Trasa 66 is a Polish radio show (broadcast on Radio Kampus in Warsaw, every Monday, 11:00 PM (CET)), where you can hear all the latest metal bands from different metal genres (metal, metalcore, post-metal, nu-metal, djent, hardcore, mathcore, experimental, progressive, industrial). Variety is the goal. So if you're a tolerant and open minded person, not sticking to one genre, tune in!
Trasa 66 - 05.06.2012
06/06/2012 Duración: 59minEryn Non Dae - Existence Asleep Eryn Non Dae - Through Dark Skies Gojira - Liquid Fire Soen - Purpose Adrenaline Mob - Believe Me Meshuggah - Behind the Sun Meshuggah - Marrow Meshuggah - Swarm Hypno5e - Six Fingers In One Hand She Holds The Dawn (Part I) Hypno5e - Six Fingers In One Hand She Holds The Dawn (Part II) Please spread the word and like T66 on
Trasa 66 - 29.05.2012
30/05/2012 Duración: 01h01minOpeth - The Devil's Orchard Opeth - Nepenthe Storm Corrosion - Happy Mastodon - The Czar Chimp Spanner - Mobius Pt I Animals as Leaders - Isolated Incidents T.R.A.M - Endeavor Trioscapes - Blast Off The Human Abstract - A Dead World At Sunrise Please spread the word and like T66 on
Trasa 66 - 22.05.2012
23/05/2012 Duración: 01h01minEnter Shikari - System... Enter Shikari - Meltdown Enter Shikari - Arguing With Thermometers SikTh - Way Beyond The Fond Old River Aliases - What's Left For Us? Aliases - Sirens Architects - These Colours Don't Run Architects - Daybreak Cancer Bats - RATS Cancer Bats - Road Sick Every Time I Die - Underwater Bimbos From Outer Space Every Time I Die - I Suck (Blood) Tesseract - April (acoustic) Tesseract - Eden 2.0 Please spread the word and like T66 on
Trasa 66 - 15.05.2012
16/05/2012 Duración: 01h02minHetane - Brabrasen Hetane - Golden Snakes Floating Me - Narke Floating Me - Spirals Hypno5e - Acid Mist Tomorrow Gojira - L'enfant Sauvage Meshuggah - Demiurge Skyharbor - Dots Skyharbor - Aurora Crippled Black Phoenix - A Suggestion (Not A Very Nice One)
Trasa 66 - 08.05.2012
09/05/2012 Duración: 59minNine Inch Nails - Me, I'm Not Hetane - Wild Woman Adrenaline Mob - Undaunted Enter Shikari - Hello Tyrannosaurus, Meet Tyrannicide Every Time I Die - Revival Mode Ketha - Blackpool Meshuggah - Swarm Soen - Canvas T.R.A.M. - Seven Ways Till Sunday Yakuza - Back To The Mountain
Trasa 66 - 17.04.2012
18/04/2012 Duración: 01h51sTides From Nebula - These Days, Glory Days Wolves Like Us - Burns Like A Paper Rose Wolves Like Us - Deathless Hypno5e - Six Fingers In One Hand She Holds The Dawn (part I) Hypno5e - Six Fingers In One Hand She Holds The Dawn (part II) Junius - Dance on Blood Mastodon - Black Tongue Decapitated - The Knife Decapitated - United Decapitated - Homo Sum Meshuggah - Do Not Look Down Meshuggah - Swarm
Trasa 66 - 10.04.2012
11/04/2012 Duración: 59minJurojin - The Winter Soen - Purpose Soen - Savia Hypno5e - Story Of The Eye Meshuggah - Marrow Meshuggah - Break Those Bones Whose Sinews Gave It Motion Dumbsaint - Lying In Sign Faith No More - Ashes To Ashes
Trasa 66 - 03.04.2012
04/04/2012 Duración: 01h01minThe Fall Of Troy - Battleship Graveyard The Fall Of Troy - Nature vs. Nurture Panda Horizon - Sunergetic-pt1 Soen - Fraccions Soen - Oscillation The Mars Volta - The Whip Hand At the Drive-In - Enfilade Every Time I Die - I Suck (Blood) Every Time I Die - Partying Is Such Sweet Sorrow Beecher - It's Good Weather For Black Leather Beecher - ...And On The Day That He Became A Human Plumb Line
Trasa 66 - 27.03.2012
28/03/2012 Duración: 01h01minSkyharbor - Catharsis TesseracT - Deception - Concealing Fate Part Two TesseracT - The Impossible - Concealing Fate Part Three Meshuggah - I Am Colossus Meshuggah - The Demon's Name Is Surveillance Devin Townsend Project - Sumeria NORTH KOREA - _____ Are Mine NORTH KOREA - 1996 Riverside - Egoist Hedonist
Trasa 66 - 20.03.2012
21/03/2012 Duración: 01h38sCynic - Carbon-Based Anatomy Mastodon - The Hunter Junius - All Shall Float Protest the Hero - C'est La Vie Devin Townsend Project - Planet of the Apes Sepultura - Dialog DevilDriver - Dead To Rights Decapitated - Carnival Is Forever Ghost Brigade - Chamber Insomnium - Through The Shadows
Trasa 66 - 13.03.2012
14/03/2012 Duración: 59minEvery Time I Die - Revival Mode Every Time I Die - Underwater Bimbos From Outer Space Every Time I Die - Partying Is Such Sweet Sorrow Orange Goblin - Red Tide Rising Obscure Sphinx - Nastiez Adrenaline Mob - Undaunted Dyscarnate - The Weight of All Things Dyscarnate - In the Face of Armageddon Dyscarnate - The Promethean T.R.A.M. - Seven Ways Till Sunday T.R.A.M. - Consider Yourself Judged
Trasa 66 - 06.03.2012
07/03/2012 Duración: 58minAtaxia - Dust Squat Club - Corvus Animals as Leaders - To Lead You To an Overwhelming Question Insomnium - One For Sorrow Cynic - Carbon-Based Anatomy Cynic - Box Up My Bones Cynic - Elves Beam Out Ataxia - The Sides
Trasa 66 - 28.02.2012
29/02/2012 Duración: 01h05sEnter Shikari - Sssnakepit Cilice - Malice Ketha - blackpool Ketha - take 1 Ketha - blob Ketha - freeloader Decapitated - Pest Ketha - trip Chimaira - Salvation
Trasa 66 - 21.02.2012
22/02/2012 Duración: 59minThe Mars Volta - Cotopaxi The Dillinger Escape Plan - Farewell, Mona Lisa North Korea - Master Plan B North Korea - Laced Periphery - Passenger Chimp Spanner - Dark Age Of Technology Chimp Spanner - Mobius Pt I Nvll - Isthmus of Insanity Nvll - Dite Ketha - Freeloader T.R.A.M. - Endeavor
Trasa 66 - 14.02.2012
15/02/2012 Duración: 01h03minPodsumowanie 2011 r - 10 najlepszych plyt wydanych w 2011 roku / Summary of 2011 - 10 best albums of 2011