Havilah Cunnington



Havilah Cunnington has been in full-time ministry for twenty years, and serves as a pastor at Bethel Church. Havilah and her husband, Ben, lead a nonprofit and an online platform called Truth to Table, reaching the world with Bible studies, messages, and lifestyle leadership tools. Havilah and Ben live in Redding, California, with their four sons: Judah, Hudson, Grayson, and Beckham.www.truthtotable.comwww.theinfluencertable.com www.havilahcunnington.com


  • 255. Habit Hacks: Part 3

    19/04/2023 Duración: 17min

    We're diving back into habits this week! Something I noticed was that reading books about habits is great, but I really grew when I joined classes and there was accountability involved. When I joined the Habit Lab earlier on this year, Jenna helped me by giving verbiage when I got stuck. There was permission we all got in this class knowing that we weren’t alone and there was a cycle and pattern we all personally had. I also realized we were going deep, and getting into our belief systems.  We have opened up the doors to a habit lab mastery course, The Habit Lab is a 10-week mentorship program to help create the right habits you need to finally live a life you love. You can register and sign up here: https://truthtotable.com/habit-lab/ In this online mentorship program, you’ll be guided by habit coach, Jenna Zint, as she takes you through each step of her proven method for overcoming the obstacles that get in the way to being the person you truly want to be. Learn more and connect with Havilah: + ht

  • 254. Habit Hacks: Part 2

    12/04/2023 Duración: 18min

    This month we are diving into Habits! In this week’s episode hear my friend, Jenna, share deeper into her experience of running a small business and realizing that habits are also about identity and the changes she started to make in that point of her life and how it’s changed her whole life today. We have a quiz we came up with to help you find out what area in your life is needing some healthy habits, it’s shame free, and easy to take. Check it out: https://truthtotable.com/habit-quiz/ The Habit Lab is now open for enrollment! Click here to learn more and join us before the doors close on April 25th. Learn more and connect with Havilah: + http://havilahcunnington.com + http://truthtotable.com + http://thetruthacademy.com --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/havilah-cunnington/support

  • 253. Habit Hacks: Part 1

    05/04/2023 Duración: 16min

    In this month’s series we are going to talk about Habits! This month I want to share with you my friend’s story and how she found herself in her lowest moment in life and with God’s grace she figured out how to come out of that moment and it was through habits! Join Jenna, and I this month as we talk all about how to implement really clear, simple but transformative habits in our daily routines. And the reason we’re talking about this is because I’ve had a transformation in my own life and you guys know me, I don’t share things that are just good ideas. I share things that make sense, that work and that I try and I often, want to tell you guys about those things. You can now sign up to join Jenna's course, Habit Lab! The Habit Lab is your personalized plan to help you overcome the obstacles that get in the way and guide you through a proven process to finally establish habits that stick! Check it out: https://truthtotable.com/habit-lab/ Learn more and connect with Havilah: + http://havilahcun

  • 252. March Mindset Series Part 4

    24/03/2023 Duración: 39min

    Welcome back to another March Mindset series. Your thoughts are a reflection of the identity that you carry. You want to change your identity, change your thoughts. So, how do we begin to know that we are not doing well in our thoughts? What thoughts do we really want? What thoughts do we not want? We're going to talk about that today. Here's what's important. The Bible's really clear that in James 1:8, it says, "A double minded man is unstable in all his ways." I love what the Amplified says, "a double minded man is unstable and restless in all his ways, in everything he thinks, feels and decides." Are you dealing with a restlessness in what you're thinking about and what you're feeling and in your decisions? Then you're probably living double minded, and that means you want to live in two worlds at the same. In this episode Havilah is going deep and talking about the thoughts that we are currently having, how have we entertained these thoughts, and how they are affecting our lives. After listenin

  • 251. March Mindset Series Part 3

    17/03/2023 Duración: 32min

    As we continue to talk about renewing the mind, I was thinking of the Asbury revival that broke out on February 8th 2023 and went until the 24th. This revival broke out in Asbury University in Wilmore, Kentucky. As I reflected on the concept of renewing the mind, I am reminded that everything happens for a reason. God has orchestrated a revival to take place in this generation, after the pandemic, in a place where people develop their intellect. He wants to emphasize that without the mind of Christ, knowledge, connections, and possessions are meaningless. It's important to realize that before we came to Christ, our minds were not neutral but rather hostile towards God. Those who do not believe in God or live for Him are not just indifferent to the mind of Christ but actively oppose it, as the enemy does not want the thoughts of God to prevail in our world. A renewed mind aligns with the Spirit. Our thoughts act as filters and determinants, serving as our GPS on our journey of growth. Our thoughts ultimate

  • 250. March Mindset Series Part 2

    08/03/2023 Duración: 19min

    This month we are diving into the topic of what it means and looks like to transform our minds. The spiritual battle we face is not external, but rather it is within ourselves; it’s in our minds. Ephesians 6:12 says: For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Our minds cannot remain neutral, and the enemy tries to prevent us from achieving freedom in our thoughts. Our minds often urge us to pursue self-gratification instead of serving God. However, this mindset is hostile to God and cannot submit to Him if it is not governed by Him. To please God, we must renew our minds. One way to accomplish this is by taking our thoughts captive every day. What if we made this a daily spiritual practice? Hope you join us all this month to dive into this topic and get practical steps. Have a great week and thanks so much for tuning in today! Make sure to share thi

  • 249. March Mindset Series Part 1

    01/03/2023 Duración: 16min

    Let’s take this month of March and really go through what it’s like to renew and transform our minds. The mind is where everything starts, and it's where our battles are won or lost. Trying to change our behavior or actions without addressing the root cause, which is often our thoughts and beliefs, can be frustrating and exhausting. However, with intentional effort and the help of the Holy Spirit, we can transform our minds and experience lasting change. Each of us are facing unique battles in our lives but we all face a common battle and that is in our minds! Renewing our minds means intentionally choosing to focus on thoughts that align with God's truth and rejecting thoughts that lead us away from it. It involves replacing negative self-talk, doubt, and fear with positive affirmations, hope, and faith.Remember that transforming our minds is a process, and it won't happen overnight. It takes time, effort, and consistency, but the results are worth it. Hope you join us all this month to dive into this

  • 248. I Dream Big Series: Part 5

    22/02/2023 Duración: 13min

    Welcome back! Today's episode is from our 20 day video series called I Dream Big. We have chosen a few to share here on the podcast with you and this week's is the last one so make sure you go back and listen to the other episodes. Today, we’re looking at the idea that dreams stewarded creates momentum in our lives. Encountering God will consistently build momentum in your life. Reaching a place of regularly meeting with the Holy Spirit changes you. It gives you movement toward His promise. Living in a relationship with Him will be your most valuable experience. When you invest time to further encounters and honor those moments, you will gain history with Him. This causes momentum. Momentum could be described as building movement in the same direction while simultaneously building speed and confidence. If you want more from this I Dream Big series, check out the 20 day video series here: https://truthtotable.com/i-dream-big/ Make sure you tune in for next month's special series where Havilah will be LIVE

  • 247. I Dream Big Series: Part 4

    17/02/2023 Duración: 13min

    Welcome back to our series called I Dream Big. Today, we’re going to look at another way to figure out the specific dream of God in your life: through covenant. Our culture tends to glamorize the dreamers and visionaries of the world: Steve Jobs, Elon Musk, Oprah… But the truth about dreaming is: The one who partners with the visionary is just as important. God places the people in our lives we are meant to run with. Oftentimes, God will give one person the dream or encounter, then bring other people in to help carry it out. It’s very important we stay connected to the dream and keep dreaming even when we’re not the visionary. God will divinely orchestrate relationships to carry out His dreams on Earth. It doesn’t matter if you dreamed it or were the carrier, ultimately, relationships are important to God. They’re how He builds His kingdom and will continue to build it from here on. If you want more from this I Dream Big series, check out the 20 day video series here: https://truthtotable.com/i-dream-big/

  • 246. I Dream Big Series: Part 3

    10/02/2023 Duración: 17min

    Welcome back! We're in a series called I Dream Big, and today we’re going to talk about how the dream is also connected to your gifts and talents. Once you know what your gifts are, and the talents God gave you, it’s time for serious stewardship. Maybe you’ve heard the story in the Bible about the three men who were gifted talents. In this story, it wasn’t about being given the most talents, it was about what each man did with what they had. The men who walked away with more at the end were the men who didn’t bury their talents. If you’re always waiting for the perfect time to be who God dreams you to be, you’ll never step out. Part of partnering with God is doing your part well and leaving God’s part to God. Everything you do is training. If you want more from this I Dream Big series, check out the 20 day video series here: https://truthtotable.com/i-dream-big/ Have a great week and thanks so much for tuning in today! Make sure to share this podcast with your friends. Learn more and connect with Havilah:

  • 245. I Dream Big Series: Part 2

    01/02/2023 Duración: 15min

    Today, we’re going to look at another way God reveals His dreams for us that is often overlooked: through pain. God's glory will be revealed in your story of pain and triumph. It’s at the moment you believe God will use everything for those called according to His will that you will find deep abiding peace. It’s important you roadmap your freedom. You need to take the time to understand your process and the road marks you’ve come to along the way. You will need them to help others. "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. -Jeremiah 29:11 Send this episode to all your friends because we know we all walk through pain at some time in our lives and it's what we do with that pain that really matters! Have a great week and thanks so much for tuning in today! Make sure to share this podcast with your friends. Learn more and connect with Havilah: + http://havilahcunnington.com + http://truthtotable.com + http://thetru

  • 244. I Dream Big Series: Part 1

    27/01/2023 Duración: 14min

    In January we had our annual global bible study, and this year I launched the I Dream Big bible study, which is a 20 day long bible study. For the next five weeks I'm going to share some of this study with you and I hope to inspire you to dream big dreams with God.  Today, we’re jumping in and talking about how God initiates relationship with us. When we encounter Him, we are never the same. Your encounters are an example of the power of God showing up in your life. Have a great week and thanks so much for tuning in today! Make sure to share this podcast with your friends. Learn more and connect with Havilah: + http://havilahcunnington.com + http://truthtotable.com + http://thetruthacademy.com --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/havilah-cunnington/support

  • 243. Let's Talk About Advent: Week 4

    23/12/2022 Duración: 15min

    Today is the final day of our Advent series. This week is all about love, but we will quickly do a review to remember what we covered in the last 3 weeks. The wreath represents God's everlasting love for us, and his continual love for us. The candles each represent 1,000 years of waiting and anticipation. Advent is about waiting for Jesus to come and do what He said He would do. And we celebrate that but we also wait for the second coming of Christ. The first candle represents hope, the second candle represents peace, the third candle represents joy, and today we are talking about the last candle that is LOVE. Today we are going to talk about the love of christmas, the gospel. God loved the world, He gave us His son, for no one need to be destroyed. We must remember that Christmas was not just about the coming of the son, but we must remember that there was a father that sent him for us, and the son was going to pay a big price but it was always for love.If you missed an episode go back and binge on it all!

  • 242. Let's Talk About Advent: Week 3

    21/12/2022 Duración: 17min

    As we continue this series about Advent, this episode we talk about the encouragement of Him coming. We see in Luke 3 that everyone was in expectation of the messiah to come. John let's them know that there will be a Messiah coming soon. The goal of advent is to have a deeper realization of Christmas. So that we can connect with God in a profound way instead of missing him in the busyness. This season can be a season full, busy, stressful and full of anxiety, but remember that this season is about remembering that Jesus was coming, and that He came, and is still with us! Do you know what time it is? Our annual TTT Bible study that is LIVE NOW! Every year, we take 20,000-25,000 people through our free annual Bible study as our gift to you. In this 20-day study, Bible teacher Havilah Cunnington will come alongside you, build you up, and show you the pathway for chasing dreams with God. You'll dig deep into the story of Abraham, a man just like us who was on the road to his promise. Join us today & grab a boo

  • 241. Let's Talk About Advent: Week 2

    09/12/2022 Duración: 16min

    In the busyness of this season, are we making room for Him? When Mary and Joseph knocked on the inn keeper's door, and he said he didn't have room for them, I wonder if he knew who they were if he would make room for them? Maybe give up his own room. In this busy season, how are you ready for God to use you? How have you been aware of Him, for when He calls you, or for when He speaks, would you hear Him? The goal is not about where you will be used, it’s about being ready for service. This whole month, join us as we talk about Advent, what it's about and how we can implement it to our Christmas celebrations. If you missed an episode go back and binge on it all! Do you know what time it is? Our annual TTT Bible study that is LIVE NOW! Every year, we take 20,000-25,000 people through our free annual Bible study as our gift to you. In this 20-day study, Bible teacher Havilah Cunnington will come alongside you, build you up, and show you the pathway for chasing dreams with God. You'll dig deep into the story

  • 240. Let's Talk About Advent: Week 1

    03/12/2022 Duración: 19min

    In December we are focusing on sloooooowing down and savoring all the season holds. In this 4-part series, I speak and teach on Advent. Advent is the joyful waiting and anticipation for what’s about to happen. It’s not a quiet, formal gathering. It’s the believers of Jesus Christ waiting with joyful hearts in expectation of Him finally arriving. We have to understand that Christmas represents God fulfilling his promise throughout the generations. That he came but that he is also coming again. Do you know what time it is? Our annual TTT Bible study that is LIVE NOW! Every year, we take 20,000-25,000 people through our free annual Bible study as our gift to you. In this 20-day study, Bible teacher Havilah Cunnington will come alongside you, build you up, and show you the pathway for chasing dreams with God. You'll dig deep into the story of Abraham, a man just like us who was on the road to his promise. Join us today at https://truthtotable.com/i-dream-big/ Have a great week and thanks so much for tuning in

  • 239: Living with Intention Part 4

    23/11/2022 Duración: 17min

    The past few weeks we have been going through the topic of living with intention. If you missed any, you can  go back and listen to them! Also, here’s a little recap: The first week we talked about setting intention and what it looks like. Week two we covered understanding and setting our filters, and last week we talked about understanding our assumptions and identifying them. Today, we are talking about setting your day up for intention, and how to set your day the night before. I love the quote “you are what you repeatedly do, excellence is not an act it’s a habit.” Every successful person has a habit or a routine they live in, so daily intentions and starting habits will help us be successful! Do you know what time it is? Our annual TTT Bible study that is being announced in just a few days! Every year, we take 20,000-25,000 people through our free annual Bible study as our gift to you. Make sure you’re following us on Instagram to find out this year’s study. Also happening right NOW: Everything in o

  • 238: Living with Intention Part 3

    16/11/2022 Duración: 23min

    I need to tell you some exciting news! I have been working on a project for the last few months and it's finally ready! We have just launched something brand new. Have you ever wanted to write a book? This is not another course. This is called Havilah's Author School and it's a 4 month LIVE interactive mentorship to guide you step-by-step to get your first draft written and in your hands. Your story is worth sharing! There's only 200 spots and they are filling up fast! Apply today!  https://havilahsauthorschool.com/ In this episode, we continue our talk on living with intention and today's specific topic is assumptions. Being aware of our assumptions can change our lives, and it will literally change your day! If I start my day off by assuming negative things For example, "Today will be a hard day because there's a lot to do," or "my husband is going to feel disconnected today," then throughout our day our brain will pick up confirmations to what we were assuming. We all have assumptions. Even if there are

  • 237: Living with Intention Part 2

    09/11/2022 Duración: 21min

    I need to tell you some exciting news! I have been working on a project for the last few months and it's finally ready! We have just launched something brand new. Have you ever wanted to write a book? This is not another course. This is called Havilah's Author School and it's a 4 month LIVE interactive mentorship to guide you step-by-step to get your first draft written and in your hands. Your story is worth sharing! There's only 200 spots and they will fill up fast! Apply today!  https://havilahsauthorschool.com/ Today we continue our talk on living with intention. I love practical teachings, and today it's all about practicals. I want you to stop and ask yourself some questions about how you are living your life.  Questions like: What's your aim? Your goal? What does success look like for you?  The truth is if we don't know what our aim is then we may miss the target because we haven't been living with intention to get there. So join me in this week's episode as I walk you through some questions and th

  • 236: Living with Intention Part 1

    03/11/2022 Duración: 25min

    I need to tell you some exciting news! I have been working on a project for the last few months and it's finally ready! We have just launched something brand new. Have you ever wanted to write a book? This is not another course. This is called Havilah's Author School and it's a 4 month LIVE interactive mentorship to guide you step-by-step to get your first draft written and in your hands. Your story is worth sharing! There's only 200 spots and they will fill up fast! Apply today!  https://havilahsauthorschool.com/ Today, we will begin to talk about living with intention. Join me for the next few weeks as we talk about what it looks like to live with intention practically and how you can set your eyes on something and live it out. Intention gives us the opportunity to not just get through our days, but live out our days. It helps us to see where we want to go, make decisions and set goals, and develop relationships that propel us into that direction. I hope you enjoy this week's episode and join me for the f

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