Central Church Port Kembla



Central is a non-denominational Christian church that meets in the suburb of Port Kembla, Wollongong, Australia. This podcast is a recording of our Sunday sermon. In our gatherings we often have dialogue, ask questions, and listen to each other, not just the preacher. For this reason, what you hear here has been edited to remove bits and pieces of discussion that would otherwise be recorded as 'dead-space'. We hope you enjoy and are encouraged by what you hear. If you'd like to find out more about us you can find us at centralchurch.org.au or www.facebook.com/centralchurchportkembla/


  • A Process of Lament, Psalm 10

    19/06/2024 Duración: 26min

    The art of lamenting is not often practiced by the modern day Christian. Yet, it is a sacred, age old form of spiritual practice, possibly the most raw and honest way we come to God. In this message, Oran looks at the godly nature of lament and using Psalm 10 as an example, walks through the four movements of the lament psalm.

  • How to be human - Psalm 25

    11/06/2024 Duración: 38min

    More than any other book in the Bible, the Psalms teach us how to be human. They reveal to us that our humanity is not a flaw, but the very means by which we encounter God. Using Psalm 25, Caro invites us to consider how we might carry the unfinishedness of our lives in a way that helps us to remain open to God's grace.

  • Finding ourselves in the Psalms

    06/06/2024 Duración: 33min

    Becca introduces us to Walter Brueggemann's pattern of the life of faith. We are always moving in different ways (and perhaps even in different parts of our life) from: * secure orientation - where life makes sense, all seems well, we're in a state of equilibrium; to * painful disorientation - where life is chaotic, disordered, things don't make sense, we're swept off our feet by something unexpected (or unjust) and we feel disoriented; through to * surprising reorientation - where things begin to feel 'new' again, not a return to what was, but a movement towards surprising grace, risky hope, unexpected regrounding. We are rarely in control of when or how this reorientation comes. The Psalms as a whole book contain the full spectrum of human experience and emotions, and even within any given Psalm we can see the movement from secure orientation to painful disorientation or painful disorientation to surprising reorientation. The Psalms give us permission to be ourselves, exactly as we are, raw, honest and

  • The Motherheart of God

    15/05/2024 Duración: 51min

    Becca hosts Laura, Bekk and Kim as they share their thoughts and experiences with the motherheart of God. They share ways in which seeing God as mother has been healing, and also the ways they see God as beyond gender. This is a really authentic and honest discussion and highlights the ways each of us have an individual and unique relationship with the Divine.

  • The Myth of Redemptive Violence

    10/05/2024 Duración: 31min

    The Myth of Redemptive was a term popularised by Theologian Walter Wink in 1945, in his book The Powers That Be. It is the idea that war brings peace, might makes right, and out of violence and chaos comes peace and order. We see this myth at work all throughout human history and still today in our everyday lives. We think that if we, the good guys, can just hit the "bad guys" hard enough, there will be justice. But this only perpetuates the violence, not stops it. In scripture we see Jesus' whole ministry as a push back against the Myth of Redemptive and instead shows us redemptive suffering on the cross. In this podcast, Oran looks at this myth and how it has influenced us over history, including scripture and theology.

  • Grief on the Emmaus Road

    24/04/2024 Duración: 35min

    How does Jesus' post-resurrection encounter with two people who don't recognise him speak to our own experiences of loss and grief?

  • Post Traumatic Resurrection

    24/04/2024 Duración: 29min

    Becca shared about how Jesus' resurrected body still carried the wounds from his past, giving us courage to be honest about the wounds we still carry.

  • The Sacrament of the Present Moment

    15/04/2024 Duración: 29min

    The Sacrament of the Present Moment is the practice of being present and aware of God within the individual moments of our lives. This reminds us that God is everywhere, all the time, always waiting to engage us. In this message, Oran looks at how we might practice this sacrament in our daily lives, and observed the writings of Jean Pierre de Caussade and Eckhart Tolle.

  • Christ’s death alive in us.

    19/03/2024 Duración: 48min

    This week we talk about the mysterious power of Christ’s death not as an historic event but as a real energy at work in us and the cosmos. How can we trust in death and resurrection in our own lives?

  • I’m not what other people say about me.

    19/03/2024 Duración: 42min

    We continue with our lent series sitting with Henri Nouwen’s wisdom. This week Caro unpacks how our self worth can be stuck in what other people say or think about us. We wrestle together being honest with how we struggle with this as well as looking at Jesus and asking ourselves ‘how was he able to live from such a sense of beloved identity?’

  • Knowing your belovedness and letting go of control.

    15/03/2024 Duración: 55min

    We wrap this contemplative service around Henri Nouwen's wise words: "I'm not what I have, I'm not what I do, I'm not what people say about me. I am the beloved of God." Caro leads us in a practice that helps us ground ourselves in our belovedness and Becca shares how needing to be in control or responsible for things has been a challenge in her life, and she leads us in a practice she has found helpful in letting go. **There is a part of Becca's sharing that we have edited out as she shared some personal things she didn't want up on the podcast.

  • I’m not what I have, I’m not what I do.

    08/03/2024 Duración: 39min

    We continue with our lent series sitting with Henri Nouwen’s wisdom. This week Caro unpacks how our self worth can be stuck in what we have or do and how God invites us to live a little more from our belovedness.

  • A Contemplative Posture - Contemplative Service

    20/02/2024 Duración: 48min

    This month we looked at the gift of having a contemplative posture in life.

  • The Transfiguration

    20/02/2024 Duración: 36min

    Caro zooms out and in on this strange and wonderful account and we look at what it might have to offer us as a metaphor for our spiritual lives.

  • A History of Biblical Interpretation

    06/02/2024 Duración: 38min

    It is easy to assume that the way we read and interpret the Bible today, with our modern and scientific minds, is the way it has always been done. That the words we glean through scripture from God are the same today as they were for the early church. However, it may be surprising, and perhaps confronting, to realise that our way is a relatively young way of approaching scripture. In this message, Oran looks across seven pivotal stages of biblical interpretation throughout Christian history and discusses what we might gain from a greater hermeneutical awareness.

  • Bodies Matter

    17/01/2024 Duración: 44min

    Walking through the lectionary texts Caro invites us to consider the trajectory of God’s presence in Scripture which ends in the high point of our bodies being the dwelling place of God. We then unpack what this means about the sacredness of our bodies and how we might listen to our bodies to hear God speaking to and in us.

  • Water, Spirit, Birds

    15/01/2024 Duración: 36min

    It’s the first Sunday after epiphany and our texts for today have the themes of water, Spirit and birds. We read through the texts and Caro shares some insights around God’s presence hovering over all creation including us.

  • Advent Week Two

    12/12/2023 Duración: 43min

    Caro preaches through the lectionary texts for this second Sunday in Advent and we discuss how we hold on to hope when it feels like God is slow.

  • Advent - Contemplative Service

    10/12/2023 Duración: 46min

    In our contemplative service this month we sat in the theme of Light, engaging in an Examen and Lectio Divina to connect us to God this Advent.

  • Advent Week One

    10/12/2023 Duración: 36min

    Oran leads our community in unpacking the lectionary texts for this first Sunday of Advent centering around the questions of 'what are we waiting for?' and 'how do we wait?'

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