Bella & Duke



A show by humans who love their dogs for humans who love their dogs. Easy ways to radically improve your dogs health and help it to lead a longer healthier happier life . Raw dog food made easy.


  • The story of Bella & Duke with CEO and Co-Founder Mark Scott

    24/01/2023 Duración: 21min

    At Bella & Duke, we care deeply that our pets have always been right by us. That’s why we champion pet health and well-being, challenging the status quo so that pet-centred, species-appropriate nutrition becomes the natural choice for every pet owner. We came to be in honour of 4 deeply loved family dogs; Morpheus, Trinity, Barney and Gus. Their shared love of family walks in the woods is how our founders Tony and Mark met. Hear more about our story in this touching episode with our CEO and Co-Founder Mark Scott. 

  • How to measure your puppy’s growth

    18/11/2021 Duración: 10min

    Rowan Sanderson sits down with Dr. Brendan Clarke to explain how to use a measuring stick to track your puppy’s growth. This is a key tip that will help you determine when it’s time to make the switch from puppy food to adult food. There comes a point when a puppy reaches the peak of growth. At this stage, their nutritional needs change. If you continue to feed them “puppy levels” of food, you’ll end up with an obese dog. Watch as Brendan demonstrates his simple but efficient method to determine precisely when your dog has reached its adult size.

  • My Dog Has Eaten Something Toxic!

    09/09/2021 Duración: 29min

    Rowan Sanderson sits down with Dr. Brendan Clarke to discuss what to do if your dog or cat accidentally ingests one of the following seven toxic items: Chicken bones Chocolate Grapes Ibuprofen Paracetamol Onions Garlic They cover what it is about each of these seven that makes them toxic to our pets, and also address why one of these items is actually beneficial to your dog or cat when consumed only in small amounts.

  • Kennel Cough | Everything You Need To Know

    26/08/2021 Duración: 11min

    Rowan Sanderson sits down with Dr. Brendan Clarke to discuss the difference between kennel cough and whooping cough, or Bordetella and how to treat a dog who is experiencing mild coughing fits. Listen in as Brendan explains how to tell whether you need to take your dog to the vet or to let the cough pass after a few days with the help of natural remedies. In particular, he discusses how to offer your dog honey to soothe a sore throat and echinacea to support their immune system.

  • How To Speak To Your Vet About Raw

    05/08/2021 Duración: 18min

    Rowan Sanderson sits down with Dr. Brendan Clarke to empower you with the facts you need to know if you have made the decision to feed your dog or cat raw. Most vets have been taught to focus on medicine over nutrition. This is one of the reasons that the magic of raw feeding is often underappreciated in the veterinary industry. But, as Brendan says, “Nutrition is the first step to health.” Prevention should always take precedence over cure. Build a bridge with your vet to help them open their eyes to this fact. After all, your vet only wants the best for your pet.

  • Grain Free Pet Food Causes Heart Disease? | Definitive Expert Answers

    29/07/2021 Duración: 21min

    Rowan Sanderson sits down with Dr. Brendan Clarke to shatter the myth that grain-free dog food causes heart disease. In fact, grain-free dog food has nothing to do whatsoever with heart disease. The simple matter is that your dog is a carnivore and cannot adequately digest grains and related foods. Listen in as Rowan and Brendan address the three primary factors that people need to understand concerning this issue—including ingredients used to replace grain in grain-free foods, lack of taurine, and the types of heart disease people generally talk about with regards to this myth.

  • Why Does My Dog Eat Poo? | Understanding Coprophagia

    03/06/2021 Duración: 20min

    Why does my dog eat poo? Rowan Sanderson sits down with Dr. Brendan Clarke of the Raw Feeding Veterinary Society (RFVS) and Co-Host of Raw Pet Medics to discuss all you need to know about the common Coprophagia, commonly known as eating poo.  Dogs can be led by zoopharmacognosy, which is the ability in animals to smell good nutrients anywhere even in poop. But sometimes, they are driven by flavour in additives found in commercially processed foods that don’t get digested and come out with the same attractive scents as the food.  It is important to feed your dog with a varied diet to make sure it’s getting enough nutrients to avoid it seeking them in its environment. Apart from keeping your environment clean and pick up after other dogs, there are other nutritional steps you can take to protect your dog from eating poop. Listen in to this episode to learn what they are and much more!

  • Bone Broth For Dogs & Cats | How To Unlock The Benefits

    20/05/2021 Duración: 24min

    Rowan Sanderson sits down with Dr. Brendan Clarke of the Raw Feeding Veterinary Society (RFVS) and Co-Host of Raw Pet Medics to discuss all you need to know about bone broth. Listen in as Brendan lists the many benefits of bone broth to your dog or cat and how you can make some right at home. He also explains when and how to feed bone broth to your pet, whether they are suffering from diarrhea or transitioning onto a raw diet. Finally, Rowan and Brendan go into the science of bone broth, describing the value of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) and how you can make sure that you tailor your bone broth recipe around your particular pet’s needs and preferences.

  • Apple Cider Vinegar For Dogs | Amazing Benefits and How To Use

    13/05/2021 Duración: 21min

    Rowan Sanderson sits down with Dr. Brendan Clarke, Co-Host of Raw Pet Medics and member of the Raw Feeding Veterinary Society (RFVS) to discuss all you need to know about apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar is widely available, and is relatively inexpensive; but Brendan recommends sticking to an organic product that is not reconstituted with acetic acid or has had the apples sprayed with chemicals to deter pests or keep them from growing molds or shield them from various diseases. Listen in as Rowan explains exactly what apple cider vinegar it is and what to look for in a product depending whether you intend to apply it topically or to ingest it. He then describes the main benefits of apple cider vinegar and his recommendations for using it topically on your dog.

  • Life Biohacks with Tony Wrighton - Podcast 85

    27/08/2020 Duración: 31min

    Mark Scott sits down with author, podcaster, and television and radio broadcaster Tony Wrighton on his passion for taking life to the next level through alternative sources of energy. At one point in his life, Tony contracted an unidentified tropical virus. Doctors were at a loss as to what it was or how he could be treated. This drove Tony to seek out unconventional solutions, in this case, tapping. Ten minutes into his first session with an emotional freedom therapist specializing in chronic fatigue, Tony knew that he was going to be okay. Following this experience, Tony learned about biohacking through Dave Asprey’s Bulletproof Radio podcast, and from there he was thrust into an exciting quest for unorthodox strategies and solutions for long-term health and wellness. Listen in as Mark and Tony discuss such topics as low-histamine diets, NLP, and Tony’s very own podcast on “energy, vitality, motivation”, Zestology.

  • Podcast 70 - Mythbuster 11 – The Top 5 Myths About Raw Dog Food

    06/03/2020 Duración: 11min

    In this Mythbuster, Mark, our CEO & Rowan, our Chief Nutritional Officer, bust some myths around reasons not to try raw and reasons to stop feeding raw. Another way to look at this Mythbuster is the top 5 reasons you can feel great about feeding raw food to your dog In this week’s Mythbuster, Mark and Rowan bust 5 myths around reasons many don’t try raw dog food or stop feeding raw.

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