Never Stop Peaking With Heath Armstrong - Motivation That Doesn't Suck



About me: I'm Heath Armstrong. I smash resistance gremlins with my books and this podcast. I never stop peaking. About you: You're into ridiculous rants, authentic convos, and sweet ass motivation. You want to learn how to never stop peaking. Plus, everyone loves a little comedy, all wrapped in a used condom. Twinkle Twinkle, space-ape.----Topics revolve around habit optimization, destroying resistance gremlins, mind-strength, life in flow, authentic relating, psychedelics, butt-chugging, mindfulness, digital nomads, e-commerce, fruity pebbles, intergalactic space-squids and Heath's journey from face-down-pants-down to location-independent creative maniac. Many resistance gremlins were harmed during the making of this show. Bitcoin ftw.


  • How Good Are You Willing to Let it Get? Exploring the Feel Good Life with Sarah Seidelmann

    05/05/2020 Duración: 01h30min

    Giveaway Link: Shownotes: Sarah's New Book: How Good Are You Willing to Let It Get? Her Other Book Mentioned: The Book of Beasties Sarah's Website:  Help me out and leave an iTunes review!   How Good Are You Willing to Let it Get? No matter what type of fear, procrastination, or resistance gremlins enter your life, there is always one thing you can control that will stop their invasion: your energy.    Will you allow these negative forces to drain and taint your energy, or will you take control of your energy and use it to learn, reflect, and move closer to your visions?   Over many years, I have intermittently struggled with allowing myself to feel my happiest because of some sort of external factor that was bothering me. Sometimes this shows up in the form of depression, full-body inflammation, or a lack of self-worth and often leads to a downward spiral. Because of the negative experiences, I sometimes created

  • Getting Started on Youtube and Expanding Your Audience with Mat Gunnufson

    20/04/2020 Duración: 59min

    Enter the giveaway: Shownotes: Matt helped me out tremendously when I was transitioning my own Amazon business into other projects that I carried more passion for, and I am truly grateful for that. He recently started a small youtube channel that is converting really well, and I wanted to bring him on to the Never Stop Peaking show to discuss his experience of getting started on youtube. I feel there is tremendous value in the raw process from the ground up, and that is what Mat and I discuss in this episode.  

  • World Issues and Pandemics and Strags, Oh My! The Future of Remote Work with Mitko Karshovski

    13/04/2020 Duración: 01h08min

    Shownotes: Enter the Giveaway: I had the chance to explore Bulgaria with Mitko and Ian of Life Nomading late last year, and I’ve never been so hot and bothered in my life.  Fortunately for him, he has a foxy American soon-to-be wife who set clear boundaries, not allowing me to infiltrate. Nonetheless, because of my comfort level with Mitko, we are always able to have real, no-bullshit conversations about deep topics and meaningful causes. This episode is no different, as we dive into hyper-sensitive topics such as the covid-19 pandemic, sex-trafficking, human slavery, and living as a Strag. We also explore the future of remote work as an alternative to the traditional corporate office life, and the importance of having a creative or direction.   

  • Relishing Gratitude in Unexpected Life Events with Caitlin Grenier of Party Like A Diabetic

    06/04/2020 Duración: 01h06min

    This episode is an exploration of how Caitlin and I met, Caitlin’s journey through unexpected diagnosis and healing, and our creative alliance to bring these journaling practices to the world. We also explore the idea of shifting the world away from judgment, disconnection, and criticism, and into self-love, community, and connection. No matter what life presents you with, it’s important to find gratitude in the process and use the experience as motivation and fuel to keep moving forward and creating. Caitlin Grenier is the founder of Party Like A Diabetic Check out: The Sweet-Ass Journal to Optimize Your Diabetic Lifestyle in 100 Days Shownotes: Enter the giveaway:  

  • Trusting in the Universe, Relationship Attachment Styles, and Climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro with Ravi Rothenberg

    29/03/2020 Duración: 01h31min

    Links from the Show:   Enter Weekly Giveaway: Shownotes: Ravi’s Instagram: @RisewithRavi Ravi’s Website: Attached - Amir Levine & Rachel Heller Learn your Adult Attachment Style   Information for climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro   If you are interested in climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro, my friend Scott Brills runs a remarkable guide company, Pamoja Safaris. I can 200% vouch that my experience with his crew was heads and shoulders above all the other crews and groups that I witnessed on the mountain. I felt like I was with my second family, and the equipment, cost, culture, experience, and care was unmatched. Even if you are unsure of your ability to climb, especially at high altitudes, I’m confident his guides will get you to the summit with care.   I’d be happy to answer any questions about the climb if you are interested in going. Feel free to comment on this post or hit me up on social or email.    ---- The Man

  • How to Optimize Your Health through Biohacking and Epigenetics with David Krantz

    04/02/2020 Duración: 01h31min

    Shownotes Link: Enter the giveaway: Disrupting Your Circadian Rhythm Up until about 100 years ago, the world wasn’t experiencing a mass technological shift. It was easy to wake and sleep with the rise and set of the Sun, and we didn’t have electronic lights or electromagnetic frequencies impacting our circadian rhythms. With the mass onset of computers, televisions, global internet, and the big electronic grid that we now live in, we started breaking our natural cycles and instead, we started operating in patterns that weren’t in alignment with nature itself. This shift in patterning has impacted the body and the mind, and although many incredible technological advances have helped save lives, cure diseases, and create long-term sustainable health opportunities, there has been deep negative side as well. Inflammation, depression, fatigue, pain, leaky-gut, and dietary issues can all be related to a lack of living within and understanding

  • From Shock to Awe: How Plant Medicine is Healing Veterans with PTSD (with Dr. Janine Sagert and Olivia Broughton)

    21/01/2020 Duración: 01h17min

    What is the root of your deepest trauma? What blockages are you holding physically and mentally that are preventing you from stepping into the next happiest, healthiest version of yourself? What kind of pains, experiences, and memories are you ready to let go of?    We all have our ups and downs, but how are YOU reacting to yours? What are they attached to? How are they affecting your relationships, your daily routines, and the passion within your pursuits?    For many years, I stuffed things away into the back of my mind hoping they would just disappear. On many different occasions, they boiled up into black-out rampages and deep pools of depression. I had no idea how to overcome these things that were crippling me. In reality, I didn’t even know what most of them were. We all experience suffering on a certain level, and no matter what level it is, it’s the hardest thing in the world for an individual when it hits.   My experiences with Ayahuasca and other types of Plant Medicine have been discussed befo

  • Setting Ultra Racing Records, Hallucinations in the Grand Canyon, and Rebirth with Liz Sampey

    03/11/2019 Duración: 01h14min

    Shownotes: Liz Sampey is the women’s record holder for the fastest time in the AZT 750 race, the world’s largest single-track bike race.  I met her in Indonesia in November of 2018, and she left a permanent inspirational impression on me thereafter.  I spent a few hours over breakfast with a dropped jaw, listening to her story which navigated a path from self uncertainty, toxic relationships, and depression to celebrated endurance athlete and holistic performance coach. A year later, we are finally re-connecting to bring the power of her story to the podcast. From ultra racing, spiritual rebirth, and contemplating death to a complete mental and physical breakdown at 2:00am alone while crossing a river in the Grand Canyon during a 750 miles race (watch the video of her breakdown) this conversation is exploding with goodness. We also dissect the power of not only visualizing your dreams but feeling them during the manifestation process.    Clearly, Liz never stops peaking. But, what ki

  • Your Dreams are Closer Than You Think

    29/10/2019 Duración: 23min

    If we are not meant to experience absolute miracles in life, then why does the miracle of life exist? If dreams are not real, and we are not destined to become one with them, then why are the visions within us? Why is the source part of us? What makes dreams any less real than our physical bodies? What makes dreams any less significant than our current situation or state of consciousness? In this episode, I explore these questions and many more...   Join me on this magical exploration of the creative universe.

  • Creating Transformational Travel Experiences with Ian Hoyt of Life Nomading

    25/10/2019 Duración: 01h25min

    In the opinion of the beautiful brain sheltered within my skull, travel is the most magical and effective form of education. The experience of differing worlds, the virgin interactions with culture, and the pure disconnection from our routine lives are all packed with infinite wisdom, humility, growth and opportunity. There is simply nothing that gets me high like world travel.   I had the honor of meeting Ian Hoyt while on one of his Life Nomading trips in Bulgaria a few weeks ago. Ian started this travel resource as a blog many years ago, in the heat of dropping out of college to pursue his higher calling. From slinging aviation t-shirts and flying airplanes to building charging cubes for electronic devices in a creepy basement, Ian took several risky leaps toward entrepreneurship and following his muse before hitting his rock bottom fetal position attack from resistance.    In this episode, Ian and I dissect his journey from anxiety and resistance to creating transformational travel experiences with Life N

  • Iboga and the Bwiti Tradition - Self Transformation and Deep Healing w/ Levi Barker

    20/10/2019 Duración: 01h14min

    Levi Barker is remarkable Bwiti Iboga provider and facilitator at Iboga Wellness Center in Costa Rica. After being addicted to opiates throughout a large chunk of his twenties and thirties, Levi discovered the life-altering transformational and healing powers of Iboga, a plant medecine native to the Gabon and Cameroon areas of west Central Africa.    In this interview, we explore the sacred and ceremonial use of Iboga for personal transformation and healing, as well as its role as an unmatchable tool in opiate recovery ongoing integration. We also cover a little bit of the history, science, and common uses of the Iboga root and one of its alkaloids, Ibogaine.   “If we can get things moving on an energetic level, it helps us manifest what we want in our life on a physical level.”- Levi Barker   Iboga is an intelligent medicine that does no stop teaching. As if you are entering a portal to a waking dream state, it is common for experiences with Iboga or Ibogaine to dive deep internally, highlighting the importa

  • Stop Trying to Figure Things Out, Anam Cara, and Abundance Affirmations

    16/10/2019 Duración: 55min

    This episode is deeply about the successes and interruptions of my journey- and how I got to the point of considering bankruptcy a few months ago. The resolution is a deeply creative process of moving forward inflow, without trying to figure things out.  The second half of the episode is about affirming financial abundance.

  • Mother Nature's Healing Powers: Hiking the PCT w/ Sarah Wallace

    13/06/2019 Duración: 01h45min

    Enter this week's giveaway: Shownotes: When was the last time you were outside, laying on your back with your big beautiful eyes gazing at the stars without distraction? In those moments, the only thing that seems to run through my mind is the pure magic of existence, the gratitude of experience, and the humility of myself. Even if you can remember a night like this, I bet it’s been nearly impossible to put a strand of nights together in this situation throughout your life. Most of us escape to the great outdoors only for a few days before we are suctioned back into the “work for money” life. What would it be like to disconnect for an extended period of time and live in the wilderness like our distant ancestors?    Sarah Wallace just finished hiking roughly 2,650 miles on the Pacific Crest Trail, which spans from the Mexico border to the Canadian border, and it drastically changed her view of life forever. She noticed her personali

  • The Milk Carton Kid: Seven Years Running w/ Lily Fouts

    16/05/2019 Duración: 01h51min

    Get a free chapter of Lily's book here:   Enter this week's giveaway here: View the shownotes here:   About the episode:   In 1987, Lily Anne Fouts was eight years old. Her abusive father was given custody of her and her sister (age six) over their loving, magical mother due to an unfortunate judiciary decision. Lily and her sister begged their mother not to leave them with her father. Out of sheer unconditional motherly love in an attempt to protect her children, Lily’s mother offered her daughters a solution: to go on the run and escape the abuse while risking everything.    It wasn’t long before Lily’s face appeared on the milk cartons as a ‘missing child.’ For the next seven years, Lily, her mother, and her sister evaded authorities throughout the United States and Mexico, figuring out how to survive daily by the grace of good people, community, and a series of universal synchronicity visions that

  • Sweet-Ass Book Introduction + Going Full Nomad

    29/04/2019 Duración: 34min

    To join the pre-launch book team, please email me at directly. Sweet-Ass Domination Deck Video: Love you all! -Heath

  • Flow Consciousness w/ Jackie & Justin

    18/04/2019 Duración: 01h30min

    Jackie and Justin, founders of The Flow Consciousness Institute, join me for a long conversation about living in flow.  Links Mentioned:  

  • The Mother Root of Serotonin - An Ayahuasca Exploration with Mary Shores

    09/01/2019 Duración: 02h02min

    This is a reflection of the Ayahuasca experience that I have recently returned from. I had Mary Shores on Never Stop Peaking back in July to talk about her first experience, which was an incredible gate for my journey. Now, she returns to help facilitate the integration of my experience, as a channel and companion for opening up the deeper meaning of my healing.   The plant medicine Ayahuasca is an intelligence far beyond what our human brains can comprehend and explain in this language. In this episode, I do my best to share my experience, exactly as it was meant to be, and your interpretation will vary based on what you are in need of absorbing. Ayahuasca is not for everyone, but whether or not you are being called, this conversation will help open up your understanding of the collective consciousness, source, unconditional love, and ultimate truth.   Mary’s Book – CLICK HERE! Paul Selig - The Book of Mastery Robert Monroe - Journeys out of the Body Sense 8 on Netflix Rythmia Center    DOWNLOAD TH

  • Universal Guidance, The Gift of Breast Cancer, and Softening the Heart in Colombia w/ Whitney Cox

    30/12/2018 Duración: 01h13min

    I met Whitney Cox in Nicaragua at The Unconventional Life Entrepreneur bash in late 2017. She had recently recovered from an unexpected battle with Breast Cancer, and I couldn’t help but notice the immense energetic, physical, and mental strength she was embodying. In a world where energy is everything, her vibes are needed more than ever.    Whitney is now the CEO of Warrior Girl, a coaching a retreat program for other warriors who wish to fight for the life they deserve. And, if Warrior Girl is a physical representation of the spiritual and emotional transformation that Whitney experienced, the Kilele Collection (her clothing line) is a visual transformation.    “The operation split me open from the inside. My heart softened and opened up to the world.”    I’m humbled to have Whitney on Never Stop Peaking for the first time, and I know her story will open your heart, no matter who you are.    --   Enter this week's giveaway:   Ask a Question or Leave a Comment on the show: w

  • The Power of Your Struggle + Creating Domination Jars

    26/10/2018 Duración: 47min

    The Sweet Ass Domination Deck:   Enter this week's giveaway:   The Sweet Ass Journal:   Ask a Question or Leave a Comment on the show:   **Leave a review on iTunes and I will donate $2 to the HELP INTERNATIONAL foundation in Uganda, and I'll share it on the show.**

  • The Secret of Doubt, Dedication to the Self, and Previous Life Death w/ Nikki Armstrong

    01/10/2018 Duración: 01h38min

      Enter this week's giveaway:   Ask a Question or Leave a Comment on the show:   **Leave a review on iTunes and I will donate $2 to the HELP INTERNATIONAL foundation in Uganda, and I'll share it on the show.**

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