John Piper is founder and teacher of; he is author of more than 50 books and travels regularly to preach and teach. New messages are posted to this podcast as they become available. Pipers sermons, books, articles, and more are available free of charge at We want people everywhere to understand and embrace the truth that God is most glorified in us, when we are most satisfied in him.
Unless You Repent You Will All Likewise Perish
05/06/1988 Duración: 29minThe lesson of tragedies is "Get right with God."
Walk in Wisdom Toward Those Outside
29/05/1988 Duración: 39minEvery hour of your life brings a situation that can be bought up for eternity or missed.
Christ's Purpose in Evangelism
22/05/1988 Duración: 39minGod wants people who welcome his strategic interruptions and surprises.
Ready to Move with the Gospel of Peace
15/05/1988 Duración: 33minGiving the gospel away is one of the best ways of experiencing its power in your own life.
Raising Children Who Hope in the Triumph of God
08/05/1988 Duración: 29minOur great challenge is to be the kind of church and the kind of parents that raise up children who hope in the triumph of God.
He Must Manage His Household Well
01/05/1988 Duración: 32minBeing responsible parents is a serious business. Far more serious than most of us think.
The Doctrine of Perseverance: The Future of a Fruitless Field
24/04/1988 Duración: 41minOne of the ways God causes us to persevere in faith and be saved is by warning us that we could make shipwreck of our faith and be lost.
The Doctrine of Perseverance: The Earnest Pursuit of Assurance
17/04/1988 Duración: 38minIf we want to realize full assurance and hope, we must exercise the organ of faith to empower energized obedience.
The Danger of Dull Hearing
10/04/1988 Duración: 39minEither we press on toward the inheritance or we drift back toward destruction. There is no third option.
He Must Reign
03/04/1988 Duración: 38minThe great word of the resurrection is OPEN! Therefore write in capital letters over every closed door in your life, OPEN!
The Gallows and the Gift of Life
27/03/1988 Duración: 26minAn allegory of a man in a prison called “conviction” and how he got out.
He Who Sows Bountifully Will Reap Bountifully
20/03/1988 Duración: 36minGod is the Giver, not Taker, on both sides of our giving.
How Much Do You Own?
13/03/1988 Duración: 30minWe boast in ourselves because we are selfish and don't believe all things are ours in Christ.
Let Christ Be All in This Building!
06/03/1988 Duración: 25minLet us be vigilant to keep Christ as the foundation of our church.
Let God Be All in This Building!
28/02/1988 Duración: 35minIt's the absence of the centrality of the biblical God in all of life that is leading to the collapse of our civilization.
The Gift of Preaching: The Power of the Holy Spirit
26/02/1988 Duración: 42minThe Sunday sermon isn’t just another lecture, but a Spirit-empowered, Scripture-saturated heralding of good news to God’s people.
The Ground of Preaching: The Cross of Christ
25/02/1988 Duración: 32minGod’s passion for his glory and our longing to be satisfied are not in final conflict only because God displayed his righteousness in the cross of Christ.
The Gravity and Gladness of Preaching
25/02/1988 Duración: 01h05minBiblically balanced pastoral ministry requires the joyful gravity and brokenhearted gladness, especially in the pulpit.
The Goal of Preaching: The Glory of God
24/02/1988 Duración: 35minThe goal of preaching is to glorify God in glad submission to his authority.