Get Your Message Heard With Michael Hudson



Get Your Message Heard with Michael Hudson is the definitive podcast for speakers, consultants, coaches, and thought leaders. The strategies and tactics you'll learn on this show will help you land more clients, land better clients, create impact with your ideas and get your message heard. This show is for ANYONE whos serious about taking their expert business (or career) to the next level.


  • GYMH 24 – 6 Books You Must Read to Reset, Refresh, and Re-Energize Your Thinking

    07/08/2017 Duración: 22min

    In today's episode, I share 6 books that have been instrumental in shaping my mind for success. Becoming your own boss (even if it's a one-person business) requires a significant shift in mindset. I've recommended these six books more than any others, and I highly recommend you read them. As a Man Thinketh by James Allen What to Do When It's Your Turn (and it's always your turn) by Seth Godin The Magic of Thinking Big by David J. Schwartz A Technique for Producing Ideas by James Webb Young The 25-Year Framework by Dan Sullivan The Greatest Salesman in the World by Og Mandino Have A Question? I'd Love to Answer. Simply email and your question will be answered on a future episode of the podcast. I will also send you a free copy of my book, Public Speaker Secrets. Download Your Copy of the 3-Step Roadmap to Start, Run, and Grow Your Speaking Business This free guide contains my best strategies to help you start, run, and grow a speaking business from scratch. Download it today and you

  • GYMH 23 – Mapping Your Journey to Success: 4 Ways to Make the Best Better

    24/07/2017 Duración: 25min

    Success is a personal journey. What does it mean to you? Where do you start? When do you start? How do you know when you have arrived? Many people do not adequately plan for success or prepare for the seemingly endless journey it takes to get there. In this episode I talk about the importance of mapping your success journey. I also share about the impact of 4-H on my life. 4-H is a hands-on learning & education programs for kids build skills like responsibility, resiliency & hard work, helping them to succeed in life. Everything I learned about that helped me build my speaking, coaching, and consulting business I learned in 4-H. Have A Question? I'd Love to Answer. Simply email and your question will be answered on a future episode of the podcast. I will also send you a free copy of my book, Public Speaker Secrets. Download Your Copy of the 3-Step Roadmap to Start, Run, and Grow Your Speaking Business This free guide contains my best strategies to help you start, run, and gro

  • GYMH 22 – The First Thing I Would Do If I Started My Speaking Business All Over Again

    17/07/2017 Duración: 25min

    Eleanor Roosevelt is credited with saying: “Learn from the Mistakes of Others … You Don’t Have Time to Make Them All Yourself." My best advice for learning, connecting, and growing is to join a mastermind group. In this episode, I share just a few of the things that happened to my business after committing to be part of a mastermind group. It's also the heart behind the Vision Speaker Mastermind I host. I don't want others to struggle as I did prior to joining a mastermind group. Joining a mastermind has created this "virtuous cycle" in my business. Connection Communication Clarity Commitment Continuity Confidence Challenge Comfort Have A Question? I'd Love to Answer. Simply email and your question will be answered on a future episode of the podcast. I will also send you a free copy of my book, Public Speaker Secrets. Download Your Copy of the 3-Step Roadmap to Start, Run, and Grow Your Speaking Business This free guide contains my best strategies to help you start, run, and grow a

  • GYMH 21 - The 7 Biggest Mistakes I Made When Starting My Speaking Business

    10/07/2017 Duración: 25min

    In this episode I go out on a limb and share the 7 biggest mistakes I made when starting my speaking business. Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it, so save yourself from frustration and learn from my mistakes! Isolating Myself & Doing It Alone. Creativity is not a solo sport. Doing it on my own and not investing in support or expertise early on was a big mistake. Not Following the Recipes. I was too creative and too confident that I could tweak proven frameworks and do it my way. Throwing Too Much at the Audience and assuming they could figure it all out. Seeking Perfect Solutions. I caught myself in the cycle of test, learn, refine, repeat … without ever launching. Hiding My Story. Instead of creating connection, I sought to impress people. This actually led to less impact, not more. Failure to Capture videos, images, and testimonials. Failing to Build Relationships. A mastermind group helped me gain traction in this area like nothing else. I’ll talk more about this on the next ep

  • 20 - How to Set the Fee, Focus, and Format of Your Speech

    03/07/2017 Duración: 27min

    This episode is part 3 of the 3-Step Roadmap to Start, Run, and Grow Your Speaking Business from Scratch. Today I show you how to set the fee, focus, and format of your speech. When it comes to fees, it's never about what you charge -- it's about the value you deliver. I'll show you an easy way to set your fees based on value instead of time. In this episode, I also share these 3 questions which will help you determine the best way to help your client: Can you tell me about your previous experiences in working with outside trainers, coaches, or consultants? What did you like most about the last program you did? What would you like to see done differently? Question of the Week: Recently, I hosted a webinar (live online teaching session) and a participant asked me: “Do I really need a one-sheet to get booked?" Tune in and you'll hear my answer to this question. Have A Question? I'd Love to Answer. Simply email and your question will be answered on a future episode of the podcast. I w

  • How to Create Your Sell-Your-Message Speech

    26/06/2017 Duración: 26min

    This episode is part 2 of the 3-Step Roadmap to Start, Run, and Grow Your Speaking Business from Scratch. Today I show you what the Sell Your Message Speech is and how to craft your own. It may seem strange to prepare a speech before you even have a speaking engagement, but here are 5 reasons why you should work on this particular speech right now: Forces you to get clear on your message in your own mind Creates consistent messaging in every situation and becomes your quick and easy reference in every situation Creates shareable words and phrases that others can use to refer potential clients to you Make the decision of what to leave in and what to leave out easier and less time consuming Provides value as it positions you with those who hear it Question of the Week: Recently, I hosted a webinar (live online teaching session) and a participant asked me: “When you want to bring value to relationships without strings attached (when others have done the opposite), how do you help them see who you are?" Tune in

  • How to Get Your Foot In the Door (and Keep It Open)

    19/06/2017 Duración: 28min

    Today's podcast is the first a 3-part series called "The 3 step roadmap to start, run, and grow your speaking business from scratch." This is in direct response to listeners who have asked me, "What's the best approach to getting started?" There are 3 steps: get your foot in the door with new associations, groups, etc. create your "sell your message" speech create your FFF (fee, focus, and format) In this episode, you'll learn how to get your foot in the door with new associations, audiences, and the counter-intuitive approach to finding new opportunities. Grow Your 6-Figure Business With The Vision Speaker Mastermind If you are looking to grow your 6-figure speaking business, you need to know about the Vision Speaker Mastermind. As entrepreneurs, we tend to work in isolation too much. One of the most underutilized secrets to growing your business is getting the advice and insight of others. We oftentimes find ourselves feeling unsure about the next step to take. But what if you had a group of people you co

  • 3 Unglamorous Challenges of Traveling For Work (And How I Deal With Them)

    12/06/2017 Duración: 44min

    Work travel can be both a blessing and a curse.   Even if you love to travel, it can get overwhelming. It’s harder to maintain work/life balance, pursue side projects and hobbies, and spend time with friends, family, and your significant other It’s also far too easy to fall into expensive and unhealthy habits. While people often idealize travel while furthering their career, there are downsides that go unnoticed. On this episode, my friend Mike Kim, host of the Brand You Podcast, joins me to discuss the "unglamorous challenges" of travel for work and how we've dealt with them. Question of the Week: Why would anyone "waste" money traveling first-class or business class? Tune in at the 38:00 mark to hear my thoughts. If you have a question, please send it to I will respond on a future episode! Grow Your 6-Figure Business With The Vision Speaker Mastermind If you are looking to grow your 6-figure speaking business, you need to know about the Vision Speaker Mastermind. As entrepreneurs,

  • Speaking Is An Art But Attracting The Right Audience Is A Science

    05/06/2017 Duración: 28min

    Speaking is an art but attracting the right audience is a science.  If you’re building an expert business, it is important to understand both the art and the science … meaning the difference between the craft of speaking vs. the intentionality and strategy behind building the business. Getting the right audience is challenging and if you don't have the right audience for your work, you're never going to reach the 6-figure level in your business. But here’s the good news. All of us in the expert space build our businesses in much the same way. We create the positive impact on the people we serve in much the same way.  In today’s podcast, we will discuss the 5-step path every expert takes to create impact. Question of the Week  This week’s question comes from several people I’ve recently spoke with. “What kind of results can I expect from being part of a mastermind group?” Listen to the podcast and learn the 3 things you get from active participation in a mastermind group. A reminder to Get Your Message Heard l

  • Why Telling Them Everything You Know Will Kill Your Business

    29/05/2017 Duración: 29min

    You love your subject matter and know it well. That’s part of why you’re in the speaking business to begin with. And now you’re tempted to give all your knowledge away to serve your audience. Big mistake. It is a valuable lesson every expert seeking to build a business must learn. You might think holding back information is manipulative. It’s not. Rather, it creates an even greater opportunity to serve your audience. In this episode, you’ll learn 4 reasons why you can’t give away everything you know to every audience you serve, every time. Some of these reasons will surprise you. Listen to the podcast for all the details. Question of the Week This week’s question comes from Ann Vertel from “What's your best advice on dealing with the always difficult fee conversation with a prospective client?” Listen to the podcast and learn the 3 things I think Ann can do when having those challenging conversations with prospects. A reminder to Get Your Message Heard listeners: If you have a question, please

  • The Business of Speaking: Your Top Questions, Answered

    22/05/2017 Duración: 32min

    I’ve received hundreds of questions over the years from people who were looking to create a business similar to mine (using their own expertise, of course). In today’s episode, veteran radio broadcaster Bill Sammons joins me for a special Q&A episode of the Get Your Message Heard podcast. Bill is a good friend and an expert interviewer, so he keeps us on track as we share answers to questions I’ve received from our podcast listeners. Among the questions discussed in this episode are:    How do I know that my expertise is valuable and something others need?    What steps do I need to take to get started in the expert business?    Can I really build an expertise-based business as an introvert?    How do I find ideal clients?  In each episode of the Get Your Message Heard podcast, I answer a question from a listener or blog reader. If you have a question, please send it to I will respond on a future episode and send you a copy of my book, Public Speaker Secrets. Grow Your 6-Figur

  • How To Move From Free To Fee

    15/05/2017 Duración: 32min

    Your mindset, your message, and your method—all three must be in order for you to move away from pro-bono gigs to full-fee speaking engagements.   Whether you are just starting your speaking business or have been established for many years, you will undoubtedly be approached to give a no-fee presentation. Sometimes this is worth considering if (and only if) it serves both you and the client.   But don’t be afraid to walk away if the engagement doesn't serve both the client and you. Keep in are not selling time. You are selling expertise and transformation. It took you months or years to craft and rehearse your audience-focused message.     You deliver unique value, and you should be appropriately compensated for your expertise. The most important story you have to share is the one that lives inside of you...the one only you can share.   In today’s episode, you’ll learn about 3 points to help you turn free gigs into paid speaking engagements.     Question Of The Week   This week’s question comes fro

  • How To Get Repeat Business

    08/05/2017 Duración: 37min

    It is always less expensive to generate repeat business than it is to find prospects and land new business. That's why we should make cultivating positive relationships with the customers we have a top priority. The path to repeat business begins with understanding the customer's pain and keeping your attention on relieving that pain through your services. When you show clients the way to success and help them overcome their pain, you’ll be rewarded again and again. Keep in mind...your success will come from making the customer a winner. So, find a way to give them a quick win that makes them look good. In today’s episode, you’ll learn about 5 reasons people don't re-hire and how you can reverse this growth-stifling trend. Question Of The Week This week’s two-part question comes from Dean Showalter from Could you tell me about the first time you got paid to speak, and what would you do differently if you were in that situation again? We all make "rookie" mistakes. Listen to the p

  • What To Do When A Prospective Client Contacts You

    01/05/2017 Duración: 31min

    The opportunities you walk away from because they don't fit are going to be the ones that pay off as much, if not more for you, than the ones you accept. Trust me. If you take every speaking engagement that comes your way, you might fill your bank account and improve your cash flow in the short term. But all you've really done is set yourself up for failure, or for a one-shot deal. It is no way to grow a sustainable 6-figure business. You know by now I'm not a big fan of one-shot engagements. In fact, it’d be great if we could ban the word “gig” from the expert business...forever. You don’t want gigs. You want to have a chance to go back after you've done a good job.  In today’s episode, you’ll learn 6 ways to land the best opportunities by disqualifying yourself during the sales process.  Question Of The Week  This week’s question comes from Jeff Meister from I would welcome any speaking opportunity that presents itself, but I don’t see myself speaking anytime soon. What would you recommend

  • How To Set Up A Referral Machine That Gets You Clients In Your Sleep

    24/04/2017 Duración: 35min

    What’s the #1 mistake people make when it comes to referrals?  They assume referrals will come because they show up and do what they said they would do. Of course, it is important to deliver on your promises. But this alone is simply not enough to generate the constant stream of referrals you need to grow and sustain your business at the 6-figure level … and to get off the revenue roller coaster. In today’s episode, you’ll learn 3 reasons you are not getting referrals and 7 ways to generate referrals while you sleep. Question Of The Week This week’s question comes from Paul Johnson, host of the The God Zone Show. What would be the best ways to use audience engagement features, such as show of hands, stand up, rhetorical questions, and Q&A segments? Listen to the podcast and learn how I think Paul better engage his audience. A reminder to Get Your Message Heard listeners: If you have a question, please send it to I will respond on a future episode and send you a copy of my book,

  • How To Get Quality Client Testimonials

    17/04/2017 Duración: 32min

    We live in a world of social proof, don't we? As you work to build your 6-figure speaking business, testimonials are a persuasive social-proof tool you can use to land new clients. Decision-makers want hard evidence that you can create the impact you say you can. Testimonials can affirm their decision and lets them know they're not taking too big of a risk by having you deliver your presentation to their audience. That's why testimonials matter. However, there are there are a lot of myths about testimonials floating around out there. In today’s episode, you will learn the top 6 myths about testimonials. And I’ll share with you the reality that dispels each myth. You will also learn my recommended approach to securing testimonials that help you grow your business and expand your impact. Hint: the “secret sauce” is found in the Ultimate Client Testimonial Form, created by my colleague Mike Kim. You can download this effective tool at Mike has masterfully written the questions, so you get exactl

  • How To Organize Your Thoughts And Shave Hours Off Your Prep

    10/04/2017 Duración: 36min

    A successful presentation requires you to devote much more time to preparing your presentation than you will spend in delivering it.   Even experienced speakers must prepare for a presentation; this includes rehearsal. Inadequate rehearsal is a “deadly presentation sin.”   But what if you don’t have a lot of time? Or perhaps you wish you could shave hours off your prep time and still have greater impact with your speech?   In this week’s episode, you’ll learn how to avoid six time-sucking traps that many speakers fall prey to.  You’ll also learn my 3D Presentations Framework. It will show you how to: Design the outcome Develop the path Deliver the message When you follow this results-oriented path, you serve the audience well and grow your business exponentially. Download the 3D Presentations Framework by visiting today. Question Of The Week This week’s question comes from Brian McRae, senior vice president of Central Bank and leader of Mastermind St. Louis. How do you pull prod

  • How To Be Authentic When Speaking (Without Being Awkward)

    03/04/2017 Duración: 36min

    Be you, everyone else is taken. When you embrace that simple concept of authenticity, you’ll see your results soar. Being authentic is perhaps the most important aspect of delivering a great presentation. I’ve certainly seen it work during the course of 8,000 presentations over the past 35 years. The ones that work are the ones that are “me.” Authenticity matters because: We live in a world of openness and free sharing. Audiences expect to see the real you. When you step to the front of the room, you are the center of attention. But people are watching you when you’re offstage, too.  Bad things happen when we are not being authentic. Want to know three bad things that happen when you aren’t authentic? Click the player above to listen or, better yet, subscribe to the Get Your Message Heard podcast in iTunes or your favorite podcast app. Also Mentioned in Today’s Episode: The 5D System For Being Authentic DECIDE who you are going to be and commit to be that person every day, every time, in every situation wi

  • Silence These 5 Critics Or They Will Cripple Your Success

    27/03/2017 Duración: 33min

    It is just reality. Everyone has struggled, at some point, to get their message heard.   In today’s episode, we explore 5 critics that exist for the sole purpose of crippling your success: The Doubting Voice The Vocal Critic The Unfortunate Circumstance The Bad Performance The Abuse Survivor Fair warning...this is not easy stuff to deal with. It may bring powerful emotions to the surface. But it is important to face the critics to move past them on your journey to success. Click the player above to listen or, better yet, subscribe to the Get Your Message Heard podcast in iTunes or your favorite podcast app. Resources From This EpisodeJason GothBrian Paul Buckley, The Energy Edge Podcast Question Of The WeekThis week’s question comes from Lisa, who recently attended one of my programs. She wants to build a business based on her expertise and asks: Where do I find people I can learn from in building my expert business? Listen to the podcast to hear three great ideas for Lisa...and one not so great idea. Ann

  • 3 Things Successful 6-Figure Speakers Know That Others Don’t

    20/03/2017 Duración: 39min

    If you’re tired of chasing “gigs” like you’re an ambulance-chasing lawyer, then today’s podcast is for you. We explore 3 things you can do to move from “next-gig chaser” to a real business-builder. Being a great speaker isn’t your entire value proposition. No matter how effective you are in front of a room, you must look higher to the transformations you’re helping your audience create … which can lead to exponential business growth. To save you hours of research, I’ll share with you three things that helped me get off the revenue roller coaster and grow your 6-figure business: Knowing when to say yes and when to walk away. Revealing value in measureable ways. Creating business from the stage without selling. But before you build a great house, you must lay a strong foundation. You can do this by: Being clear because focus drives success. Developing your skills to master delivery. Creating your core content. Committing to delivering results. Click the player above to listen or, better yet, subscribe to th

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