John Piper is founder and teacher of; he is author of more than 50 books and travels regularly to preach and teach. New messages are posted to this podcast as they become available. Pipers sermons, books, articles, and more are available free of charge at We want people everywhere to understand and embrace the truth that God is most glorified in us, when we are most satisfied in him.
Let Us Walk by the Spirit
01/03/1981 Duración: 38minFrom the moment you awake, till your head hits the pillow again, the Spirit waits to walk with you.
That Which Is Born of the Spirit Is Spirit
22/02/1981 Duración: 34minSomething has to happen if we are to be saved from the wrath of God. We must be profoundly changed.
Sexual Relations in Marriage
15/02/1981 Duración: 44minMarital sex is a great joy that also proves to be a fearsome weapon against our ancient foe. Learn what it means to keep the marriage bed undefiled.
Sex and the Single Person
08/02/1981 Duración: 43minGod’s word is every Christian’s infallible guide to maximum sexual fulfillment. The good news for singles is that they are included.
For Our People and for the Cities of God
01/02/1981 Duración: 24minThere are six things that should characterize every effort at team ministry in the church.
What Do Answers to Prayer Depend On?, Part 2
25/01/1981 Duración: 39minOur prayers should always aim not merely at our own satisfaction, but also at the benefit of others.
How I Became a Christian Hedonist
23/01/1981 Duración: 01h10minChristian Hedonism teaches that morality is not destroyed, but rather upheld, by pursuing our fullest and longest lasting joy.
Pray for Kings and All in High Positions
18/01/1981 Duración: 32minLet your prayers embrace all kinds of people: high and low, white and black, democrats and republicans, Soviet premiers and Iranian Ayatollahs. Enlarge your heart until it embraces the world.
What Do Answers to Prayer Depend On?, Part 1
11/01/1981 Duración: 33minIf we are unloving and unrepentant then we should not think that God is likely to answer our prayers.
The Line of Prayer
04/01/1981 Duración: 34minBeware of a church that runs on the momentum of tradition rather than the power of prayer.
I Have Kept the Faith
28/12/1980 Duración: 35minFor me, the end of a year is like the end of my life. And in these last hours, I face the inevitable question: Did I live it well? Will Jesus Christ, the righteous judge, say "Well done, good and faithful servant"?
Christmas and the Cause of Truth
21/12/1980 Duración: 35minYou can read every fairy tale that was ever written, every mystery thriller, every ghost story, and you will never find anything so shocking, so strange, so weird and spellbinding as the story of the incarnation of the Son of God.
Jesus Is the Horn of Salvation
14/12/1980 Duración: 33minThere is a deadly disease and an awesome enemy. And every one of us will die from this disease and be devoured by that enemy if there is no horn of salvation for us.
Christmas Joy Vs. the Kirchensteuer
07/12/1980 Duración: 35minIf God values joyful, loving generosity so much as to give his beloved Son to create it in his people, then we can be absolutely assured that when we are more generous, we will be more happy and more fulfilled because God is bound to work mightily for those whose behavior he values so highly.
All the Prophets Proclaimed These Days
30/11/1980 Duración: 30minSince the first Christmas we have been living in the last days.
I Will Magnify Him with Thanksgiving
23/11/1980 Duración: 25minWhat does an all-sufficient God, who owns and controls all things, demand from the creature he has made? That we cease to be great in our own eyes and become small that he might appear great.
Christ Did Not Send Me to Baptize
16/11/1980 Duración: 10minBaptism is an act of obedience to the command of Jesus (Matthew 28:19, 20). And for that very reason it should never divert our attention away from Christ onto a man. It should express our desire to rely on Christ alone for salvation and to boast only in him.