Bill Whittle



Audio-Only versions of Bill Whittle videos.


  • Sinking Fast Now

    15/09/2023 Duración: 15min

    Well, for those who have been paying attention, Joe Biden's mental decline was shockingly apparent during the run-up to the 2020 election. Sometime later, those who had not been paying attention came to realize the same thing. This past week, however, his performance had degraded so catastrophically that even those determined NOT to see his incapacity could no longer ignore it. Alzheimers, the sinking of the Titanic and runaway inflation all have one thing in common: they begin slowly at first, then end very quickly, and Joe Biden is sinking fast now. Join our crack team of elite anti-elitists by becoming a member or making a one-time donation right here:

  • The Most Dangerous Job in the World?

    12/09/2023 Duración: 19min

    This is the man who has been badly beaten as a result of a now-routine occupational hazard: he referees little girl's soccer games. All over the country the epidemic of rage-filled, abusive and increasingly violent PARENTS are turning what was once a fun and valuable learning experience into a laboratory for disgraceful behavior and being the worst possible example to your children. Join our crack team of elite anti-elitists by becoming a member or making a one-time donation right here:

  • Frankly Joe, We Don't Give a Damn

    10/09/2023 Duración: 14min

    To date, books about Joe Biden have sold 81 MILLION COPIES! Just kidding; that was a completely random, ridiculous number. Actually, some of them are failing to break 5,000 total sales. Books about Donald Trump flew off the shelf because Donald Trump is INTERESTING. The Mediocrity in Chief is... not. Join our crack team of elite anti-elitists by becoming a member or making a one-time donation right here:

  • Impeachment in Texas

    08/09/2023 Duración: 20min

    Do you know what would make unique, riveting, and highly unusual television? One calendar year WITHOUT impeachment coverage of a major political official. This week's installment of the Cavalcade of Impeachments brings us to Texas, and Bill, Steve and Scott are there to talk about how what should be sad, sorrowful and RARE proceedings have become the norm, and the price that we pay for that as a republic. Join our crack team of elite anti-elitists by becoming a member or making a one-time donation right here:

  • Life After College

    05/09/2023 Duración: 16min

    It was inevitable, I suppose: everything that the progressive movement touches it progressively erodes, and then eventually, progressively destroys. There was a time when the term 'Harvard graduate' meant a guarantee of quality. Now, it barely covers 'minimally competent' and also brings all kinds of certain ideological baggage -- the kind of baggage it would take to destroy the number one beer brand in America, just as one example. The shift from academies of learning into centers of indoctrination means that brick and mortar colleges and universities are on their way out and they are not coming back. And it's a genuine shame. Join our crack team of elite anti-elitists by becoming a member or making a one-time donation right here:

  • Crazy About Flying

    03/09/2023 Duración: 19min

    The Washington Post -- where 'Democracy Dies in Darkness' is not just a motto; it's a mission statement -- breathlessly announces that FIVE THOUSAND PILOTS SUSPECTED OF HIDING MAHOR HEALTH ISSUES; MOST ARE STILL FLYING. Dear God, the planes must be falling out of the sky like the summer rain! Scott points out that, as usual, when it comes to a WaPo headline there is less to it than meets the eye. Join our crack team of elite anti-elitists by becoming a member or making a one-time donation right here:

  • Too Late, Captain Buttmunch!

    01/09/2023 Duración: 16min

    A twelve-year-old boy gets suspended for bringing 'a message of hate' in the form of the Gadsden flag on a backpack. When challenged on this by his mother, she was informed that the school prohibits the wearing of anything that promotes 'drugs, tobacco, alcohol or weapons...' Yes? AND? And the mental gymnastics continued as the school struggled to justify sending a kid home for wearing something the school officials didn't agree with. I suspect the American flag will be next. Here's a sample: Join our crack team of elite anti-elitists by becoming a member or making a one-time donation right here:

  • The Stratosphere Lounge Episode 373

    29/08/2023 Duración: 02h27min

    Recorded 08/03/23

  • Electric China?

    29/08/2023 Duración: 18min

    After decades of having the worst air pollution in the world, the Chinese have discovered that this idea of 'all-electric, all the time' is not as simple as Democratic politicians make it out to be. Is there anything we can learn from the troubles they having... like, just maybe, NOT buying an electric car? Join our crack team of elite anti-elitists by becoming a member or making a one-time donation right here:

  • In the Shadow of Trump

    26/08/2023 Duración: 14min

    With the first Republican presidential debate behind us, surely it's safe to say that there were no indications that anyone on the stage was likely to approach -- let alone surpass -- Donald Trump in next year's primaries. Meanwhile, in Georgia, the former President turns himself in for the most epic mugshot in history, further emphasizing how far ahead of the pack he is. Did he make a tactical -- or moral -- mistake by refusing to take part in the debates at all? Join our crack team of elite anti-elitists by becoming a member or making a one-time donation right here:

  • Hilary Got Wasted

    24/08/2023 Duración: 15min

    Yes, and it's happened more times than you could count. Hurricane Hilary -- the first hurricane-level storm to strike the west coast in 84 years -- turned into (for Bill at least) about 24 hours of mild Florida rain. And every single drop of that desperately-needed, expensive and scarce FRESH WATER just flowed right through Los Angeles, as it always does, and then straight out into the Pacific... as it always does. How hard can this be, Governor Newsom? Join our crack team of elite anti-elitists by becoming a member or making a one-time donation right here:

  • Fighter Jets

    22/08/2023 Duración: 18min

    Flakes on a Plane: the number of fistfights inside commercial aircraft cabins while in flight is approaching epidemic proportions. But in a world where scores of people can flash mob and destroy a department store and then walk out with $100,000 worth of stolen merchandise, or where entire cities are rendered uninhabitable by crime, homelessness and drug addiction... is this really much of a surprise? Join our crack team of elite anti-elitists by becoming a member or making a one-time donation right here:

  • The Stratosphere Lounge Episode 375 SPECIAL EDITION

    20/08/2023 Duración: 02h27min

    We could really, really use your help right now: Oh, and Gary Sinise, Adam Baldwin and Tom Dreesen are CONFIRMED for the new interview show! More coming soon.

  • Oliver Anthony: Voice of a Generation

    19/08/2023 Duración: 16min

    An utterly unknown singer/songwriter, recording with a single microphone and an acoustic guitar in his own back yard, now has the number one song in the nation and is about to surpass 25 MILLION views on YouTube. His name is Oliver Anthony, the song is 'Rich Men North of Richmond,' and the message is one that ALL politicians, from both parties, should (but probably won't) pay very close heed to, because Oliver Anthony is rapidly becoming the Voice of a Generation. The link to this remarkable track is here: You can add your voice to this protest movement by keeping content like this on the air. Join our crack team of elite anti-elitists by becoming a member or making a one-time donation right here:

  • Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!

    17/08/2023 Duración: 11min

    Coming soon to a live stream near you: The Puny Earthling Astronaut vs. The Cold-Blooded Lizard King! And it's not fiction! They mean to kill each other! That's NO EXAGGERATION!!! Steve Green provides the color commentary for the upcoming Fight of the Millennium! Join our elite squad of anti-elitists by becoming a Citizen Producer today:

  • Ham-Handed Surgeons

    15/08/2023 Duración: 19min

    Medicine -- especially surgical procedures -- has improved remarkably over the last century. But lately, three hour procedures have begun to take up to six hours. Why? Well, because an entire generation of young surgeons, raised on tablets and smart phones, simply do not possess the manual dexterity of their screw-turning, sewing, musical-instrument playing teachers... and there doesn't seem to be much that we can do about it. Join our elite squad of anti-elitists by becoming a Citizen Producer today:

  • Speaking to the Dead?

    11/08/2023 Duración: 11min

    Here's an interesting twist on the dream of uploading consciousness into an immortal, silicon-based brain: suppose we were to study your thought and speech patterns, and upload a relatively primitive SIMULATION of you -- how you speak, what you think, etc. That way, future generations could have a one-way conversation with "you," asking questions and receiving answers in your voice, in language and thoughts assembled from how you actually speak and feel. Is this, in fact, a form of Speaking to the Dead? Join our elite squad of anti-elitists by becoming a Citizen Producer today:

  • The Road to Hell...

    10/08/2023 Duración: 17min paved with good intentions. The issue in this case -- which was up in the air at the time of recording and now isn't (we lost) -- was a specific one: namely, should Republicans use a fifty-one percent majority vote in a state election to amend the state's constitution so that it required a SIXTY percent vote to amend it in the future? The larger issue is, of course, should you use the unscrupulous tactics of your enemy in order to block them from using those unscrupulous tactics in the future? Join our elite squad of anti-elitists by becoming a Citizen Producer today:

  • The Horror of Having Children

    08/08/2023 Duración: 18min

    The Washington Post brings us the Modern Liberal Nightmare Scenario: due to restricted access to abortion, a young couple IS FORCED TO HAVE CHILDREN -- even before they are forty and financially secure! The father had to join the military!!! Worse still, their love for their new child is keeping the couple together despite the fact that it would be more convenient for the mother to simply leave! This is the living Handmaiden's Tale hell of modern America. Join our elite squad of anti-elitists by becoming a Citizen Producer today:

  • The True Story of the Atomic Bombs

    06/08/2023 Duración: 16min

    The atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki ended the Second World War. Don't take my word for it: hear it from the lips of the one person capable of making that decision. Recorded in 2009. Join our elite squad of anti-elitists by becoming a Citizen Producer today:

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