Gardner Family Chiropractic Health & Wellness Blog



Informative health interviews designed to empower you with the tools to live the happiest and healthiest life imaginable!


  • Avoiding Back Surgery


    Chiropractors help patients avoid back surgery by adjusting the spine to restore its proper alignment, thereby reducing the pressure on the nerves that cause back pain.

  • Can Chiropractic Help My Knee Pain?


    Chiropractors will thoroughly evaluate knee pain to find the source of the pain or injury and help alleviate the pain using chiropractic treatments and exercises.

  • Tips for Living a Pain-Free Life


    There are ways to prepare your body to live a pain-free life. The most important tip to follow is to keep your spine aligned with chiropractic adjustments that will allow your nervous system to function properly.

  • Repetitive Stress Injuries


    Repetitive stress injuries such as carpal tunnel syndrome can be avoided by implementing proper ergonomics in the workplace, and by incorporating both warm-up routines before participating in sports activities, and post-workout recovery strategies after.

  • Automobile Accident Aftercare


    Anyone involved in an auto accident should be checked by a chiropractor regardless of whether or not they have real injuries or are feeling pain. Early detection of whiplash, soft tissue injuries or spinal misalignment is key to preventing a life of pain.

  • Pediatric Chiropractic


    Pediatric chiropractic care helps children of all ages from infants to student athletes. Chiropractors check and make sure the spine is in alignment without any nerve interference to ensure proper growth and development.

  • The Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Senior Citizens


    Fewer aches and pains, better balance and coordination, and increased energy are just some of the health benefits senior citizens receive from gentle chiropractic care.

  • Can Chiropractic Care Support Mental Health?


    Chiropractors can improve mental health by removing pressure on the nerves that block proper communication between the brain and the body. Chiropractors also work with patients to encourage exercise, healthy sleep habits and proper nutrition.

  • Understanding the Chiropractic Adjustment


    Chiropractors perform adjustments to correct vertebral subluxations and essentially restore the spine to its normal alignment. By doing so, the connection between the brain and the body is restored. Various types of adjustments can be done.

  • Workplace Ergonomics


    Maintaining proper posture while at work is critical to preventing neck and back pain and other repetitive motion injuries. Workplace ergonomics is the process of creating workstations that support healthy, functioning body positions while working.

  • Chiropractic for Frozen Shoulder


    People suffering from pain and stiffness due to frozen shoulder can find relief with chiropractic adjustments that restore the normal joint mechanics, increase the range of motion, and increase the strength of the shoulder joint and surrounding muscles.

  • Tips on Preventing Injuries


    Some injuries can be prevented both in the workplace and at home just by incorporating consistent exercise, stretching, ergonomics and chiropractic care into your lifestyle.

  • Chiropractic for Fibromyalgia


    Chiropractic care helps to reduce the pain of fibromyalgia naturally by correcting misalignments in the spine to restore proper nerve function.

  • Joint Dysfunction


    Chiropractors treat joint pain and joint dysfunction by adjusting the joints to release pressure off the nerves and by creating specific exercise and stretching programs to help restore full range of motion in the joints.

  • Chiropractic Care for Allergy Relief


    Chiropractic care increases the body's ability to fight off allergens, including seasonal allergies, by taking pressure off the nervous system allowing the immune system to function at it's best.

  • Physiotherapy at Gardner Family Chiropractic


    Physiotherapy is used to help correct neck and back posture. It incorporates stretching and strengthening exercises for the neck and back which helps improve range of motion and ensure proper posture.

  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome


    Carpal tunnel syndrome is a weakness in the structures that make up the carpal tunnel of the wrist which causes pain and numbness in the hand and fingers. There are ways to treat it and ways to prevent it from happening.

  • Chiropractic for Sciatica


    There are a few classic symptoms of Sciatica including pain down the leg and numbness. Chiropractors can help remove the pressure off the sciatic nerve and decrease the pain by providing adjustments to the spine to increase motion within the joint.

  • The Importance of Flexibility as We Age


    It is important to maintain flexibility and range of motion as we age so that our bodies can react to stress and avoid injury. Drinking water, exercising, moving and stretching are all ways to stay flexible.

  • Chiropractic for the Athlete


    Chiropractors work with athletes to adjust their spine which results in a healthier nervous system, better posture and joint function. When an athlete's body is functioning at it's best, they will be stronger and have the ability to perform better.

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