Father And Joe



Father and Joe is a podcast series of a continuing conversation about my struggles and successes of being close to God. Father Boniface provides spiritual direction through my problems of daily life. According to statistics, I share the common American's church habits. -We went to church when we were forced to but somewhere along the way, I drifted away. The ultimate goal of this podcast is to help us get back to church, regardless of what faith you hold, and create a stronger union with God.


  • Father and Joe E368: Navigating Judgment: Balancing Condemnation and Evaluation in a Faithful Life

    25/06/2024 Duración: 15min

    Welcome to another enlightening episode of Father and Joe! I'm Joe Rockey, joined by Father Boniface Hicks. In this episode, we delve into the complex topic of judgment—how it permeates our lives, both in social media and in personal interactions, and its role in our spiritual journey."To me, that's a big part of why I believe social media is negative. You're constantly judging each other, good, bad, or ugly," I express as we kick off the conversation. Social media amplifies our natural tendency to judge, often harshly, and this has deep implications on how we interact and perceive one another.Father Boniface offers profound insights, suggesting a distinction between judgment and condemnation. "Is the issue that I'm being judged, or is the issue that I'm being condemned? Those are two different things." This differentiation is crucial, as condemnation often carries a heavier, more negative connotation.We explore biblical references, with Jesus teaching, "Why a

  • Father and Joe E367: Exploring the Impact of Social Media on Society

    18/06/2024 Duración: 22min

    Welcome to another episode of "Father and Joe" with Joe Rockey and Father Boniface Hicks. In this thought-provoking discussion, we tackle a pressing question: "Is social media net more evil than beneficial?" Join us as we explore the complexities of social media and its impact on society, relationships, and personal well-being.Key Quotes from the Episode:"Social media is net more evil than it is beneficial. I get the benefits of it, but on the net, I believe that it's much more negative because of its incentivation package." - Joe Rockey"The call to hospitality, humility, kindness is all out the window. All of these platforms essentially reward extremism." - Joe Rockey"What does good and bad mean? How do you measure that? Maybe we should measure these things around the development of virtue and holiness." - Father Boniface Hicks"The medium is inherently problematic unless there are legal or social pressures to change the algorithms to protect the inn

  • Father and Joe E366: How to Create Opportunities for Goodness

    04/06/2024 Duración: 19min

    In this episode of "Father Joe," hosts Joe Rockey and Father Boniface Hicks dive deep into the concept of creating opportunities for goodness and how to follow God in our everyday lives. Reflecting on their previous discussions about Mary and the fourth commandment, they explore the profound idea of making intentional choices that lead us closer to God and enable us to do good in the world.Joe begins by addressing a common question: how can we create opportunities for others to choose goodness and follow God? He emphasizes the importance of making these opportunities explicit and actionable, even though we are not divine beings with the power of the archangel Gabriel. Joe points out, “I think there's a lot more people that will respond to, yes, I will, but they don't want to figure out how to create the opportunity. And the more I believe the opportunities being created are the catalyst to the effect.”Father Boniface responds by highlighting the importance of being in a prayerful state and

  • Father and Joe E365: Understanding the 4th Commandment: Honoring Your Parents as You Grow

    28/05/2024 Duración: 23min

    Welcome to another insightful episode of Father and Joe! I'm Joe Rockey, joined by Father Boniface Hicks, as we delve into the profound meaning of the 4th Commandment: "Honor your mother and father." In this special episode, we address a listener's question about what it means to honor your parents, especially when their guidance might seem flawed as you grow older.Father Boniface explains the virtue of piety, a subset of justice that acknowledges our inability to repay our parents for giving us life, just as we cannot repay God. "Our parents have always given us something that we can never repay them for," Father Boniface shares, emphasizing that this honor holds true even in difficult circumstances. He acknowledges the complexities of parental relationships, especially for those who have experienced abandonment or abuse, and offers a compassionate perspective on how to navigate these challenging situations while still adhering to the biblical commandment.Father Boniface highlig

  • Father and Joe E364:Understanding the Importance of Jesus' Resurrection and Ascension

    21/05/2024 Duración: 21min

    Welcome to another enlightening episode of Father & Joe! In this discussion, Joe Rockey and Father Boniface Hicks delve into a thought-provoking question about the significance of Jesus' resurrection compared to his ascension. Joe raises a compelling point about why the ascension is not as emphasized despite its importance. Father Boniface provides deep insights into the theological significance of both events, shedding light on their transformative nature and their implications for human life.As Father Boniface eloquently explains, Jesus' resurrection signifies a fundamental shift in human existence, transforming death into a new form of life permeated with divinity. He contrasts Jesus' resurrection with the resuscitation of Lazarus and the widow of Naim's son, highlighting the unique nature of Jesus' risen life. The ascension, Father Boniface emphasizes, is a consequence of the resurrection, representing Jesus' entry into divine glory and the fulfillment of his salvific mis

  • Father and Joe E363: Preparing Your Heart for Prayer

    14/05/2024 Duración: 17min

    Welcome back to another enlightening episode of Father and Joe! In this installment, Joe Rockey and Father Boniface dive deep into the topic of prayer preparation. Join them as they explore practical strategies to set your heart and mind in the right place for a fruitful prayer experience.Father Boniface shares insights from his latest book, "The Hidden Power of Silence in the Mass," revealing five key movements of silence that can enhance your prayer life. From cultivating interior space to anchoring yourself against distractions, they discuss various techniques to create a conducive environment for encountering God.Discover the importance of location, posture, and breathing techniques in fostering a prayerful state of mind. Father Boniface emphasizes the value of transitioning from the secular to the sacred, whether it's in the context of regular prayer or participation in the Mass.Throughout the conversation, Joe and Father Boniface draw parallels between prayer and relationships, highlighti

  • Father and Joe E362: Understanding Priorities: Unlocking the Essence of Knowing Jesus

    30/04/2024 Duración: 20min

    Welcome to another enlightening episode of Father and Joe! In this profound discussion, Joe Rockey and Father Boniface dive into the depths of understanding priorities through the lens of knowing Jesus. Reflecting on the scripture passage from 1 John, they unravel the complexities of truly knowing someone beyond surface acquaintance. Father Boniface sheds light on the nuances of human relationships and the divine relationship, drawing parallels between earthly dynamics and the divine communion within the Trinity.Joe and Father Boniface explore the intricacies of self-awareness, emphasizing the importance of discerning one's priorities in alignment with the ultimate goal of self-sacrificing love and communion. Through insightful analogies, they illustrate how priorities manifest in various aspects of life, from sports to spiritual growth. Together, they challenge listeners to embark on a journey of self-discovery and intentional living, striving to emulate the priorities exemplified by Jesus Christ.Join F

  • Father and Joe E361: Navigating Life's Crossroads: Wisdom, Courage, and Serenity

    23/04/2024 Duración: 14min

    Welcome to another enlightening episode of Father and Joe, where Joe Rockey and Father Boniface delve into the depths of life's complexities. In this profound discussion, they explore the timeless prayer of serenity and its three fundamental components: wisdom, courage, and serenity. Join them as they unravel the intricacies of discernment and self-awareness, offering valuable insights on how to navigate life's crossroads with faith and resilience. Discover the importance of developing meaningful relationships, embracing diversity of thought, and fostering spiritual growth. Tune in for an enriching conversation that transcends boundaries and empowers you to live with purpose and conviction.Tags:religion, spirituality, prayer of serenity, wisdom, courage, serenity, discernment, self-awareness, faith, resilience, life's crossroads, Father and Joe podcast, Catholicism, Christianity, personal growth, spiritual journey, introspection, philosophical discussion, Christian living, existential questions

  • Father and Joe E360: Teaching Children About Easter

    16/04/2024 Duración: 22min

    Description:Welcome to another insightful episode of Father and Joe, where Joe Rockey and Father Boniface Hicks dive into the intersection of faith, family, and everyday life. In this episode, Joe shares a heartwarming story about teaching his two-year-old son, Joey, about Easter through the visual representations at their local church during Holy Week. Join us as we explore the significance of these church traditions and the lessons they impart to both children and adults alike.Joe recounts his experience with Joey standing before a life-size statue of Jesus in the tomb, sparking a conversation about Jesus's wounds and the concept of resurrection. Father Boniface reflects on the innocence and capacity for spiritual understanding in young children, emphasizing the importance of nurturing their faith from a young age.Throughout the discussion, they touch upon the devotional practices of the Church during Holy Week, including the procession with the dead Christ on Good Friday and the reading of the reproac

  • Father and Joe E359: Exploring the Depths of Faith: Navigating Life's Uncertainties with Father Boniface Hicks and Joe Rockey

    09/04/2024 Duración: 20min

    Welcome back to another profound episode of Father and Joe, where Joe Rockey and Father Boniface Hicks engage in a thought-provoking conversation about faith, trust, and the mysteries of life. In this episode, Joe shares his deep-seated fears about mortality and the desire for a preview of what lies beyond, likening it to the anticipation of trying out a new flavor of ice cream or watching a movie trailer. Together, they ponder the age-old question: What happens to our souls after death?Father Boniface offers insightful reflections, acknowledging the innate human desire to control the future and alleviate anxiety. He explores the intersection of trust and divine providence, emphasizing the importance of faith in overcoming the fear of the unknown. Drawing from spiritual wisdom and personal anecdotes, Father Boniface sheds light on the deeper meaning behind life's uncertainties and the transformative power of faith.As they delve deeper into the discussion, Joe and Father Boniface contemplate the challenge

  • Father and Joe E358:Facing Fear and Finding Faith: Navigating Thoughts on Mortality

    02/04/2024 Duración: 20min

    Join Joe Rockey and Father Boniface Hicks in this deeply introspective and enlightening episode of Father and Joe as they delve into the complex emotions surrounding mortality and faith. In a candid and heartfelt conversation, Joe opens up about his recent contemplations on death, sharing his fears and uncertainties as he navigates this existential topic. Father Boniface offers profound insights rooted in spiritual wisdom, drawing from the Rule of St. Benedict and his own experiences as a monk. Together, they explore the intersection of fear, trust, and faith, discussing how to embrace gratitude, live fully in the present moment, and entrust our lives to divine providence.Whether you're grappling with similar thoughts or seeking spiritual guidance, this conversation offers valuable perspectives and practical wisdom to help you navigate life's uncertainties with faith and courage. From the ancient teachings of Catholicism to the universal truths of human experience, Father and Joe provide a rich tape

  • Father and Joe E357: Understanding Stress through the Lens of Faith: Insights from the Gospels

    26/03/2024 Duración: 17min

    Welcome to another enlightening episode of Father and Joe Podcast, where Joe Rockey and Father Boniface Hicks delve into the depths of faith and offer profound insights into the challenges of modern life. In this episode, they explore the theme of stress through the lens of the Gospels, shedding light on the experiences of Jesus and the early apostles as examples for coping with stress in our own lives.Joe and Father Boniface discuss how certain passages in the Gospels depict Jesus experiencing stress, despite not explicitly stating it. They reflect on Jesus' moments of solitude and prayer, highlighting the importance of surrendering our burdens to God and seeking His guidance in times of distress.Father Boniface shares his insights from Rome, drawing parallels between the stresses faced by early Christians and those encountered in contemporary society. He emphasizes the significance of maintaining faith amidst adversity and finding solace in the teachings of Jesus Christ.Throughout the conversation, Joe

  • Father and Joe E356: Transforming Your Life Through Openness to Change

    19/03/2024 Duración: 21min

    Welcome to another enlightening episode of Father and Joe, where Joe Rockey and Father Boniface Hicks delve into the profound topic of openness to change. In this thought-provoking discussion, they explore the significance of questioning ingrained habits and being receptive to transformation. Join them as they examine the role of habits in leading virtuous lives and the necessity of adapting to evolving circumstances. Through anecdotes, insights, and practical advice, they guide listeners on a journey towards greater self-awareness and spiritual growth. Tune in to discover how embracing change can lead to a more fulfilling life filled with love and joy.religion, spirituality, openness to change, transformation, habits, virtue, self-awareness, spiritual growth, Father and Joe, Father Boniface Hicks, Joe Rockey, Catholicism, Christian podcast, personal development, self-improvement, mindfulness, faith, relationship with God, love, joy, holiness, gospel, prayer life, saints, Pope Francis, gospel teachings, feedb

  • Father and Joe E355:Enhancing Self-Awareness: A Key to Deepening Relationships

    12/03/2024 Duración: 17min

    Welcome to another enlightening episode of Father and Joe, where Joe Rockey and Father Boniface Hicks engage in thought-provoking conversations. In this episode, they delve into the significance of self-awareness in fostering meaningful relationships. Reflecting on their own experiences and growth, they explore how self-awareness impacts communication, behavior, and relational dynamics. From questioning automatic behaviors to seeking feedback from others, they offer valuable insights into the journey of self-discovery and personal growth.Join Father and Joe as they discuss the importance of self-awareness in navigating life's complexities and enhancing interpersonal connections. Gain practical tips and insights to cultivate self-awareness and deepen your understanding of yourself and others. Whether you're navigating relationships, communication challenges, or seeking personal growth, this episode offers valuable wisdom and guidance.Self-awareness, Relationships, Personal growth, Communication, Fath

  • Father and Joe E354: Exploring the Intersection of AI and Faith: Can Technology Enhance Spirituality?

    05/03/2024 Duración: 20min

    Welcome to another enlightening episode of Father and Joe! Join Joe Rockey and Father Boniface Hicks as they delve into the intriguing intersection of technology and spirituality. In this thought-provoking discussion, Joe and Father Boniface explore the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in our lives and its potential impact on our faith and relationships.Drawing from their own experiences and insights, Joe and Father Boniface examine how AI functions as both a tool and a reflection of human creativity. They ponder the question of whether AI can enhance our understanding of God's presence in the world or if it merely serves as a replacement for genuine human connection. Through engaging dialogue, they navigate the complexities of modern technology and its implications for religious individuals seeking deeper meaning in their lives.Father Boniface offers valuable perspectives on the ethical considerations surrounding AI and emphasizes the importance of using technology to facilitate relationships rather

  • Father and Joe E331: Finding Faith in Unconventional Places: Casino Sales Master - Building Relationships for a Better Life

    27/02/2024 Duración: 25min

    Welcome to another thought-provoking episode of Father and Joe. In this installment, Joe Rockey sits down with Father Boniface to discuss an unexpected journey from casino floors to sales mastery, all while exploring the intersections of faith and gambling. Joe's new book, "Casino Sales Master: Winning Strategies to Beat the Odds in Sales and Life," may raise some eyebrows at first glance, but its essence lies in the power of building meaningful relationships.This captivating conversation touches upon the moral aspects of gambling, as outlined in the Catechism (paragraph 2413), and how it only becomes unacceptable when it harms others or becomes an addiction. They delve deep into the concept of mutual self-gift and how it relates to sales, emphasizing that sales are about collaboration, not exploitation.Joe shares his transition from the casino environment to the world of sales, where he learned that true success comes from connecting with customers and meeting their needs. The book takes reade

  • Father and Joe E353: Exploring the Promises of Christ: Unpacking Spiritual Progress and Overcoming

    20/02/2024 Duración: 19min

    Welcome to another enlightening episode of Father and Joe, where Joe Rocky and Father Boniface Hicks dive deep into the realms of spirituality, faith, and personal development. In this episode, they embark on a profound exploration of the promises of Christ, delving into the nuances of spiritual progress and overcoming barriers in one's relationship with God.Joe and Father Boniface reflect on the significance of phrases like "may we be made worthy of the promises of Christ," pondering the complexities of what it means to be deserving of these promises. They navigate the tension between God's constant forgiveness and the need for personal accountability, offering insights into building a healthy spiritual foundation rooted in the fruits of the Spirit.Drawing parallels between physical and spiritual health, they discuss the importance of perseverance and the transformative power of not giving up on one's journey towards holiness. They emphasize the profound difference between despair in

  • Father and Joe E352: Unlocking the Fruits of the Spirit: A Guide to Spiritual Growth

    13/02/2024 Duración: 21min

    Welcome to another enlightening episode of Father and Joe Podcast, where spirituality meets personal growth and faith intersects with daily living. Join Father Boniface Hicks and Joe Rocky as they delve into the profound topic of unlocking the fruits of the Spirit and navigating the journey of spiritual growth.In this insightful discussion, Father Boniface and Joe explore the profound teachings of judging a tree by its fruits, drawing wisdom from the Gospel and reflecting on the importance of cultivating virtues in our lives. From love and joy to peace and patience, each fruit of the Spirit offers a pathway to deeper spiritual fulfillment and meaningful living.As Joe shares his personal reflections on integrating these virtues into his day-to-day life, listeners are invited to examine their own actions and contemplate ways to strengthen their relationship with God. Through gentle guidance and practical insights, Father Boniface and Joe offer a roadmap for embracing spiritual growth and nurturing the fruits of

  • Father and Joe E351: Exploring the Untold Chaos of Holy Thursday

    06/02/2024 Duración: 19min

    Welcome to another thought-provoking episode of Father and Joe! In this installment, Joe Rocky and Father Boniface Hicks dive deep into the chaos of Holy Thursday, exploring the untold details often overlooked. From the unexpected reactions of the apostles to the perplexing account of a young man in the garden, this episode unveils the raw, messy reality of the events leading to the crucifixion.As Joe reflects on the disciples' varied responses—Peter's initial fight and subsequent retreat, John's temporary departure, and the scattering of the others—we're invited to ponder our own reactions in challenging moments. The chaos and disorder reveal the human side of these historical events, challenging conventional portrayals often found in media.Father Boniface sheds light on the intentional use of words in the Gospel, emphasizing the significance of the young man in the garden and his later appearance at the resurrection. The parallels drawn to Adam and Eve's nakedness in the garden add

  • Father and Joe E350: Unlocking the Mystery of Jesus' Cry: My God Why Have You Abandoned Me?

    30/01/2024 Duración: 21min

    Join us for another thought-provoking episode of Father and Joe as Joe Rockey and Father Boniface Hicks delve into a profound exploration of a pivotal moment in Jesus' life. In this episode, they focus on the moment when Jesus utters the poignant prayer, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" while on the cross.Joe shares a transformative insight into this passage, challenging conventional interpretations and offering a fresh perspective. Rather than viewing it as an expression of personal distress, Joe suggests that Jesus might have been using this moment as a teaching tool for those around him, including his mother and disciples. This revelation sparks a conversation about the depth of Jesus' understanding of human suffering and his role as a teacher even in the midst of his own agony.Father Boniface provides rich theological insights, exploring various interpretations of this crucial moment. He touches on the idea that Jesus, in his humanity, was entering into our experience of for

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