Her Life Unscripted | Inspiration | Motivation | Women And Moms | Support And Encouragement | Anna Osborn |



Her Life Unscripted is the podcast for burnt out, stressed out and stretched thin women looking for inspiration as they embrace the unscriptedness of life. Your host, Anna Osborn, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, is a wife, momma of toddler twins and business owner who specializes in relationships and building a collective voice for women. Anna Osborn, LMFT, interviews female entrepreneurs, working and stay at home moms and women whose work is dedicated to supporting and creating community for other women. Her Life Unscripted podcast is about support, love, encouragement and being brave, even when life gets hard.


  • 73: On the Journey: Day 2 - The Unwinding

    10/10/2017 Duración: 12min

    Welcome, everyone! I am coming to you remotely from the beautiful Laguna Beach where the Shine Retreat is underway. I want to take you on this new journey with me and share with you what I’m learning as I go. This is a bold new world for me, so I want to take the opportunity to keep you involved. Let’s celebrate the journey and not the final goal! Her Life Unscripted Facebook Page, give it a LIKE! https://www.facebook.com/herlifeunscripted/ Want the full show notes? Get 'em here!

  • 72: On the Journey Day 1: The Eve

    03/10/2017 Duración: 16min

    It is such a joy to be back with you after a month’s hiatus. This month, I’m going to dare to do something a little different—my vision is to take you through the Shine Retreat by recording my thoughts during the retreat. Think of it as an “audio journal” of my journey through a new and exciting challenge. I am excited to have you guys on this journey with me. Her Life Unscripted Facebook Page, give it a LIKE! https://www.facebook.com/herlifeunscripted/ Links mentioned in the show: Simon Sinek Book: https://www.amazon.com/Start-Why-Leaders-Inspire-Everyone/dp/1591846447/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1506626626&sr=8-3&keywords=simon+sinek Ted Talk: https://www.ted.com/talks/simon_sinek_how_great_leaders_inspire_action Want the full show notes? Get 'em here!

  • 71: Choices and Transitions: Compare and Despair

    29/08/2017 Duración: 17min

    Hello, everyone! August has been a month full of Transition and Change. Oftentimes, we go through transitions with our eyes outward. It is so easy in these vulnerable seasons to tend to compare ourselves to others. The comparison is a dangerous beast, and it often leads to despair. So how can we combat that tendency to compare and despair? Her Life Unscripted Facebook Page, give it a LIKE! https://www.facebook.com/herlifeunscripted/ Links mentioned in the show: Shine Retreat for Women, Sept 29th-Oct 1st, 2017, www.ShineRetreatForWomen.com Want the full show notes? Get 'em here!

  • 70: Choices and Transitions: Showing up Broken

    22/08/2017 Duración: 16min

    Welcome to another week of the Her Life Unscripted podcast. We are a community of women doing amazing things to show up and change the world. This month has been all about transition and change for Ana, and this week was no exception! During times of rapid change, it is easy to feel beaten and broken down. How can we show up when we feel broken? From where can we draw our strength? Links mentioned in this episode: Her Life Unscripted Facebook Page, give it a LIKE! https://www.facebook.com/herlifeunscripted/ Links mentioned in the show: Shine Retreat for Women, Sept 29th-Oct 1st, 2017, www.ShineRetreatForWomen.com Diana Rudolph Shine Retreat for Women Sponsor doTerra Consultant: drudulph@apu.edu  Brene Brown: http://brenebrown.com/ Want the full show notes? Get 'em here!

  • 69: Choices and Transitions: From Stuck to Finding Stillness

    15/08/2017 Duración: 15min

    Welcome back, everyone! August is a month that brings forth change and transition, for better or for worse. Moms, in particular, know this feeling well, because August means back to school, back to routine, and back into the same patterns that might have left you feeling “stuck” in the past. Ana learned this week through life’s very unscripted moments that feeling “stuck” really sucks, but it doesn’t necessarily have to be a negative thing. Feeling out of control is just that, a feeling. The beauty of our emotions is that they inform us about our environment. Life has slowed you down and forced you to pause, so use that time! It is in those moments of stillness that we can begin to understand our feelings. Her Life Unscripted Facebook Page, give it a LIKE! https://www.facebook.com/herlifeunscripted/ Links mentioned in the show: Shine Retreat for Women, Sept 29th-Oct 1st, 2017, www.ShineRetreatForWomen.com   Lisa Branco Shine Retreat for Women Sponsor Stella and Dot Consultant lisambranco@gmail.com Want the fu

  • 68: Choice and Transitions: Letting it be Raw

    08/08/2017 Duración: 22min

    During this month of August, we are doing a series on choice, transition, and change. This topic is, as always, personally relevant to Anna and her current life situation. Most people tend to show up in the world in a way that is pulled together, with the right answer and a positive attitude, but Anna reminds you that this podcast is really about the exact opposite. It's about showing up just as you are, raw, unfiltered and unscripted. Listen in to find out more. Anna would love to say that she always shows up in a composed manner, however, the truth of it is that she can't. When she's in the throes of trying to figure something out, she has to show up being honest and transparent, because that's the whole point of this project. It is really all about coming together and owning the parts of yourself that are hurting and fragmented and being able to put words to that and to know that you're not alone.  When things happen to you, that are totally out of our control, you have to go through a period of putting wo

  • 67: Choice and Transitions: Do we have a choice?

    01/08/2017 Duración: 18min

    With the Shine Retreat fast approaching, and the promise of kiddos starting school in the fall, Anna realizes that seasons of transition and change are about to begin. It can be startling to know that life might be passing you by. Instead of facing change and transition, we tend to let it overcome and overwhelm us. When life seems to hand us more than we can manage, do we really have a choice to thrive? Anna’s conclusion? A resounding YES! We can make ourselves open to change and open to the lessons that life’s transitions can teach us. Is this change a positive one, or a negative one. Perhaps it’s all about how you let it define you. Let’s face it: you might be in a place right now you never wanted to be. Instead of feeling despair, be grateful to know that you have been presented with a choice to live wholeheartedly. Join Anna this week as she dives into a new month of embracing change and triumphing over transition! Her Life Unscripted Facebook Page, give it a LIKE! https://www.facebook.com/herlifeunscript

  • 66: Let Freedom Ring! Releasing Comparisons

    25/07/2017 Duración: 20min

    As we wrap up our session of Freedom, it is time to settle ourselves in for some Real Talk. This week, Anna tackles the very real weight of comparison that seems to sneak in unnoticed. Anna realized that we learn to compare. It’s not an innate reaction. Now is our chance to learn how to stop comparing, or at least lessen its sting. Links: Her Life Unscripted Facebook Page, give it a LIKE! Her Life Unscripted Shine Retreat for Women, Sept 29th-Oct 1st, 2017, www.ShineRetreatForWomen.com LIVE FEED LINK:  Women Who Shine To share your experience with Anna, go to www.herlifeunscripted.com, or go to her Facebook page. Want the full show notes? Get 'em here!

  • 65: Let Freedom Ring! Ditching Expectations

    18/07/2017 Duración: 21min

    In the spirit of the 4th of July, this month on Her Life Unscripted is all about Freedom. This week, Ana dives deep into what it means to be freed from expectations. Yes, those creeping, uninvited guests who wrinkle relationships and ruin plans. Life is full of unmet expectations, whether that’s for a dreamy office space, your idea of a perfect vacation, or even what you expect from a relationship. During this season of celebration, it is tempting to be let down when our expectations aren’t met. So how do we combat that? Links: Her Life Unscripted Facebook Page, give it a LIKE! Her Life Unscripted Shine Retreat for Women, Sept 29th-Oct 1st, 2017, www.ShineRetreatForWomen.com LIVE FEED LINK:  Women Who Shine To share your experience with Anna, go to www.herlifeunscripted.com, or go to her Facebook page. Want the full show notes? Get 'em here!

  • 64: Let Freedom Ring: The Quest for Balance

    11/07/2017 Duración: 22min

    How often have you planned something, only to have your plans thwarted by some unforeseen occurrence? Anna points out that we're constantly learning lessons and the universe is constantly showing us that we're really not in control. This can be a hard lesson for some people. It was really hard for Anna when she found out that she has to move her office from the place that she's been really happy and where she managed to create the kind of sanctuary that makes both her and her clients feel safe and held. Through this, she discovered, contrary to what she used to think, that she really does not enjoy the change in her life. Yet, change is inevitable. Anna finds it almost incredible to see how the topics that she chooses for each month really tend to align with what's going on in her life. So, still talking about freedom, in the month of July, Anna is finding freedom from the expectation that she's going to change. Listen in to find out what she has to say. Her Life Unscripted Facebook Page, give it a LIKE! Her

  • 63: Let Freedom Ring: Guilt and Shame

    04/07/2017 Duración: 31min

    Are you weighed down by either shame, guilt or possibly even both? Would you like overcome this and really get to the bottom of it and understand where these feelings come from in the first place? Then listen in, because of this month, inspired by Independence Day on the 4th of July, Anna will be talking about freedom! She has decided to focus on releasing yourself and achieving freedom from the things that are tying or weighing you down. Anna is really excited to dive in and talk about the yucky, gunky stuff of guilt and shame. Join her today, to find out more. Although Anna has already done a number of shows looking at what guilt and shame are, she would really like to look at these things from a different angle, today. She wants to look at what creates shame and how people get stuck in that place, to begin with. As Anna has shared with Brene Brown's work on previous shows, there is really so much about the shame that doesn't want to be spoken about and keeps people small and isolated. It also tends to give

  • 62: What I’ve Learned -Humility is a Great Teacher

    27/06/2017 Duración: 13min

    It is the last week of June, and everyone is ready to lean into the summer season. The celebration of the “Her Life Unscripted”  One Year Anniversary has not stopped, and Anna is ready to share her last Lesson Learned from a year of growth, change, and inspiration. Anna shares how the “Her Life Unscripted” journey has truly been humbling. Because of the support from you, the listeners, Anna can now see that this life has a certain set of universal struggles. When you reach out via email, Facebook, and other social media, it demonstrates that we are really not alone, and that thought is equal parts humbling and comforting. We All carry the same things in our hearts, and the power of podcasting is the ability to share those deep struggles. This year of podcasting let Anna see outside herself, and what a powerful teacher it is! Listen, learn in, and be a part of something BIG. Her Life Unscripted Facebook Page, give it a LIKE! Her Life Unscripted Shine Retreat for Women, Sept 29th-Oct 1st, 2017, www.ShineRetreat

  • 61: What I've Learned - Energy is Contagious

    20/06/2017 Duración: 16min

    It’s Birthday Month for the “Her Life Unscripted” Podcast! Each week, Anna is sharing some of the lessons and insights she has learned through a year of podcasting. In this episode, Anna celebrates the life-giving energy she gets from recording and publishing a podcast. Truly, there is nothing better than getting to share words straight from the heart and into your ears—Sounds dreamy! Surely, there’s no hard part to this lesson! However, like every good life lesson, Anna still had some work to do to overcome a major source of insecurity. Listen as Anna shares how her childhood experiences with a speech impediment have impacted her podcasting process. In true Unscripted fashion, there’s more to this story than meets the eye! So how can such a project give her energy even though it raises insecurity? Listen to find out!   Her Life Unscripted Facebook Page, give it a LIKE! Her Life Unscripted Shine Retreat for Women, Sept 29th-Oct 1st, 2017, www.ShineRetreatForWomen.com LIVE FEED LINK:  Women Who Shine Want the

  • 60: What I've Learned - Vulnerability is Hard

    13/06/2017 Duración: 16min

    It’s June! School is out (or nearly out) and the warmth and fun of summer are calling. The month of June is one for celebrating the 1 year Anniversary of the Podcast, and each week Anna will be sharing insights and lessons learned from a year of Podcasting. This journey has been a juxtaposition of fun and excitement and super hard work. Over time, it was easy to see that publishing a podcast could not be a one woman show. Anna needed to ask for help. But here’s the thing: vulnerability is hard. Podcasting may open the door to true vulnerability and connection, but stepping through it is another matter entirely. Listen as Anna shares stories about how she has grown through the hard bits of life, and how that has led to this podcast’s greatest gift: vulnerability is the strength!   Her Life Unscripted Facebook Page, give it a LIKE! Her Life Unscripted Shine Retreat for Women, Sept 29th-Oct 1st, 2017, www.ShineRetreatForWomen.com LIVE FEED LINK:  Women Who Shine Want the full show notes? Get 'em here!

  • 59: What I've Learned - There is so much Light in the World

    06/06/2017 Duración: 17min

    Would you welcome the opportunity to look back and reflect on what this year has been like for you? Well, this month Anna is offering you the chance to do that. This June marks the first anniversary of this Podcast, so her theme for the month is Lessons That I've Learned From A Year Of Podcasting. Anna's hope is that you too can use this mid-year point as a way to check in and take a look at how you've been doing. Listen in now, to hear more. June is quite a symbolic month for Anna, where she's always tended to have lots of really cool things happen in her life, so she's really excited to have this as the anniversary month for the Podcast. The Podcast was a project that started out as just a pure creativity outlet and now it's morphed into this amazing community and a really inspiring way to create a collective voice. Listen in to get the first titbit in the series of what Anna's learned, over this past year. Links: Shine Retreat For Women: www.shineretreatforwomen.com Anna asks you to go to her Facebook Page

  • 58: Breaking the Silence with special guest Ann Peck - EXPLICIT

    30/05/2017 Duración: 39min

    Did you know that you cannot create a soft landing for yourself if you're staying silent about something you really need to talk about? Today, Anna wraps up the series of A Soft Landing with an interview with Ann Peck, who looks at the topic of A Soft Landing in really a unique way. She looks at it from the perspective of releasing shame and solidifying your voice and that cannot be done if you're staying in silence. Listen in to find out more about Ann and the work that she does. Ann is the intelligent and articulate host of the podcast Straight Talk For A Curvy World. She's a Clinical Sexologist, a Sex and Intimacy Coach- but more than that, she's a survivor. She's also written a wonderful book, Smiling On The Outside, Secrets, Sex, Shame And The Search For Self Love. Listen in today, to find out how Ann learned to move forward and how she helps others to do the same. Links: www.AnnPeck.com Her Life Unscripted Facebook Page, give it a LIKE! https://www.facebook.com/herlifeunscripted/ Shine Retreat for Women

  • 57: Softening Within with special guest Kelly Sheets - EXPLICIT

    23/05/2017 Duración: 43min

    If you'd like to find out about how the way that you're affecting the results you get in your life, you're really going to enjoy today's show, with Kelly Sheets. About two years ago, when Anna started doing podcasts, she had some really amazing guests, however, she found that sound quality of the first few recordings was horrible, so she didn't put them out there. One of the people that she had interviewed was Kelly and when Anna reached out to her and explained what had happened, Kelly graciously offered to return to the show when Anna felt ready. So, Anna feels really honored to have Kelly back on the show today. She stresses the importance of looking at her topic for this month, Creating A Soft Landing, from all sides. She explains that a soft landing is a place that we go and it's also a place that we are. Listen in and find out how Kelly interprets a soft landing and how that connects with how she works with women on being, to get the results they want. Kelly is awesome and she has really great energy. S

  • 56: Creating a Soft Landing: Boundaries

    16/05/2017 Duración: 17min

    Do you truly understand what it means to have a boundary? Or do understand, but still, find that you have difficulty in maintaining your boundaries? If this is so for you, listen in today, as Anna dives further into her theme for this month, Creating A Soft Landing and find out more about creating and keeping your boundaries. Anna knows that it's quite an abstract theme, so she's finding it fun to dive in and really explore it in depth. Listen in as Anna takes you to the next level and looks at how and why you really need to create a soft landing with the idea of boundaries.     Links: Shine Retreat For Women: www.shineretreatforwomen.com   Anna asks you to go to her Facebook Page- Her Life Unscripted and give it a like, so that you can stay in touch with her. Her Life Unscripted Shine Retreat for Women, Sept 29th-Oct 1st, 2017, www.ShineRetreatForWomen.com LIVE FEED LINK:  Women Who Shine Want the full show notes? Get 'em here!

  • 55: Creating a Sanctuary with Remya Warrior

    09/05/2017 Duración: 37min

    Is your home your haven? Or would you really love to create a space for yourself to feel warm and safe within your home? Remya Warrior, today's guest, was introduced to Anna by a mutual friend. With this month's theme being Creating Soft Landings, Anna instantly wanted to have her on the show, to share her story, her work and her passion with you. Listen in today as Remya talks about giving yourself permission and creating a sanctuary for yourself within your home, as a soft landing space and as a way to feel safe. Remya, who holds a Master's Degree in Interior Design, grew up in India. Although coming to America was a huge change for her and it was quite a process for her to find herself, she found that this was where she really bloomed. For the last fifteen years, she's been helping busy, professional women create a home that embraces them and that they really love coming home to. Links mentioned in this show: Remya's website: www.rwarriordesigns.org Remya Warrior on Facebook Remya Warrior on Linkedin For q

  • 54: Creating a Soft Landing

    02/05/2017 Duración: 23min

    “May you rest in the space of “good enough.” You are good. You are enough.  You are sufficient in this moment, just as you are. You deserve goodness and kindness and hope and help.  This is my wish for you.” ~ Nanea Hoffman It’s a new month and a new theme! We are talking about Creating a Soft Landing. Now, I use this phrase all the time - in my life, in my practice, and on the show. So, I wanted to take the month to really expound on what that means and also to put some meaning to the phrase, so you can be conscious of it in your life. Links mentioned in this show: Sheryl Sandberg, Lean In: Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead Shine Retreat for Women, Sept 29th-Oct 1st, 2017, www.ShineRetreatForWomen.com LIVE FEED LINK:  Women Who Shine Want the full show notes? Get 'em here!

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