Stories Connecting Dots With Markus Andrezak

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 36:55:37
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Stories Connecting Dots by Markus Andrezak tries to discover the many different ways businesses navigate in an environment of change.Stories Connecting Dots versucht die unterschiedlichsten Wege zu entdecken, auf denen Unternehmen erfolgreich mit drastischem Wandel umgehen..


  • Ep. 9: Jan Chipchase - Field Studies & What to do Next

    14/05/2017 Duración: 01h01min

    I am incredibly happy and proud to have Jan Chipchase as the guest of this show! I have followed Jan’s work and steps since years and years. Then, he was first the Executive Creative Director of Global Insights at frog and then Principal Scientist at Nokia. For me, it all started when I wanted to get deeper into understanding how I can learn about the clients that use my products. When guessing wasn’t enough and guessing how to get closer also wasn’t enough. I sucked up all the writing and presentations by Jan, that I could find in the Internet. For years, I (we!) had to guess how he is doing things and were impressed by his decisiveness and his uncompromised search for exploring the boundaries of what he (we) knows and how he approaches extending that knowledge through experiences. He pushed the boundaries of field research and goes to where the potential clients of his clients are: From the streets of Tokyo to the highlands of the Hindu Kush or small towns in Zimbabwe. He does that with what he calls Pop Up

  • Ep. 8 - Stefan Roock & Henning Wolf / it-agile - Agile Geschichte in Deutschland

    07/05/2017 Duración: 01h56min

    Episode 8: Stefan Roock und Henning Wolf / it-agile und die Geschichte von Agil in Deutschland   Episode 8 ist für mich eine ganz besondere und sehr persönliche Folge. Und das hat mit den Gästen zu tun. Ich habe die Folge mit Stefan Roock und Henning Wolf in den wunderbaren Büros Ihrer weithin bekannten Firma it-agile am Hamburger Hafen aufgenommen. it-agile ist für mich die Firma für agile Kultur, Methoden, Techniken und Transitionen. Mit den beiden und ihrer Firma verbindet mich unglaublich viel: wir sind Kollegen, Partner und Freunde. Wir arbeiten zusammen, wir geben hie und da gemeinsam Trainings. Stefan und Henning haben aber als meine ehemaligen Coaches in der Transition von einen unglaublichen Einfluß auf mich, meine Arbeit und meine Leben gehabt, der bis heute wirkt. Stefan hat mich - ein kleines Beispiel - zu meinen ersten Vorträgen überredet. Diese Folge ist vor allem ein entspanntes Gespräch über die Zeit von 1995 bis heute und über das was im agilen Umfeld so passiert ist. Es hat sich n

  • Ep. 7: Jeff Patton - User Story Maps and discovering great products

    16/04/2017 Duración: 01h27min

    Episode 7 - Jeff Patton - User Story Maps and the discovery of great products Another one of the greats. I follow his work since years, I integrate lots of what he does in my work. Everyone knowing me or having had a training with me, knows what he does with Story Maps. But having come up with Story Maps and having written the first book around is „this little thing“ to Jeff Patton. Jeff is really deep into product work and he has lots of thoughts to offer on Agile and especially on everything around stories and story thinking. And one of the reasons he knows all about that is because he was already there when it happened. He was in the same building with Kent Beck when Extreme Programming happened and Stories came up. He was coached by Rob Mee of Pivotal Tracker fame. So, this is not just a deep dive on stories and the Story Mapping technique that emerged form it but also some oral history on how and where it all started to happen. Nowadays, Jeff more and more dives into the discovery phase and at the end of

  • Ep. 6: Luke Hohmann - Serious Games / Innovation Games

    26/03/2017 Duración: 01h50min

    What have the following things got in common? Weasels, the San Jose public budgeting process, bootstrapping, disposable software, games and mods of games, figure skating, and a Nike sprinter show falling apart after reaching the 100m line? Well, it’s Luke Hohmann they have in common. I learned an awful lot from Luke. Years and years ago I attended one of his Innovation Games trainings and while I really really liked it, it took me years to realise what I really learned. For me, personally, this was the event that finally made me decide to leave the developing world towards the product or business side of the world. This event moved a switch in my head. But what I really realised years later was that I really groked games, game design and above all, I had learned how to facilitate. Luke is so deep into „designing“ his games that never is it by chance if Luke stands, sits, is in the middle of the room, or in a corner or if he even tears apart some game thing that hangs on the wall. Even designing the simple nam

  • Ep. 5: Dave Gray - Liminal Thinking

    05/03/2017 Duración: 57min

    Dave Gray - Liminal Thinking To be honest, doing this podcast is the treat of all treats I am giving away to myself. Already in the small, tiny history of this podcast – this has been an opportunity for me to connect and re-connect to all these people who’s ideas and work are so important to me, mean a lot to me and really changed the way I think and work. And now, for this episode, I’ll talk to Dave, Dave Gray. And there’s a funny story that connects me with Dave and I mean that literally. Years ago, I already read - and applied - Dave’s earliest book Gamestorming. And to an even wider degree I sucked in his book „The Connected Company“ - which I think is one of the most brilliant descriptions of the change that companies will have to face when they want to keep up in the … I don’t know how to call it … maybe, digital era. But really, while I loved these books, I did not know at all who Dave is. One day, though, Jabe Bloom, now working with Praxis Flow, introduced me to Dave and suggested we’d have to talk

  • Ep. 4: sipgate - eine Gründungs- und Erfolgsgeschichte

    13/02/2017 Duración: 01h20min

    In der vierten Episode bin ich zu Gast vor Ort bei [sipgate] in Düsseldorf und habe sie dort in Ihren Räumen in Düsseldorf aufgenommen. sipgate macht Telefonie für zu Hause, unterwegs und das Büro. Und das macht es nicht irgendwie. Sondern sipgate macht alles selber. sipgate ist also eine kleine Telekom, aber eben vollkommen anders. Das Interview führt von der ursprünglichen Geschäftsidee - Vorwahlnummern für Auslandstelefonate im Internet anzeigen - bis zur heutigen Ausbaustufe: Telefonie in allen Stufen selber bauen und anbieten. Dabei wird - hoffentlich auch bei Euch zu Hause - deutlich wie ein Unternehmen wächst und durch welche Stufen es geht. Von der Gründung im Studentenwohnheim, über das Schlafen im Büro und auch einmal nur noch 7000 Euro auf dem Konto bis zum heutigen, ausgebauten Produkt. Wir beschäftigen uns natürlich auch damit, was eine Firma ausserhalb des Produkts machen muss und wie sie dem Markt gegenüber immer aufgeschlossen bleiben kann. Vor allem: wie schafft es sipgate in diesem Markt inn

  • Ep. 3: Michael Foley - Process Theory & Henri Bergson

    27/01/2017 Duración: 01h29min

    Michael Foley, author of the bestseller „The Age of absurdity - why modern life makes it hard to be happy“ is the guest of this episode. The book is a celebration of insight from the most diverse philosophers, and an examination of the states we’d like to achieve and desperately are missing to hit. All his books center round deep insights around everyday life. Michael lives in London and since 2007 has completely devoted to writing. In one of his latest books, he goes into depth with Henri Bergson, a french philosopher, who lived from 1859 to 1941, son to a Polish jewish composer and an Irish jewish mother. At the time he was one of the most influential thinkers and kind of pre-dated quantum physics, chaos theory amongst other topics n science. He also won the nobel price. One of Bergsons many contributions was process theory. In a nutshell, process theory says that everything is in constant movement, there are no finite end states, everything is connected. While this may sound trivial, the consequences are o

  • Ep. 2: Jeff Sussna - Designing Delivery

    08/01/2017 Duración: 01h26min

    This episode is held in English language. My guest is Jeff Sussna, founder and principal of ingineering.IT. He mainly works in the world of operations and is a well known speaker all over the world in the area of DevOps. Surprisingly, he approaches this field with the tools of Service Design, Cybernetics and Promise Theory. Using these ways of thinking, he also wrote a great book, „Designing Delivery“, in which describes the role and challenges of companies in the new world where brands and product development are dialogues. In this conversation, we discuss the following topics: - Services as a fundamental model of coping with a modern, complex world, in which companies need relationships and conversations with their clients. - The role of Design Thinking and Service Design - How Cybernetics can help us understand and decide in situations of complexity and uncertainty - How the model of Promise Theory helps us deal with systems that sometimes fail or are incomplete and how this again helps us to live with the

  • Ep. 1: Klaus Leopold - Kanban und Methoden zerstören

    19/12/2016 Duración: 01h22min

    In der ersten Folge von Stories Connecting Dots habe ich mit Klaus Leopold über Kanban gesprochen. Klaus macht Kanban in normal, groß und ganz groß. Wir sprechen darüber was Kanban überhaupt ist und wie es Unternehmen helfen kann Dinge explizit zu machen und dadurch besser entscheiden zu können wie es eigentlich darum geht, den Menschen eine sinnvollere Arbeit zu ermöglichen dass die besten Dinge im Leben nicht zu erklären sondern zu erfahren sind über's Bücher schreiben wir verlosen Bücher wie das Vorleben von Werten und Entscheidungen einfacher ist als etwas zu fordern  wie man von "einfach coole Sachen machen" zu einem der mietgefragten Kanban-Implementierer Europa wird und vieles vieles mehr Links: Klaus' neuestes Buch "Kanban in der Praxis" Seine Firma Leanability Klaus auf twitter  

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