John Piper is founder and teacher of; he is author of more than 50 books and travels regularly to preach and teach. New messages are posted to this podcast as they become available. Pipers sermons, books, articles, and more are available free of charge at We want people everywhere to understand and embrace the truth that God is most glorified in us, when we are most satisfied in him.
Corporate Prayer in the Life of the Church and in Worship
18/04/1990 Duración: 45minWhen the people of God pray together, they look for answers together. We get the help and he gets the collective glory.
Jesus Is Alive to Serve
15/04/1990 Duración: 34minJesus died to meet your needs. He rose to meet your needs. He reigns to meet your needs—and make you happy in him forever.
The Quiet Sign of Calvary Love
13/04/1990 Duración: 23minSigns and wonders are not wrong in themselves, but seeking them could be a camouflage for a wayward heart that refuses to receive the quiet sign of Calvary love.
"You Will See the Son of Man Seated at the Right Hand of Power and Coming on the Clouds of Heaven"
08/04/1990 Duración: 26minDeep down we know so much truth that we fear and therefore deny.
Why the Gift of Prophecy Is Not the Usual Way of Knowing God’s Will
01/04/1990 Duración: 34minThe Spirit doesn’t work mainly by revealing hidden messages, but by conforming us to the image of Jesus Christ.
The Authority and Nature of the Gift of Prophecy
25/03/1990 Duración: 33minProphecy is prompted and sustained by the Spirit and yet does not carry intrinsic, divine authority.
When Will Prophecy Cease?
18/03/1990 Duración: 36minThe spiritual gift of prophecy has not passed away. God uses it for the good of the church until Jesus comes.
The Elders, the People, and the Prayer of Faith
11/03/1990 Duración: 38minJames 5 is a rebuke to pastors that never have the faith to heal and churches that don't pray in the spirit of Elijah.
Gifts of Healings and Workings of Miracles
04/03/1990 Duración: 28min"Gifts of healings" and "workings of miracles" are for the church and the mission of Christ in the world today.
Are Signs and Wonders for Today?
25/02/1990 Duración: 38minDid the apostles have spiritual gifts that are now obsolete?
How Is the Kingdom Present?
11/02/1990 Duración: 34minThe kingdom has come and it has overcome the aimlessness and futility of our lives and given us an awesome reason to live.
Is the Kingdom Present or Future?
04/02/1990 Duración: 26minThe kingdom of God is present and future. There has been fulfillment, but there has not been consummation.
Oh, That I May Never Loiter on My Heavenly Journey
31/01/1990 Duración: 01h22minIn spite of the terrible external hardships that Brainerd knew, he pressed on and even flourished under his tribulations that led to the kingdom.
The Importance of the Kingdom Today
28/01/1990 Duración: 36minSince Jesus has come, God exerts his right to rule in new and powerful ways.
Kingdom Compassion and the Killing of Children
21/01/1990 Duración: 31minPeaceful, non-violent, ready-to-suffer protest is one way that the truth and beauty of God's kingdom shines in this world.
What Are We Up Against?
14/01/1990 Duración: 37minSatan is not opposed to most ordinary things you do, as long as you do them like the rest of the world.
Compassion, Power, and the Kingdom of God: An Introduction
07/01/1990 Duración: 33minWhat is the nature of the kingdom of God? And what is the "power" that the kingdom exerts now in the church?
All the Promises of God Are Yes in Christ
31/12/1989 Duración: 37minAre you living in the fullest enjoyment of God's YES to you in Christ Jesus? Have you said yes to all of God's YES to you?
The Word Became Flesh
24/12/1989 Duración: 26minGod came to live in a tent so we can watch him more closely. God wants to be seen and known in his Son.