This show is for all students of Polish language who want to improve their listening skills. Most of the episodes are created using TPRS methods which involves storytelling and asking questions during the show to improve understanding. If you want to share your opinion on the show, mail me: You can also visit my website: and follow me on Facebook:
Real Talks with Poles 19 : Z Patrycją o dniu kobiet
01/03/2021 Duración: 10minCześć! In this episode I am talking to Patrycja about the International Women's Day which is just around the corner. Do we need it? What did Polish women get in the communistic times? Listen and learn with us!You can download the transcript with an exercise here: first, missing episodes of Real Talks with Poles are available for the Members of Polski Daily on my website)__________________________________________________________________________________________________Have you discovered the Polski Daily Club yet? If not go to and join the club!
Real Talks with Poles 18: Z Olą o gotowaniu
24/01/2021 Duración: 10minIn this episode of Real Talk with Poles my fiend and Ola met online to talk about Ola's new culinary achievement :D Do you also love Polish soups? I can curse so many things in Polish soups but I will never say no to a bowl of żurek or rosół! What about you? Do you love soups? Let me know on my Instagram @polski_daily! _________________________________________________________________________________________________Have you discovered the Polski Daily Club yet? If not go to and join the club!
Real Talks with Poles 17: Z Marią o Bożym Narodzeniu
21/12/2020 Duración: 11minI made it! A Christmas episode before Christmas! Yay!In this episode I'm talking to Maria about Christmas traditions and why you really need to check if you cleaned your windows well! Listen, check out the transcript, do your exercises and enjoy your Christmas time! Wesołych Świąt!Download your transcript with exercises from here: you discovered the Polski Daily Club yet? If not go to and join the club!
Real Talks with Poles 16: Z Mateuszem o rodzinie
07/12/2020 Duración: 13min[A2] In this episode I'm talking to my cousin Mateusz about his family. It can seem pretty easy because we don't use any complicated words or grammar but Mateusz mumbles a bit so it can be a great exercise to train your ears here :DDownload the transcript and exercises from here: you are interested in our group courses, send us an e-mail at _________________________________________________________________________________________________Have you discovered the Polski Daily Club yet? If not go to and join the club!
Real Talks with Poles 15: Z Grzegorzem o emeryturze
22/11/2020 Duración: 19minIn this episode of Real Talks with Poles you will hear my conversation with Grzegorz who tell me how he imagines his retirement. You can learn some words related to retirement, professional life and relationships/friendships.Let me know what you think about this kind of lessons in a comment! :)Download the PDF with the transcript and exercises from here: you discovered the Polski Daily Club yet? If not go to and join the club!
Real Talks with Poles 14: Z Eweliną o serialach
25/10/2020 Duración: 13minIn this episode of Real Talks with Poles I talk to Ewelina about:- "The office"- personality of characters in this show- differences between American and British humorRead the beginning of transcript below and/or download full transcript fromśc i czołem kluski z rosołem! Welcome to Polski Daily Stories and Talks. If you are listening to this podcast for the first time, let me tell you quickly what are Real Talks with Poles and how you can learn with them. Every two weeks I publish a short conversation with a Polish person. My guests are not prepared and do not know the topic. They speak spontaneously. After we record, I write the transcript and exercises and record an analyzes of key phrases and constructions which can be interesting for you. To make the learning more efficient, download the podcast and exercises from my website You can find the link to this episode in the show notes! In today’s conversation with Ewelina we talk about British and A
Real Talks with Poles 13: Z Magdaleną o zdrowiu
12/10/2020 Duración: 14minPractice your listening skill with Real Talks! In this short conversation my guest is talking about healthy lifestyle. You will learn a lot of new useful words and phrases. After the conversation I explain a few interesting words and some grammar so listen till the end. If you like Real Talks with Poles, please subscribe and leave me a review wherever you are listening. It will be a great help to grow my podcast! Thanks!Download your transcript here: our courses here: you discovered the Polski Daily Club yet? If not go to and join the club!
Real Talks with Poles 12: Z Magdaleną o śniadaniu we Włoszech
27/09/2020 Duración: 14minCześć! I hope you are also excited about this new episode of Real Talks! This time I asked Magdalena about her life in Italy and picked the fragment about breakfast. The talk is very easy so it's great if you are A1 or A2. There is a transcript, exercises and a vocabulary list waiting for you in a PDF here: can also watch the lesson about imperfect forms of verbs here: you discovered the Polski Daily Club yet? If not go to and join the club!
Real Talks with Poles 11 : Z Kasią o weselu
13/09/2020 Duración: 11minWelcome to a completely new formal of the podcast episodes! Now we are going to learn Polish with natives speakers. I interview Poles - I ask them very basic questions and they answer spontaneously. Then I make transcript, write exercises and explain you more interesting colloquial phrases and grammar. What do you think about this form of learning? Hot or not? Let me know in a review!Download the transcript from: you discovered the Polski Daily Club yet? If not go to and join the club!
PDS055 Niczego nie pamiętam [A2]
01/09/2020 Duración: 22minThe ending of this story is for sure not something one would like to read in a love story. But I just cannot write normal love stories :D I hope you will enjoy it regardless and if you have a better idea for the ending - please write it in Polish and send it to me at You can also treat this story just as a language exercises - download the transcript and exercises from: you discovered the Polski Daily Club yet? If not go to and join the club!
PDS054 Sąsiedzi [A1]
16/08/2020 Duración: 10minListen to the descriptions of people who live in one building. Download the PDF from and fill the blanks with words you hear. You can also practice you cases with another exercise in the same document! Let me know if my stories are useful! Share them with other students and friends who also learn Polish! Thanks!------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Have you discovered the Polski Daily Club yet? If not go to and join the club!
PDS053 To tylko grypa! (Opowiadanie o koronawirusie) [A2/B1]
02/08/2020 Duración: 23minThis story was inspired by my student Eneida's e-mail in which she told me another similar story that really happened in Brazil. She suggested publishing a story with a lot of words related to epidemic and I found it to be a great idea. This story can be a bit difficult for you but I put a vocabulary list just below the transcript and exercises. You can download it here: you discovered the Polski Daily Club yet? If not go to and join the club!
PDS052 Dajcie mi święty spokój [A2]
12/07/2020 Duración: 17minThis is a story of an Irish man who left everything and moved to Szczebrzeszyn. Why? Listen to it and read the transcript. Remember, there are exercises available for this story too![fragment transkrypcji]Jest luty. W małym mieście na wschodzie Polski pada śnieg. Do jedynej pizzeri w mieście wchodzi wysoki, starszy mężczyzna w grubej, brązowej kurtce i szarej czapce. Siada przy barze, rozbiera się i zamawia pizzę oraz duże piwo, a potem patrzy na telewizor, gdzie leci mecz Anglia-Niemcy. W pizzeri nie ma wielu osób. Tylko barman vel kelner, para nastolatków na randce i Tadeusz, gruby, wesoły mechanik, który prawie codziennie przychodzi tam na piwo. Wszystkie wieczory Tadeusza wyglądają tak samo, dlatego jest podekscytowany nową osobą. Słyszał, że w jego mieście mieszka obcokrajowiec, ale nigdy nie miał szansy z nim rozmawiać. Podchodzi do mężczyzny. (...)--------------------------------------------------Have you discovered the Polski Daily Club yet? If not go to https://www.p
PDS051 Trzymajcie się razem. Część 4. [A2/B1]
29/06/2020 Duración: 20minTo już czwarta i ostatnia część historii o Róży i Racheli. Mam nadzieję, że tak jak ja się z nimi zaprzyjaźniłeś/łaś i smutno Ci jest się z nimi rozstawać :) Jeśli chcesz nauczyć się więcej z tej historii, pobierz transkrypcję i ćwiczenia: TRANSKRYPCJI:Trzy miesiące. Tyle potrzebowały Róża i Rachela na znalezienie miejsca na cukiernię. Obejrzały w międzyczasie wiele lokali, na które nie było ich stać i zrezygnowane wracały do domu, aż w końcu jedna z koleżanek z Róży powiedziała im o pustym lokalu w pobliżu swojego domu. Kiedyś było w nim małe bistro, które prowadziła pewna Francuzka, ale odkąd kobieta zmarła, stał pusty. Okolica nie była najlepsza, a elewacja budynku od wielu lat wymagała remontu. Kobiety weszły do środka i zobaczyły ciemne pomieszczenie ze stolikami pokrytymi grubą warstwą kurzu i pajęczynami w kątach. Tapety we wzory, które kiedyś miały kolor nieba, teraz były szare i odklejały się od ścian. Jednak kiedy Róża zobaczyła drewnianą ladę, wyobraziła sobie sieb
PDS050 Trzymajcie się razem. Część 3 [A2]
14/06/2020 Duración: 14minListen to the third part of the story "Trzymajcie się razem". In this episode you will learn what happened to the girls once they moved with their aunt to the USA. Have you noticed it's already 50th episode of this podcast! The audio improved, the stories improved and the exercises also improved! Download your exercises and a transcript from!Have you discovered the Polski Daily Club yet? If not go to and join the club!
PDS049 Trzymajcie się razem. Cześć 2. [A2]
31/05/2020 Duración: 18minThis is the second part of the story "Trzymajcie się razem". In the first part we met two little girls - Rachela and Róża who were taken from their parents for their own safety. Unfortunately the first plan of keeping them safe didn't work out so they had to escape. Listen to the second part to learn if they made it and what happened next!Download the transcript and exercises: you discovered the Polski Daily Club yet? If not go to and join the club!
PDS048 Trzymajcie się razem. Część 1. [A2]
17/05/2020 Duración: 10min[A2+] One day two sisters are taken away from their parents. What will happen to them and how will they cope with the new situation? Listen to the first part of the new story and don't forget to download the transcript and do exercises to make sure you understand everything!->
PDS047 Majsterkowicz [A2+]
03/05/2020 Duración: 07minThis is the story for everyone who is into DIY ( or just going to buy, sell, renovate their houses). In this story you'll hear words like kosiarka - a lawn mower, przedłużacz - an extension cord or piła - a saw because it's story about a man who retired and finally could pursue his passion!You can find the transcript and exercises for this podcast here: Grammar Club I talk about in the outro: you discovered the Polski Daily Club yet? If not go to and join the club!
PDS046 Dużo spraw do załatwienia [A2]
19/04/2020 Duración: 11minA few weeks ago I read this story of a grandfather who was supposed to pick up his granddaughter from a kindergarten in Sweden but not everything went as planned. I decided to use this story to write something for you! Check out what was the problem of Stanisław - our main character and don't forget to explore the transcript and exercises! You'll find them here: you discovered the Polski Daily Club yet? If not go to and join the club!
PDS045 Genowefa przechodzi na emeryturę [A1]
04/04/2020 Duración: 13min[A1] This is a story of a woman who just retired and wants to enjoy her life. Will she be able to do it? In this episode I come back to the old formula of asking questions in the middle of the story. Please let me know what you prefer - full audio with exercises at the end of audio with questions. Download the Transcript of this story from: you discovered the Polski Daily Club yet? If not go to and join the club!