John Piper is founder and teacher of; he is author of more than 50 books and travels regularly to preach and teach. New messages are posted to this podcast as they become available. Pipers sermons, books, articles, and more are available free of charge at We want people everywhere to understand and embrace the truth that God is most glorified in us, when we are most satisfied in him.
Christmas Gift to Our Missionaries
17/11/1985 Duración: 36minThe task of world evangelization requires Pauline missionaries devoted to the task of frontier missions.
I Have Other Sheep That Are Not of This Fold
10/11/1985 Duración: 34minAll authority in heaven and on earth has been given to the Son of God and he declares, “I must bring in my other sheep.” He will do it.
Those Whom He Justified He Also Glorified
03/11/1985 Duración: 26minGod will glorify his children both spiritually and physically. Nothing can sever his unbreakable chain of salvation.
Those Whom He Called He Also Justified
27/10/1985 Duración: 28minThe basis of our justification is Jesus Christ. He obeyed, even to the point of death, to bring us to God.
Those Whom He Predestined He Also Called
20/10/1985 Duración: 34minOur call, our conversion, our regeneration, and our faith are based on God’s eternal election and predestination — not our self-determination.
Called According to His Purpose
13/10/1985 Duración: 35minGod’s call is the only thing powerful enough to pierce our hard hearts. It is the firm foundation of Romans 8:28.
Remember the Sabbath Day to Keep It Holy
06/10/1985 Duración: 38minHumbly accept the fact that your true advancement in life depends far more on God's labor than yours.
Far More Than You Think
29/09/1985 Duración: 28minWhen the massive weather front of God's love meets the massive weather front of God's power in the heart of a believer, it produces a hurricane of doxology.
Mission: The Gladness of God
22/09/1985 Duración: 36minGod's invitation to the banquet of his eternal joy is sent through the church indiscriminately to all people.
On Sharing Your Own Soul
15/09/1985 Duración: 33minWhere the gospel flourishes people share their souls—their joys, guilts, fears, and passions.
You Shall Worship the Lord Your God
08/09/1985 Duración: 33minWorshiping God is the number one duty of every human being.
I Will Not Be Enslaved by Anything
01/09/1985 Duración: 28minPreserve your freedom in Christ! Can you say with Paul, "I will not be enslaved by anything!"?
Strategic Hospitality
25/08/1985 Duración: 36minOur homes and apartments should stand constantly ready for strategic hospitality—a readiness to welcome people who don't ordinarily live there.
Job: Reversal in Suffering
04/08/1985 Duración: 23minWhat God is after in all his dealings with his children is a brokenhearted joy that trusts like a little child in God and returns good for evil.
Job: The Revelation of God in Suffering
28/07/1985 Duración: 33minIt is presumptuous to assume you can counsel God about how to run a more just world.
Job: Rebuked in Suffering
21/07/1985 Duración: 30minThe suffering of the righteous is not a token of God's enmity but of his love. It is not a punishment of their sins but a refinement of their righteousness.
Job: Wrestling with Suffering
14/07/1985 Duración: 35minWhy did God prolong Job's suffering? Didn't his initial reaction prove his faith?
Job: Reverent in Suffering
07/07/1985 Duración: 37minSatan’s hand caused the suffering of Job. But in all of his calamities, Job still had reason for reverent worship because God was ultimately at work.
He Who Has the Son Has Life
09/06/1985 Duración: 28minNothing is more important than having eternal life.
His Commandments Are Not Burdensome
02/06/1985 Duración: 26minFaith says to every temptation of the world: NO, BE GONE! I know where true satisfaction is to be found.