John Piper is founder and teacher of; he is author of more than 50 books and travels regularly to preach and teach. New messages are posted to this podcast as they become available. Pipers sermons, books, articles, and more are available free of charge at We want people everywhere to understand and embrace the truth that God is most glorified in us, when we are most satisfied in him.
Going Hard After the Holy God
08/01/1984 Duración: 35minWhy do we have to pursue God, and how should it be done?
Holy, Holy, Holy Is the Lord of Hosts
01/01/1984 Duración: 31minIf we want revival to happen, we need to see God for who he is. Only when we see God as God and confess him as so, then we can have real delight.
God's Covenant with David
18/12/1983 Duración: 31minWhen God makes a covenant he reveals his own job description and signs it.
God's Covenant Through Moses
11/12/1983 Duración: 34minWhat was freely given under Moses was purchased by Christ.
God’s Covenant with Abraham
04/12/1983 Duración: 23minWe need a solid insight into the meaning of Christ's coming that will keep us sober in a world intoxicated by the love of things.
God’s Covenant with Noah
27/11/1983 Duración: 34minThe story of Noah and the flood is incomplete in itself. God still hates sin and no remedy was found. The story cries out for an epilogue.
Proud People Don’t Say Thanks
20/11/1983 Duración: 31minThe human heart hates the truth that creation teaches because it is too humbling.
Missions: The Battle Cry of Christian Hedonism
13/11/1983 Duración: 34minMissions is a summons to pursue joy. Trials will come, but your joy in Jesus will outweigh any sacrifice.
The Bible: Kindling for Christian Hedonism
30/10/1983 Duración: 26minThe Bible is our God-given kindling for igniting the flames of faith.
Prayer: the Power of Christian Hedonism
23/10/1983 Duración: 32minPrayer opens our eyes to our weakness, but also draws us near to the one who is more than strong enough to help.
Marriage: A Matrix of Christian Hedonism
16/10/1983 Duración: 34minMarriage is a mystery. It contains and conceals a meaning far greater than what we see on the surface.
Money: Currency for Christian Hedonism
09/10/1983 Duración: 37minHow you use your money reveals the true desires of your heart.
Love: The Labor of Christian Hedonism
02/10/1983 Duración: 37minWe will glorify God and love people better when we serve out of joy instead of duty.
Worship: The Feast of Christian Hedonism
25/09/1983 Duración: 32minWorship is the melody of your heart as it repents of sin, delights in grace, and thirsts for more and more of Christ.
Conversion to Christ: The Making of a Christian Hedonist
18/09/1983 Duración: 38minYou are converted to Christ when Jesus becomes for you a treasure chest of holy joy.
The Happiness of God
11/09/1983 Duración: 36minGod enjoys eternal happiness in himself, and he delights in satisfying his people with the overflow of that abundant joy.
Why God Wills Work
04/09/1983 Duración: 28minThere are at least four reasons for why God has given work to mankind.
Only a New Creation Counts
28/08/1983 Duración: 36minThe mindset of the new creation does not just agree that Christ died for sinners; it glories in the cross.
Do Not Grow Weary in Well-Doing
21/08/1983 Duración: 33minWhen you get your paycheck, do you look to the Spirit for how to use this money for God's kingdom?
The Law of Christ
14/08/1983 Duración: 37minIf we really care about a person's ultimate welfare, we will confront them with their sin as well as comfort them in their trouble.