Answers With Bayless Conley



Bayless Conley is a church leader and speaker, known for both his clear presentation of the Bible message and the way he applies it to everyday life.Bayless grew up in Southern California where, during his teenage years, he became involved in a lifestyle of drug and alcohol abuse. After years of searching for truth, and a number of near-death experiences, he found answers and freedom in Jesus when a 12-year-old boy shared God's message of hope with him in a park one day.Bayless' unique background and remarkable story have enabled him to reach a diverse audience globally. Today, the Answers with Bayless Conley broadcast is impacting lives around the world in numerous languages.Bayless and his wife, Janet, are the parents of three grown children, and enthusiastic grandparents of three. Together they lead Cottonwood Church in Orange County, California, and passionately pursue life, God, and family.


  • Desperate Prayers and Dramatic Answers

    18/06/2021 Duración: 27min

    God often does His greatest and most miraculous work when it seems all is lost. Whether it’s the death of your dreams, financial ruin, a broken relationship, or a nation that’s gone astray, God can and does bring what’s dead back to life—if you truly seek Him with all your heart and soul. In his message “Desperate Prayers and Dramatic Answers,” Bayless Conley shares how you can access God’s restorative power for your most broken circumstance—so you can experience true healing in seemingly hopeless situations!

  • Winning Against the Devil’s Strategies

    11/06/2021 Duración: 27min

    The devil will stop at nothing to keep you from fulfilling the divine calling that’s been placed on your life. That’s because you are in a spiritual battle, and Satan wages war by trying to stamp you out and keep you from realizing God’s best in your life. Pastor Bayless shows you how to fight and win against Satan’s schemes in his message "Winning Against the Devil’s Strategies." Find out how you can tap into God’s miraculous power and experience victory over the enemy for good!

  • It’s Time to Fight

    04/06/2021 Duración: 27min

    We live in contentious days when speaking the name of Jesus invites criticism and antagonism from the world. So it’s more important than ever that the people of God are prepared to fight for the faith. In It’s Time to Fight, Pastor Harrison Conley gives you practical steps for contending for the faith in a world that tempts you to compromise and fall into an ineffective, lukewarm Christianity. Don’t sit on the sidelines while a spiritual battle rages around you. Get ready to fight today!

  • Four Keys to a Life of Impact

    28/05/2021 Duración: 27min

    Do you want your life to really matter? Could you feel more fulfilled, energized, or focused? Would you like to be certain you are moving in the right direction? Bayless Conley gives you 4 FUNDAMENTAL KEYS to help you unlock a life of true purpose and significance. Learn to navigate the waters of your day to day, so you can reach the shores of destiny with enough confidence and perspective to make a lasting difference.

  • Strength in Troubled Times

    21/05/2021 Duración: 27min

    Scripture declares that you will go through hard times. But the great news is you don’t have to stay there. Because if God brings you to a tough season, you can be sure He will bring you through it! In his message “Strength in Troubled Times,” Bayless Conley explores the subject of suffering in God’s Word and gives you practical, biblical encouragement to help you remain fully focused on the assurances of Christ when troubles hit. Don’t let temporary hardships keep you from expecting God’s best. Embrace His promises of deliverance today!

  • Three Easy Tests to Gauge Your Spiritual Growth

    14/05/2021 Duración: 27min

    Did you know that in both the Old and New Testaments God specifically tells believers to test and examine themselves? For example, He says in 2 Corinthians 13:5, “Test yourselves to make sure you are solid in the faith. Don’t drift along taking everything for granted. Give yourselves regular checkups. You need firsthand evidence, not mere hearsay. Test it out. If you fail the test, do something about it.” But how exactly are those tests to be conducted? What should you be looking for? Bayless Conley offers three crucial tests to help you gauge your spiritual growth in this foundational and uplifting message.

  • God's Answers for Depression, Sickness, and Fear

    07/05/2021 Duración: 27min

    In what is perhaps Jesus’ most impacting parable, God’s Word is compared to a seed. When that seed gets planted in a fertile human heart, it can grow to overcome sickness, fear, depression, anxiety, and all other obstacles. The key is preparing the soil (your heart) for God’s Word to take root and flourish. Access the mountain-moving, relentless power of God’s Word as you come to understand a principle Bayless says has changed his life more than he could possibly communicate.

  • Understanding End Times | Part 2

    30/04/2021 Duración: 27min

    One thing is for sure: We are living in the last days. The signs of the end that Jesus told us to watch for are not just beginning to happen . . . they have already been happening. So, how exactly will things play out from here? What will the world (and our lives) look like leading up to and following Jesus’ triumphant return? How should we be living in these last days? Bayless Conley answers these and other important questions, providing a succinct timeline from the Bible.

  • Understanding End Times | Part 1

    23/04/2021 Duración: 27min

    One thing is for sure: We are living in the last days. The signs of the end that Jesus told us to watch for are not just beginning to happen . . . they have already been happening. So, how exactly will things play out from here? What will the world (and our lives) look like leading up to and following Jesus’ triumphant return? How should we be living in these last days? Bayless Conley answers these and other important questions, providing a succinct timeline from the Bible.

  • Prayers in the Wilderness

    16/04/2021 Duración: 27min

    Moses had some incredibly interesting conversations with God after the Israelites crossed the Red Sea. We can learn and apply Moses’ wilderness prayers in order to grow closer to God and see a real difference in our lives and relationships. Keep first things first as you improve your communication with your Creator!

  • Becoming a Fisher of Men

    09/04/2021 Duración: 27min

    The good news of Jesus can’t be tamed, restrained, or contained. It’s meant to break out of your life to set people free wherever you go. “Becoming a Fisher of Men” is a special message from Bayless given on location during a fishing excursion in the Pacific Ocean. Go along with Bayless as he shows what Jesus meant when He called the disciples “fishers of men,” and how you can fulfill that calling in your life today, no matter where God has you!

  • Hope for Those Who Are Hurting

    02/04/2021 Duración: 27min

    Sometimes you are still smiling on the outside while also deeply hurting on the inside. And dealing with lingering physical, emotional, or relational pain while having to keep up with life’s demands can be exhausting. In a season like that, you might wonder why God keeps you waiting and when He will come through for you. Harrison Conley wants you to know that in the story of Easter—Christ’s betrayal, suffering, and resurrection—God has given us a way to find hope when we are hurting. Watch now, and discover two crucial keys God will use to redefine any painful season in your life.

  • Finding Your Way Back to God (Good Friday Reflections)

    26/03/2021 Duración: 27min

    Every year, Christians across the globe commemorate the day Jesus died on the cross. In his Good Friday reflections, Bayless Conley explains what Christ’s sacrifice is all about and why—as terrible as the day was—His suffering and death give us reason to rejoice. Whether you’ve gotten lost in your faith journey and are struggling to find your way back to God or your relationship with Him is rock solid, this message will leave you with a renewed sense of gratitude for what God has done for you at the cross.

  • Three Conversations that Can Change Your Life

    19/03/2021 Duración: 27min

    What would it be like if we could listen to some of the conversations Jesus had with His disciples, the chief priests and scribes, or His heavenly Father? The Gospels record for us three short conversations Jesus had on Palm Sunday. In this timely message, Bayless Conley unpacks the significance of each of these conversations. Each time Jesus speaks, we discover something new about Him – who He is, why He came, and how He can change our lives for eternity. Deepen your faith as you listen, or maybe get introduced to Jesus for the very first time.

  • How to Experience God’s Peace in Anxious Times

    15/03/2021 Duración: 28min

    We live in anxious times. And if you are prone to worry, the challenges of your personal life and the world we live in make it even harder to keep your sanity. But it's God's will for you to experience His supernatural peace in every circumstance of your life, no matter how turbulent things get. Jesus wants to give you peace and rest. Let Bayless Conley show you from the Bible how the peace of God can keep you from feeling anxious when normal reasoning says you should be worried. It really is possible to have a peaceful life, so check out this liberating teaching today!

  • The Ministry of Angels | Part 3

    12/03/2021 Duración: 27min

    If someone claims to see an angel today, most people are immediately skeptical. Even a lot of Christians tend to take a similar posture. Yet, as we read the Bible, angels are everywhere, appearing from cover to cover nearly 300 times. In Bayless Conley’s 3-part series Angels, you’ll learn how to replace your skepticism with confidence as you discover who angels are, what they do, and how they work in our lives. Learn how to think biblically about the angelic realm so you can respond to the supernatural with the truth of Scripture.

  • The Ministry of Angels | Part 2

    05/03/2021 Duración: 27min

    If someone claims to see an angel today, most people are immediately skeptical. Even a lot of Christians tend to take a similar posture. Yet, as we read the Bible, angels are everywhere, appearing from cover to cover nearly 300 times. In Bayless Conley’s 3-part series Angels, you’ll learn how to replace your skepticism with confidence as you discover who angels are, what they do, and how they work in our lives. Learn how to think biblically about the angelic realm so you can respond to the supernatural with the truth of Scripture.

  • The Ministry of Angels | Part 1

    26/02/2021 Duración: 27min

    If someone claims to see an angel today, most people are immediately skeptical. Even a lot of Christians tend to take a similar posture. Yet, as we read the Bible, angels are everywhere, appearing from cover to cover nearly 300 times. In Bayless Conley’s 3-part series Angels, you’ll learn how to replace your skepticism with confidence as you discover who angels are, what they do, and how they work in our lives. Learn how to think biblically about the angelic realm so you can respond to the supernatural with the truth of Scripture.

  • The Rewards of Fasting | Part 2

    19/02/2021 Duración: 27min

    When Jesus taught His disciples about fasting, He instructed them on when—not if—they should employ this spiritual discipline. The same is true for Christ-followers today. God calls us to fast to bring our minds and bodies under subjection so that we can better hear His voice. Fasting is so much more than simply skipping a meal. And in his message “The Rewards of Fasting,” Bayless Conley makes clear that it’s an act of surrender and submission to God. Discover how you can experience the blessing and leading of God through the spiritual act of fasting.

  • The Rewards of Fasting | Part 1

    12/02/2021 Duración: 27min

    When Jesus taught His disciples about fasting, He instructed them on when—not if—they should employ this spiritual discipline. The same is true for Christ-followers today. God calls us to fast to bring our minds and bodies under subjection so that we can better hear His voice. Fasting is so much more than simply skipping a meal. And in his message “The Rewards of Fasting,” Bayless Conley makes clear that it’s an act of surrender and submission to God. Discover how you can experience the blessing and leading of God through the spiritual act of fasting.

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