Business Forward



Looking to make a difference but dont see how you can have an impact on your own? Business Forward helps tens of thousands of business leaders brief policymakers on how best to accelerate the economy and create jobs.With the help of more than 50 of the world's most respected companies, Business Forward is making it easier for tens of thousands of business leaders from across America to advise Washington on policy issues that affect their businesses. Business Forward is active in over 100 cities and works with more than 450 senior Administration officials, Members of Congress, mayors, and governors.


  • Briefing: Mobilizing Technology for a 21st Century Government with Jennifer Anastasoff

    11/06/2020 Duración: 33min

    Jim Doyle talks with Jennifer Anastasoff, executive director of the Tech Talent Project, about how to mobilize technology for a 21st century government. Anastasoff discusses the current state of technology used by government agencies and opportunities to upgrade systems and create new government tech roles.

  • Making the Business Case: Education Reform

    15/04/2020 Duración: 06min

    Jim Doyle, president of Business Forward, offers advice on how business leaders can communicate their ideas on education reform with local media. Business Forward has helped more than 175,000 business leaders brief policymakers and work with local media, publish op-eds, testify at public hearings, lobby members of Congress and the White House, and advocate online.

  • Making the Business Case: Eight Rules to Follow

    15/04/2020 Duración: 12min

    Jim Doyle, president of Business Forward, outlines the eight rules business leaders should follow when they talk to local media. Business Forward has helped more than 175,000 business leaders brief policymakers and work with local media, publish op-eds, testify at public hearings, lobby members of Congress and the White House, and advocate online.

  • Briefing: Natalie Gould on the Future of Work

    24/03/2020 Duración: 12min

    Ed Meier talks with Natalie Gould, Co-Founder and COO of Washington Leadership Academy (WLA), about reforming high schools to prepare students for the future of work. They discuss WLA’s mandatory four-year computer science progression, its internship program, and what policymakers can do to encourage high schools to teach more technical skills.

  • Answering America: Should Washington Do More to Save Coal?

    10/03/2020 Duración: 13min

    Taxpayers spend billions of dollars each year subsidizing coal companies, even though coal jobs are disappearing due to automation, surface mining, and natural gas. Despite clear market forces, Trump continues to protect coal plants and promise he will bring mining jobs back. Featured guests include Ohio business leader Myles Murray, director of communications at Better Together Solar, and David Hayes, former deputy secretary of the interior and current executive director of the State Energy and Environmental Impact Center at NYU.

  • Answering America: Are We Winning these Trade Wars?

    05/03/2020 Duración: 12min

    President Trump once claimed that trade wars are "good and easy to win," but in his clash with China - American companies are paying the price. In trade wars with no strategy, there are more losers than winners. Featured guests include business leader and serial entrepreneur Robert Roche, founder and president of Roche Enterprises, and Jen Harris, former State Department official in the Obama Administration.

  • Briefing: Rep. Haley Stevens on the Future of Work

    27/02/2020 Duración: 25min

    Business Forward Foundation welcomes Congresswoman Haley Stevens (MI-11), New Democrat Coalition Future of Work Task Force Co-Chair, for a conference call briefing on closing the skills gap, investing in STEM education, and preparing young Americans for an economy in which they will need to operate as lifelong learners. 

  • Answering America: What's Holding Back Our Small Businesses?

    25/02/2020 Duración: 15min

    Small businesses employ nearly half of America’s workers and generate most of our new jobs. However, fewer new small businesses are being established, especially in rural areas. What’s to blame? Student debt and the lack of fair access to capital. Featured guests include Illinois business leader Robin Simmons, director of innovation and outreach at Sunshine Enterprises, Illinois business leader Eya Louis of SOUL Works L3C, and Michael S. Barr, Dean of the Ford School of Public Policy at the University of Michigan.

  • Briefing: Cameron Kerry on Privacy

    19/02/2020 Duración: 24min

    Business Forward welcomed Cameron Kerry, visiting fellow at the Brookings Institution’s Center for Technology Innovation and former acting Secretary of Commerce, for a briefing on the state of consumer privacy reform. He discussed the surge in data collection, new data uses, key players in Congress, and what a bipartisan deal might look like.

  • Answering America: Do We Need to Build a Wall?

    18/02/2020 Duración: 14min

    President Trump’s focus on the wall has divided the country and derailed bipartisan legislation on infrastructure. In reality, there are better and cheaper ways to protect the U.S. and those dollars would be better spent fixing America’s roads, bridges, rail, and waterways. Featured guests include Ohio business leader Kevin Burch, Lansing Mayor Andy Schor, Michigan business leader Pat Gillespie, and former Deputy Secretary of Transportation and WSP President John D. Porcari.

  • Answering America: Is America Better Off Going It Alone?

    11/02/2020 Duración: 14min

    Under President Trump, “America First” means “America Alone” – this is bad for business. Featured guests include Michigan business leader Cornelius Harris, founder of Alter Ego Management and Jake Sullivan, Distinguished Montgomery Fellow at Dartmouth College.

  • Answering America: What is the One Big Thing We Can Do to Fix Our Economy?

    04/02/2020 Duración: 15min

    Women remain overrepresented in low-paying jobs and underrepresented in high-paying jobs. By simply helping women match men’s labor force participation, America could grow its economy by $1 trillion. Featured guests include Colorado business leader Denise Burgess, President and CEO of Burgess Services and Betsey Stevenson, Professor at the Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy at the University of Michigan.

  • Answering America: Will Automation Take Our Jobs?

    29/01/2020 Duración: 13min

    Automation creates and destroys jobs simultaneously, changing the future of work. We can't go back. We must reskill. School reform must prepare our students for the skills and qualities tomorrow’s employers will need. Featured guests include Michigan business leader Michael Guthrie, founding design principal of inFORM Studio and Alastair Fitzpayne, Executive Director of the Future of Work Initiative at the Aspen Institute.

  • Briefing: Ivan Frishberg and Gregg Gelzinis on Sustainable Banking

    24/01/2020 Duración: 35min

    On Wednesday, January 22, Business Forward Foundation welcomed Ivan Frishberg, director of impact policy for Amalgamated Bank, and Gregg Gelzinis, senior policy analyst at the Center for American Progress, for a briefing on sustainable banking. They discussed new commitments from leading banks to disclose their climate change risk and the carbon emissions they finance; the impact this new disclosure could have on renewable energy investment; and, how new regulations could speed this process.

  • Briefing: Neal Katyal on Rule of Law and Impeachment

    21/01/2020 Duración: 24min

    On Wednesday, January 15, Business Forward Foundation welcomed former Acting Solicitor General of the United States Neal Katyal for a briefing on the facts and legal theories behind the impeachment of President Trump, as well as other threats to rule of law in the U.S.

  • Answering America: Are Trump's Tax Cuts Helping the Middle Class?

    21/01/2020 Duración: 13min

    By favoring types of income that only the richest Americans earn, President Trump's tax cuts skipped the middle class by design. Now, he wants to cut health care and social security by $1.7 trillion to pay for it. Featured guests include Tennessee business leader Stephen Prince, Owner of National Business Products and David Kamin, Professor of Law at New York University School of Law.

  • Answering America: Can We Fix Climate Change Without Wrecking the Economy?

    14/01/2020 Duración: 15min

    By protecting coal plants and cutting funding for solar and wind R&D, President Trump is fighting market forces beyond his control. The U.S. should be leading on energy, but we are at risk of falling behind. Featured guests include Pennsylvania business leader Kjerstin Klein, Owner of Willi’s Ski Shop, Inc. and Kristina Costa, Climate and Energy Policy Adviser.

  • Answering America: Is America Full?

    14/01/2020 Duración: 19min

    President Trump argues that America is being overwhelmed by immigrants. The truth? Many communities are aging, shrinking, and losing their young talent to larger cities, creating a negative cycle that hurts local jobs, property values, and investment. Immigrants can break this cycle. Featured guests include Wisconsin business leader Ryan Clancy, Owner of Bounce Milwaukee and Marshall Fitz, Managing Director of Immigration at the Emerson Collective.

  • Solutions 2020: Government Innovation Policy Working Group

    17/12/2019 Duración: 30min

    On Monday, December 16, Business Forward welcomed Michele Jolin, CEO and Co-founder of Results for America, to kick off the Solutions 2020 Government Innovation Policy Working Group. On this podcast, we discussed how data can improve government performance.

  • Conference call: Rep. Don Beyer (VA-08) on the New Democrat Coalition climate priorities

    18/10/2019 Duración: 41min

    On Thursday, October 17, the Business Forward Foundation welcomed Congressman Don Beyer (VA-08) for a conference call on the New Democrat Coalition climate priorities. He talked about how investing in renewable energy strengthens our national security, makes our economy more competitive, and increases economic opportunity.

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