John Piper is founder and teacher of; he is author of more than 50 books and travels regularly to preach and teach. New messages are posted to this podcast as they become available. Pipers sermons, books, articles, and more are available free of charge at We want people everywhere to understand and embrace the truth that God is most glorified in us, when we are most satisfied in him.
The Pleasure of God in Those Who Hope in His Love
15/03/1987 Duración: 30minGod delights in those who place the full weight of their hope in him.
The Pleasure of God in Bruising the Son
08/03/1987 Duración: 31minGod's pleasure in his name and his pleasure in doing good to sinners meet and marry in his pleasure in bruising his Son.
The Pleasure of God in the Good of His People
01/03/1987 Duración: 39minGod does not do you good out of some constraint or coercion. He is free! And in his freedom he overflows in joy to do you good.
The Pleasure of God in Election
22/02/1987 Duración: 40minGod takes pleasure in election because it magnifies his name.
The Pleasure of God in His Name
15/02/1987 Duración: 31minGod’s first love is his name and not his people. And because it is, there is hope for his sinful people.
The Pleasure of God in His Creation
08/02/1987 Duración: 34minGod rejoices in what he has made because all of creation points to the grandeur and majesty of his glory.
The Pleasure of God in All That He Does
01/02/1987 Duración: 29minGod is never constrained to do a thing that he despises. He does whatever he pleases.
The Pleasure of God in His Son
25/01/1987 Duración: 37minThe first and most fundamental thing we can say about the pleasures of God is that he takes pleasure in his Son.
Abortion: You Desire and Do Not Have, So You Kill
18/01/1987 Duración: 43minFight the social stupor that gripped Nazi Germany and imagine what is really happening behind clinic doors.
The Life of God in the Soul of Man
11/01/1987 Duración: 37minGod lives in the soul of man by the indwelling of his Spirit.
Sweet “Our” of Prayer
04/01/1987 Duración: 33minThe Lord's Prayer is an invitation not only to pray but to pray together with other believers.
A Cause to Live For
28/12/1986 Duración: 38minWe all need a cause to live for that accords with our Creator's purposes.
Preparing to Receive Christ: Looking for the Consolation of Israel
21/12/1986 Duración: 28minGod prepares a person to receive Christ by stirring up a longing for consolation and redemption that can come only from Christ.
Preparing to Receive Christ: Hearing Moses and the Prophets
14/12/1986 Duración: 30minThe use of money can make or break your eternal destiny.
Preparing to Receive Christ: Willing to Do the Will of God
07/12/1986 Duración: 26minThe great obstacle to recognizing the truth of Christ is not deficient resources but deep rebellion against God.
Preparing to Receive Christ: Something More Than Flesh and Blood
30/11/1986 Duración: 36minTo recognize and receive Christ for who he really is, God the Father must reveal it to you.
Urgency and Gratitude
23/11/1986 Duración: 31minHow are we supposed to understand and live out the paradoxes of Scripture?
Let All the Peoples Praise Thee
09/11/1986 Duración: 34minGod's purpose is to be known and praised and enjoyed and feared among all the nations of the earth.
The Enthronement of Desire
26/10/1986 Duración: 33minThe most potent antidote for sin’s sickness is gratitude to God for the glories of the gospel.
Be Kind to One Another
19/10/1986 Duración: 36minChristian kindness is not merely an external change of manners; it is an internal change of heart.