from selling l

  • Hard Times Create Strong Men: Chapter 22

    15/02/2021 Duración: 16min

    Even though religion as both a concept and a practice has taken a major role in human civilizations and throughout history, today it seems like religion is mostly rejected by large groups of people. By disconnecting and avoiding religion, men are preventing themselves from unleashing their true potential and creativity.  Religion is crucial for mankind for two simple reasons: it efficiently organizes large groups of people and it grants access to infinite intelligence. A man is not a man without command and mastery over the spiritual realm. The most successful men in the world consider themselves religious and embrace the discipline, rituals and practices that come with the price of achieving infinite intelligence. We are limited in our power and our knowledge, but the spiritual is truly infinite.

  • Money People Deal: Chapter 18

    08/02/2021 Duración: 11min

    Focus brings clarity to the mind and success, and with focus comes happiness and productivity. The enemy of focus, however, is options. When people have too many options they lose focus, which leads to hesitation, anxiety, and unhappiness. In this chapter of Money, People, Deal, you will learn why the people with the least options are the ones with the most determination. When a person has their back to the wall, their failure rate dramatically drops and the success rate dramatically increases. There’s a reason you can only have security or freedom, but never both. Which one are you pursuing? “In my own life, the happiest, most exciting, most relevant moments have all been moments where I had put myself into a “no options” situation.”

  • Self Made: Confession 19

    01/02/2021 Duración: 18min

    Buying ahead of the curve will make all the difference for you. Stefan’s ambition and passion for real estate led him to find the property he had been looking for for the longest time. He could see the potential of both the building and the neighborhood, the only thing left in the checklist were investors who shared his vision. A dentist, a secret investor and a hungry shark walk into a bar. This confession holds not only an inspiring story of a young entrepreneur but important life advice that could change your life today. There is nothing in this life you can’t get, you just need the correct allies.  “I used the skills I had learned to create a loan proposal and business plan. I spent late nights researching the area, coming up with statistics, doing numbers and building budgets, and finally I had a binder of facts and data that I could show to an investor to build a case for them to fund my crazy project.” Learn how Stefan Aarnio went from selling luxury hotel rooms over the telephone in the middle of the

  • Hard Times Create Strong Men: Chapter 21

    25/01/2021 Duración: 37min

    Long gone are the days when the “weirdos” had to hop on their cars, drive for twenty minutes, enter a fishy store, awkwardly and barely interact with the staff on shift and drive all the way back home to finally “enjoy” some pornography. Porn has never been so accessible, so disgustingly abundant and so cynically shoved up in people’s (and even kids!) faces. But the real threat of the porn invasion lies in the long term repercussions it has on young men. Millions of young men are wasting not only time, but their divine, creative sexual energy by consuming porn without any financial or moral cost. If these men used their sexual energy and transmuted it into something productive, they would all be building successful businesses and empires. Pornography is actively killing young, bright minds and turning them into weak, enslaved asocial beings that do nothing but eat pizza, play videogames and empty the tissue box. Are you ready to stop being a degenerate and follow your true purpose?

  • Money People Deal: Chapter 17

    18/01/2021 Duración: 09min

    Money is an illusion, money does not exist. We insist on giving it enough meaning and value for it to gain power over us. The only thing holding anyone back from reaching his or her dreams is mindset. In this chapter of Money, People, Deal, you’ll be challenged to start a “no cash diet”. Believe Stefan Aarnio when he says this decision is difficult, not only due to our money driven mentality, but also for all the painful situations it could potentially unleash. Understanding that money is an enslavement tool is a valuable lesson, and the first brave step Stefan encourages you to take to get closer to your own freedom. “Understand that money is a drug; the more you have—the more you want. If you have none, money cannot control you. It’s very liberating.”

  • Self Made: Confession 18

    11/01/2021 Duración: 12min

    Remember those horrid team group assignments back in school? Were you one of those kids who bailed and waited for others to do all the work, or were you the poor kid doing everything on your own? In his early twenties, Stefan was left with worse than a school project: a dream house that got trashed along with its mortgage. Building your network is very important in business, but you should never rush and partner with strangers. Even the sweetest deals and opportunities can end up in shitty situations with the wrong group. In this confession we’ll learn about the mistakes Stefan had to fix on his own after his partners bailed out from what had once been a successful investment.  “I felt angry; I felt stupid. I was in over my head. I called my partners for help, but no one seemed to care enough or agree on a single point of action.” Learn how Stefan Aarnio went from selling luxury hotel rooms over the telephone in the middle of the night, with a major in English and a minor in music, to know every rule of the g

  • Hard Times Create Strong Men: Chapter 20

    04/01/2021 Duración: 37min

    If the word “patriarchy” seems to have a negative connotation, you have witnessed (and maybe even been a part of) society’s efforts to destroy men. Being a strong man in today’s world means dealing with hate, anger and attacks from several groups, especially women. In a society where being politically correct is (apparently) more important than being an actual breadwinner, we can’t help but wonder at which point in history we screwed everything up and ended up like this. Here’s a hard to swallow pill: tolerance, acceptance, the exaggerated celebration of diversity and the empowerment of women are doing a lot more harm than good. Increasing divorce rates, kids dropping out of school, suicidal children, adults with behavioral disorders, teenage pregnancies, prostitution and daddy issues... all the things that can go wrong in a household do end up wrong with the absence of a strong, father figure. The weak men and the weak ideas that are now prevalent in our societies come from the elimination of fathers, mascul

  • Money People Deal: Chapter 16

    28/12/2020 Duración: 13min

    What makes the rich man different from the poor man? The first's will to work for free. The most brilliant people in the world have started from the bottom without expecting a single cent in return for their work, and Stefan Arnio experienced this hard but fruitful path himself. In this chapter of Money, People, Deal, you will learn about the power and value of working for free. Young people today are reluctant to see opportunity in this controversial path and yet choose to stay chained to draining and menial jobs instead. Stop chasing dollars, man up and follow your heart. “If I lost everything tomorrow, had no skills, no money, no contacts, and no experience, I would rediscover what I am excited about and offer to work for free in the industry.”

  • How to be A Beast - Podcast w/ Chad Howse

    25/12/2020 Duración: 10min

    There are problems with the common saying ‘fat is where you produce testosterone.’ You need a balance of good carbohydrates and vegetables as well. It’s not just about getting rid of your belly, it’s about becoming a stronger man. "This podcast showcases an impactful portion of Stefan's life that was captured on camera.  We want to make sure everyone knows that Stefan's brand and lifework will continue on through the social media posting and with the entire BlackCard Team. The @blackcard.u team @highkeyagency will be making sure that Stefan's knowledge continues to prosper from his books, stored video content, seminars, podcasts, meetings, house tours, and so much more!"

  • Self Made: Confession 17

    21/12/2020 Duración: 08min

    Actions equal dollars and work needs to be done. Follow Stefan’s first call, appointment and close with a long forgotten lead that was pointless and dead to the company. Thanks to Aarnio’s excitement and fresh mindset, things were about to change.  Opposite minded mentors will push you to think outside of the box and the set system. People think raising money is a long and complicated process, but in reality, the money wants us more than we want it. Listen to today’s episode to learn Stefan’s important lessons to the art and science of sales. “In sales, you need to psychologically reward yourself every time you make a call, not when you close. When you close, you are just picking up the money that you earned while dialing. Actions equal dollars, dollars don’t equal actions.” Learn how Stefan Aarnio went from selling luxury hotel rooms over the telephone in the middle of the night, with a major in English and a minor in music, to know every rule of the game, and winning it. Enter: Wha

  • Ignore the Negativity With Neil Auricchio

    18/12/2020 Duración: 11min

    Negativity is all around us. To notice this, all you have to do is bring up a decent idea to someone. Watch them find 10 reasons for you not to execute instead of 10 reasons why you should. Ignore these people COMPLETELY. In this podcast with Neil Auricchio I discuss how and why you need to get into the mindset of ignoring the negativity. "This podcast showcases an impactful portion of Stefan's life that was captured on camera.  We want to make sure everyone knows that Stefan's brand and lifework will continue on through the social media posting and with the entire BlackCard Team. The @blackcard.u team @highkeyagency will be making sure that Stefan's knowledge continues to prosper from his books, stored video content, seminars, podcasts, meetings, house tours, and so much more!"

  • Hard Times Create Strong Men: Chapter 19

    14/12/2020 Duración: 27min

    Would you rather have to choose between two different ice-cream flavors, or from 63 different flavor options? Remember the world where things were just simple? In different times, men and women were so busy that they had no time to think about anything but survival-related stuff. Now, in a too friendly and explicitly not hostile environment, with enough time and creativity to give away, 63 genders have suddenly popped up out of nowhere. All of them meaningless and even unnameable to the average person.  We live in a strange world today, where every group and every minority is given a megaphone, a channel, an outlet to scream at the top of their lungs for special treatment. But the truth is, intolerant societies are strong societies. Our tolerance is our weakness. As men, it is our duty to actively choose to be men, play our roles in society and stick to them. Stop complicating things, to be a man is a simple idea.

  • Why the Competition is Much Harder on Social Media

    11/12/2020 Duración: 11min

    In this podcast, we discuss why the competition is much harder on social media. Gimmicks and cheap tricks will hurt your business and your brand. Prepare to be in this for the long haul. Focus on quality. Social media pushes us to make content all the time. Learning how to balance output with excellence is essential. Do you know how to make content while running your business? "This podcast showcases an impactful portion of Stefan's life that was captured on camera.  We want to make sure everyone knows that Stefan's brand and lifework will continue on through the social media posting and with the entire BlackCard Team. The @blackcard.u team @highkeyagency will be making sure that Stefan's knowledge continues to prosper from his books, stored video content, seminars, podcasts, meetings, house tours, and so much more!"

  • Money People Deal: Chapter 15

    07/12/2020 Duración: 10min

    Throughout history, many people have searched far and wide for the formula for riches. Some people would call it the philosopher's stone or the fountain of youth. However, Napoleon Hill's formula is the one that hasn't made any mistakes. His formula for great riches is both a philosopher's stone and a fountain of youth.  Discover in this chapter of Money People Deal how wealth and riches are created inside of us in intangible realms, and how the results are manifested through physical success. From affectionate loving parents to a supportive partner, you must suggest taking a moment to compile an inventory of your life and your support system.  “Having a strong support system in the intangible realms through loving parents, a supportive spouse, and strong religious faith is the foundation of the structure that is required to reach the stars and become a top achiever.”

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