


A podcast by Basecamp about a better way to work and run your business. We bring you stories and unconventional wisdom from Basecamps co-founders and other business owners.


  • Quick Wins

    20/09/2022 Duración: 22min

    Building and maintaining momentum is one of the most underrated things you can do when building products. Keep moving forward by shipping work early and often. The longer something takes, the less likely it is you'll finish it. At 37signals, we work in six-week cycles, but even six weeks is a long time, so pepper in some easy, quick wins to keep that momentum going.Show Notes01:23 - The Six Week Cycle (Basecamp 3 Help)02:50 - Jason Zimdars06:57 - Sean Mitchell06:59 - 37signals.com07:12 - basecamp.com10:18 - There's no speed limit - Derek Sivers12:28 - Goldilocks Zone (NASA)18:14 - Setting the appetite (Shape Up)

  • Good Enough is Fine

    13/09/2022 Duración: 26min

    At 37signals, we tend to solve problems by finding a "judo solution." The simplest, easiest, cheapest solution that gets you 90% of the way there. It doesn't have to be perfect. It doesn't have to be great. It just has to be good enough. Part of this is reframing and simplifying the problem itself. And, remember, you can always turn "good enough" into "great" later.Show Notes03:57 - Are Your Lights On?: How to Figure Out What the Problem Really Is - Donald C. Gause, Gerald M. Weinberg (Amazon)05:26 - Six-week cycles (Shape Up)08:47 - Team and project sizes (Shape Up)09:31 - Principles of Shaping (Shape Up)10:40 - Fat marker sketches (Shape Up)11:32 - Just set it aside (HEY)13:29 - Agile software development (Wikipedia)15:56 - Kanban (Wikipedia)20:34 - Shape Up

  • Meetings are Toxic

    06/09/2022 Duración: 27min

    Meetings are the worst type of interruption. A one-hour meeting with five people is actually five hours of productivity lost. They're also horrible at conveying information. So, why do so many companies jump to meetings as the first option. Next time try writing something up, jumping on a a one-on-one call, or just skip the whole thing altogether!Show Notes00:37 - Why work doesn't happen at work - Jason Fried (TED)10:56 - Digital Minimalism: Choosing a Focused Life in a Noisy World - Cal Newport ( - Multi-core processor (Wikipedia)20:53 - Apple's spaceship HQ valued as one of the world's most expensive buildings (The Guardian)21:09 - Free Fortnite (Epic Games)21:28 - Six-week cycles (Shape Up)21:29 - Work is like a hill (Shape Up)22:53 - Successful projects begin with a great kickoff message (Basecamp)22:53 - What's in a Heartbeat? - Jason Fried (HEY World)

  • Bubble Up

    09/08/2022 Duración: 17min

    A close look at how we develop features at 37signals. Designer Michelle Harjani walks Shaun through the entire process of making the Bubble Up Feature in HEY.Show Notes00:42 - Michelle Harjani (Twitter)00:59 - Bubble Up01:28 - Six-week cycles (Shape Up)01:38 - Set Aside02:56 - Team and project sizes (Shape Up)03:26 - Cool-down (Shape Up)05:04 - Fat marker sketches (Shape Up)05:32 - The Betting Table (Shape Up)

  • Interruption is the Enemy of Productivity

    28/06/2022 Duración: 25min

    Having a calendar peppered with meetings or other commitments is horrible for productivity. Most people need at least a few hours or even days of completely uninterrupted alone time in order to do their best work. On this episode Jason and David give some strategies for creating the empty space you need to be productive.Show Notes14:56 - Slack16:25 - Automatic Check-ins: Keep everyone in the know (Basecamp)

  • Reasons to Quit

    21/06/2022 Duración: 26min

    Are you doing work that matters or are you just doing what you think you should be doing? Sinking too much time into something that you should have quit working on weeks ago is an easy trap to fall into. Avoid it by asking yourself some simple questions:Why are you doing this?What problem are you solving?Is this actually useful?Are you adding value?Will this change behavior?Is there an easier way?What could you be doing instead?Is it really worth it?Show Notes01:57 - Why are we likely to continue with an investment even if it would be rational to give it up? (The Decision Lab)03:29 - Scope hammering (Shape Up)10:01 - Live preview of "My Side" (@jasonfried on Twitter)16:52 - Getting Real

  • Illusions of Agreement

    31/05/2022 Duración: 26min

    Simply describing your pitch can cause the illusion of agreement. Everyone may have a completely different idea of what you're talking about. Try sketching it out, hum the melody you want to create, or, better yet, start building the thing. Removing these levels of abstraction ensures everyone is on the same page.Show Notes00:34 - Getting Real02:31 - Agile software development (Wikipedia)05:07 - Bubble Up09:45 - Shaping the work (Shape Up)13:46 - NEW: Refined Home Screen, Participation Types, and More16:40 - Kanban (Wikipedia)

  • Launch Now

    24/05/2022 Duración: 23min

    If you had to launch your thing in just two weeks what would you cut out? Put off anything you don't absolutely need for launch. You can always build that stuff later when you have more information. It's best to just get it out there!Show Notes05:06 - The Screener07:22 - HEY World

  • Sell Your By-products (Season 2)

    10/05/2022 Duración: 25min

    Henry Ford turned wood scraps from Model T production into charcoal. That company is now called Kingsford and it's the leading manufacturer of charcoal in America. 37signals was a small web design firm before it started selling the project management tool it made to communicate with clients. That's now called Basecamp. No matter what you make, you're always making something else as well and there's probably a market for that too!Show Notes00:30 - 37signals01:04 - Basecamp02:45 - Software as a service (Wikipedia)04:41 - Defensive Design for the Web: How to Improve Error Messages, Help, Forms, and Other Crisis Points - Matthew Linderman, Jason Fried (Amazon)05:25 - Getting Real05:47 - Ta-da List07:38 - Books by Basecamp10:27 - Rework - Jason Fried, David Heinemeier Hansson ( - Shape Up - Ryan Singer12:33 - Ruby on Rails13:18 - Web Interface Design Tip: The Yellow Fade Technique (Signal vs Noise)21:33 - Campfire

  • Tone is in Your Fingers

    03/05/2022 Duración: 24min

    Any photographer will tell you it doesn't really matter what camera you use if you know how to take a good picture. So often, businesses obsess over getting a fancy office, the best software or breakroom snacks, when they really should be focusing on getting customers and making money. It doesn't matter what gear you have as long as you know what you're doing.Show Notes01:45 - Leica02:42 - Malcom Gladwell Explains What Everyone Gets Wrong About His Famous '10,000 Hour Rule' (Business Insider)02:59 - Start at the Epicenter ( - PHP04:37 - Ruby05:11 - TextMate06:41 - Jason Fried (Hey World)06:44 - I bought a sauna (Jason Fried - Hey World)08:47 - Fuji Film08:47 - Canon09:12 - Barnes & Noble12:31 - 37signals19:45 - Maverick - Ricardo Semler (Amazon)19:53 - Semco Style Institute20:10 - Several Short Sentences about Writing - Verlyn Klinkenborg ( - Turn the Ship Around!: A True Story of Turning Followers Into Leaders - L. David Marquet (

  • Focus on What Won't Change

    26/04/2022 Duración: 26min

    A lot of companies focus on chasing hot trends or new technology. That's all fine and good, but the core of your business should be built around the things that people will always want. In the case of Basecamp, that means speed, simplicity, and great customer service. For a company like Amazon, it means focusing on fast delivery and easy returns. Customers are going to want these things now and 10 years from now.Show Notes11:54 - Ruby on Rails15:31 - Turbo15:35 - Hotwire20:04 - Automatic Check-ins21:52 - "My Customers Would Have Asked For a Faster Horse" (Quote Investigator)23:02 - The Tyranny of Metrics - Jerry Z. Muller (

  • Throw Less at the Problem

    19/04/2022 Duración: 22min

    When things aren't working, it's human nature to throw more at the problem. More money, more people, more time. However, this usually ends up making the problem bigger. So, do less! Reframe the problem in such a way that it can be solved with fewer people, less money, and without endlessly pushing back deadlines.Show Notes00:50 - The path to Basecamp 4 (HEY World - Jason Fried)03:09 - 10x Developer (Techopedia)06:52 - Tesla11:02 - Blue Ocean Strategy - W. Chan Kim and Renée a. Mauborgne ( - Setting the appetite (Shape Up)

  • Be a Curator

    05/04/2022 Duración: 22min

    Everyone has more ideas than they can realistically fit in a product. A good museum doesn't just throw everything in its collection up on the walls. There's a curation process. Someone says, "no." It's in making these edits that the real product comes out, so embrace it!Show Notes02:32 - Shape Up02:37 - Six-week cycles (Shape Up)07:36 - Stick it to an email (HEY)10:41 - Big Design Up Front (Wikipedia)11:27 - Ruby on Rails14:48 - Gantt chart (Wikipedia)17:17 - Highrise17:52 - Know Your Team20:03 - We Work Remotely20:32 - Sortfolio

  • Meetups and Miami

    29/03/2022 Duración: 16min

    Basecamp was in Miami last week. I sat down with Jason and David to talk about why we were there, the importance of meeting colleagues in person, and investing in culture.

  • Making the Call is Making Progress

    15/03/2022 Duración: 24min

    It's so easy to punt on something; to say, "let's wait until we have enough information to make the perfect decision." Perfect decisions don't exist, putting things off makes them pile up, and you'll end up getting absolutely nowhere. Very few decisions are set in stone. So, make calls as quickly as possible. Don't wait around for the perfect answer.Show Notes06:33 - Disagree and commit (Wikipedia)07:37 - Six-week cycles (Shape Up)15:13 - HEY World18:19 - Performance indicator (Wikipedia)18:29 - The Tyranny of Metrics - Jerry Z. Muller19:14 - Notes from Underground - Fyodor Dostoevsky20:41 - Gary Vaynerchuk20:51 - What's the ROI of your mother (

  • Ignore the Details Early On

    08/03/2022 Duración: 23min

    It's incredibly easy to focus too much on the little details of what you're building. You can spend hours and hours on something that will rarely ship with the final product. And, details are important! But, early on is not the time to worry about them. Focus on the basics first and worry about the specifics later.Show Notes02:14 - Hill Charts (Basecamp)03:02 - Fat marker sketches (Shape Up)07:17 - On the Origin of the iPhone (Daring Fireball)10:21 - "Getting Real" design tip: Just say no to Lorem Ipsum (Signal vs Noise)12:15 - Why are we likely to continue with an investment even if it would be rational to give it up? (The Decision Lab)12:16 - Why do we value items more if they belong to us? (The Decision Lab)13:12 - Test-driven development (Wikipedia)18:31 -

  • Start at the Epicenter

    01/03/2022 Duración: 22min

    When starting something new, you can work on the stuff you could do, the stuff you want to do, and the stuff you have to do. It's the stuff you have to do is where you should begin. To find that epicenter ask yourself, "if I took this one thing away, would what I'm selling still exist."Show Notes06:07 - Highrise08:23 - Salesforce15:32 - Is Your Product a 'Vitamin' or 'Painkiller?' - Entrepreneur16:12 - The Screener

  • Build Half a Product, Not a Half-Assed Product

    22/02/2022 Duración: 23min

    You can't do everything you want to do and do it well. You just don't have the time, resources, people, etc., so you're going to have to cut some things. But, this isn't a bad thing at all! As with any other early constraints, embrace the editing process. Your product will be better off for it!Show Notes02:08 - tilted05:56 - Jonas Downey06:31 - Ryan Singer06:33 - Matthew Linderman (Matt Ruby)08:49 - The HEY Cover Art Gallery10:50 - Six-week cycles (Shape Up)15:28 - A Review Of The Minimum Viable Product Approach (Forbes)17:09 - HEY Features17:23 - The Screener19:04 - Getting Real (YouTube)21:13 - The "Building of Basecamp" Workshop (37signals)

  • Embrace Constraints

    15/02/2022 Duración: 24min

    When you're just starting off you're going to be surrounded by constraints. You probably won't have enough time to do everything you want to do. You probably don't have enough people or money either. Don't worry! These are good things! It's when you're boxed in that you're forced to make tough decisions on what to do and what not to do. This results in a clearer, more streamlined product. Embrace those constraints!Show Notes04:06 - Six-week cycles (Shape Up)08:23 - Ruby on Rails11:09 - SharePoint11:12 - Microsoft Project12:55 - Backpack12:57 - Campfire13:00 - Highrise16:31 - Duke Nukem Forever (Wikipedia)17:00 - Doom (Wikipedia)18:24 - Shape Up

  • Less Mass

    08/02/2022 Duración: 27min

    Businesses can get weighed down by things like excess staff, countless meetings, long-term contracts, etc. The more mass they take on the harder it is change direction. Being able to change direction, to change your mind, is essential to building a successful company.Show Notes07:20 - Newton's laws of motion (Wikipedia)20:34 - Turn the Ship Around!: A True Story of Turning Followers Into Leaders - L. David Marquet ( - Hire managers of one (Signal v. Noise)

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